SpeedRunners Cheat Codes

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SpeedRunners Cheat Codes
Name of the file: SpeedRunners Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Play as Goat from Goat Simulator:
When you are selecting your character type '/goat' (without the quotes) into
the chat window to play as the goat from Goat Simulator. Only one player can
play as the goat.

Become a Gang Beast:
You can become a gang beast my typing /gangbeast in the superchat. You can
choose up to 4 colors: Red, Blue, Yellow and Green.

Become a potato:
To be a potato type /sallad in chat.

Become Octodad:
To be Octodad type /octodad in chat.

Become the QWOP:
To be the guy from QWOP type /qwop in chat.

Payday characters:
To be Dallas type /dallas in chat To be Hoxton type /hoxton in chat To be Wolf
type /wolf in chat To be a Cloaker type /cloaker in chat.

Type one of the following cheat codes into the chat when you are selecting your

Character Code
GangBeast /gangbeast
Potato /sallad
Octodad /octodad
Qwop /qwop
Payday Cloaker /cloaker
Payday Dallas /dallas
Payday Hoxton /hoxton
Payday Wolf /wolf

View: 1577 times
Updated: 2022.01.01

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