STATIONflow Cheat Codes

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STATIONflow Cheat Codes
Name of the file: STATIONflow Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Build Subway Station in Game:
Written by TigerXtrm

Basic strategies to build an efficient subway station.

-=Sight range=-
Everyone visiting your station has effectively unlimited viewing
distance, but only in a straight line (people can’t see around
corners, obviously). Signs serve little to no purpose in the middle
of a long hallway unless it’s a junction or corner, and can only
cause more problems for you and your visitors.

-=Keep signs to a minimum=-
Stairs, escalators, elevators, exits/entrances and subway lines all
come with built in signs. Once people see them, they will follow
its directions (up/down) just as they would a normal sign. Once they
see their exit or subway platform they no longer need signs to get
there. Consider line of sight and determine if a sign is really
needed there.

-=Accurate signs=-
People look for a specific exit when they want to leave your station,
and will follow ANY signs with the right letter. Only use the ‘all
exits’ signs for broad directions across the station, and start using
specific exit name signs closer to the exits.

-=Item placement=-
The items that fulfill people’s needs are best placed along choke
points or plazas where many routes come together. Like exits and
subway lines, once people see something they need, they will go for
it and use it. Placing items and buildings on paths between a subway
line and exits means that signing for food, drinks, tickets or ATMs
is almost never needed. Reserve signage for entrances, exits and
platform directions to keep yourself sane.

-=Information boards=-
Tourists need information before they can determine where they even
want to go. Always place information boards directly on the
platforms, and around any entrance/exits or choke points leading
to them. If you get a lot of tourists who have spent too long in
the station, it means they were probably looking for an information
sign for too long.

-=Accessible stations=-
Whenever people need to change level, always provide them with
stairs, escalators and an elevator. Most people can and will use
the stairs. Escalators are needed for the elderly, but are slower
at moving large numbers of people. Elevators are needed for the
disabled, and can be a quick way to get people up or down several
levels, but they can only have two stops (top and bottom). Keeping
elevators close to stairs and escalators makes signage easier, but
elevators around corners or away from the regular route need their
own dedicated signs, indicating this is the route for disabled
travelers, specifically.

-=Keep it simple, stupid=-
The higher level your station, the more exits and platforms you
will have to deal with. As the signage god, you will determine the
route people take to their destination, so whenever possible, do
NOT give them choices. Figure out what the most straight forward
route is between two points and force people to use that route.
Avoid through traffic on platforms if at all possible.

-=Closed for renovations=-
As your station gets bigger, removing or rebuilding certain hallways
or areas can be sensible to create more direct routes between new
exits and old platforms (or vice versa). Since building stuff takes
time, make sure to close any affected exits and platforms so customer
satisfaction doesn’t drop.

View: 1498 times
Updated: 2021.12.30

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