Bug Fables Cheat Codes

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Bug Fables Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Bug Fables Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Discovery List:
Written by Zylth

Find all 50 discoveries!

001 - Snakemouth Den
002 - Snakemouth Depths
003 - Explorer's Message
004 - The Roaches' Village?
005 - Inn Foremothers
006 - The Settler Statue
007 - The Ants
008 - The Bees
009 - The Termites
010 - The Wasps
011 - Queen Elizant I
012 - The Anthill Palace
013 - Aphids and Chochinaels
014 - The Golden Festival
015 - The Goddess' Statue
016 - Honored Employee
017 - Sand Castle Mural
018 - Snakemouth's Lab
019 - Healing Sophie - In snakemouth den before the first open doors.
Fly to the top left of the room.
020 - Seedling Haven
021 - Underground Tavern
022 - The Ant Mines
023 - Chomper Cavern
024 - The Power Plant
025 - The Bee Kingdom
026 - Balcony Telescope
027 - B.O.S.S.
028 - Defiant Root
029 - Relic Museum
030 - The Lost Sands
031 - Tardigrade Idol
032 - Bandit Hideout
033 - Stream Mountain
034 - Far Grasslands
035 - Fishing Village - In the Wild Grasslands, strive to go South East.
036 - Wizard's Tower - Go south from the Wild Grassland tunnel.
037 - Wild Swamplands
038 - Wasp Kingdom
039 - Forsaken Lands
040 - Ancient City - While exploring the fog, in the room with 2 springs -
one north and one west, go west.
041 - Termite Kingdom - In the fog, in the area directly before the termite kingdom
climb the hill.
042 - Termite Statue
043 - Termite Colosseum - Go to the roof of the bomb shop and overlook the colosseum.
044 - Termacade
045 - Sailor's Statue
046 - Metal Island
047 - Spy Cards
048 - Peacock Island
049 - Rubber Prison
050 - Giant's Lair

Note: I avoided descriptions for ones I feel would be found through standard playthrough.

View: 2144 times
Updated: 2021.12.06

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