Name of the file: Starcom: Nexus Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. To bring up the developer console, press ~ and “l” at the same time. (Thats a lower case L). Respec() Remove all researchable tech from player and return RP. Useful for trying out different research builds with the same level of tech. SetDifficulty(x) Change the difficulty of a game already in progress where x is a number > 0. The default is 1 and the named difficulties at start are powers of 2: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, etc… Give(commodity, amount) Give the player an amount of a commodity. E.g., Give(“GOLD”,50) Take(commodity, amount) The reverse of that. ListCommodities() List possible commodities along with their enum code -=Essentially you want=- Give(“RESEARCH_POINTS”,20000) [[Might be RESEARCH or RESEARCH POINTS]] Give(“GOLD”,20000) Give(“all other resource names”,20000) Basic Trade Guide: ------------------ Written by EyeSeeEm This guide contains some simple trading rules, that will keep gaining resources. -=Introduction=- You can keep using the trade cycle described in the first part, to simply increase your trading capital of reserve currencies directly. You can use the second part trades to gain secondary resources, that can be traded back to reserve currencies of another race. -=Direct Trade in Reserve Currencies (Basics)=- Keep making the following trades, to come away with huge gains in each race's reserve currency: Citadel - Buy Platinum and Gold. Vanderi - Buy Platinum and Gold. Ulooquo - Buy Titanium and Cobalt. Saurid - Buy Cobalt. -=Secondary Trades (More Cash Cows)=- Make the following additional trades in secondary resources, to end up earning even more reserve currency of the Vanderi and Ulooquo. Citadel - Buy Chiralite. Vanderi - Sell Chiralite. Ulooquo - Buy Chiralite, Sell Yttrium. Saurid - Buy Yttrium. |
View: 2186 times |
Updated: 2021.12.26 |
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