Name of the file: Myth of Empires Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Admin Commands Guide: --------------------- Written by Bloodworth -=Basic Admin Commands=- To access the console panel press the tilde key (The key above TAB) if it does not work for you, be sure to set your keyboard type to ENG – US on your windows taskbar on the bottom right of your desktop screen. -=General Commands=- [Credit to IceWarden and tehGOOSE for finding these.] Cheat Fly – Allows Flying as admin Cheat Walk – Disable flying and ghost Cheat Say – Works but doesnt display anything in-game only logs Cheat SaveWorld – Saves the Server Cheat Ghost – Removes collisions from the character Cheat GetPlayers – Works but doesnt display output Cheat God – Enables/Disables God Mode -=Server Setting=- Cheat SetServerLevel [level] This will set the “maximum” level of your server, players that level above this will get XP penalty while the ones bellow it will not. Time and Weather Cheat setTime [time] It will change the server time to the desired time, use 24h format. (Ex.: for 9 am , use the command Cheat setTime 09:00) Cheat setTimeSpeed [speed] It will change the speed at which time passes, numbers lower then 1 will slow it down. Cheat setWeather [Weather Number] It will change the weather to the corresponding selection. 0=sunny; 1=cloudy; 2=fog; 3=dense fog; 4=cloudy; 5=drizzle; 6=heavy rain; 7= thundershower; 8=light snow; 9= heavy snow; 10= blizzard; 11= miasma; 12= miasma outbreak; 13= heat wave; 14= sandstorm; 15= thunderstorm Thank you sailingsuzye. -=Spawning Animals=- Cheat SpawnNPCByIndex [Animal ID] [Distance] [Level] [amount] This will spawn an animal in front of you the IDs seem to range from 1 to 26. (Ex.: Cheat SpawnNPCByIndex 13 100 1 10 will spawn 10 level 1 crocodiles 100 centimeters away from you) Cheat KillAllSpawnedNPC This will kill all the spawned animals in case you made a mess. -=Animal IDs (WIP)=- 1 – Wolf 2 – Bear 1 3 – Deer 1 4 – Deer 2 5 – Rabbit 6 – Deer 3 7 – Deer 4 8 – Fawn 9 – Tiger 10 – Rhino 11 – Boar 12 – Alpha Bear 13 – Crocodile 14 – none 15 – Panther 16 – Bear 2 17 – Bear 3 18 – Boar 2 19 – Deer 5 20 – Deer 6 -=Spawning Items=- Cheat additem [ID] [Amount] [Quality] This will spawn the desired item into your inventory. (Ex.: cheat additem 347 1 1, will spawn a Wodden Armour of quality 1) -=Admin QoL=- Cheat DestroyTarget Destroys the target under your crosshair. Cheat StunTarget Stuns the current target, if it is a tameable NPC you will be able to carry it for capture. -=Notes and Tips=- Extra tip that works even for non-admins, you can adjust your fov with the code bellow. fov [amount] Sets the field of view angle for the camera, this will reset every time you launch the game. |
View: 2772 times |
Updated: 2021.12.29 |
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