X-Men Origins - Wolverine Cheat Codes

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X-Men Origins - Wolverine Cheat Codes
Name of the file: X-Men Origins - Wolverine Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Navigate to Documents\Wolverine\WGame\Config and open "WGame.ini" in a text editor.
Find the lines below and change "False" to "True" to turn on the desired cheat:

mCheatTalentsMax=False - Max out your talents
mCheatTalentNoLevel=False - Talent No Level
mCombatHeroUndying=False - Infinite Life
mCombatHeroIsGod=False - God Mode

Lost, WoW and Portal Secret Areas and Achievements:
Submitted by: RM

Outside the Akali Lake Weapon X facility (the "snow level") you'll follow a narrow
path. Look for a log leading up to a cave. Inside you'll find a sword and with a
peculiar inscription. You will unlock the "WoW!" Achievement by finding this hidden

In the first level, just after you crash the Jeep, you'll have to climb some rocks
and fight off a wave of baddies. Look for a boarded doorway. Slice and dice the
boards and follow the passage to a hidden area with a hatch which may be familiar
to Lost fans. This unlocks the "Found!" Achievement. Wonder what Desmond's up to
down there?

In the Sentinel Factory you'll have to lower your body temperature to avoid a heat
sensor. When you have to move the teleporter, move it to the far right. It will
reveal a secret room through the wall. And there will be cake. Celebrate your triumph
with "The Cake" Achievement.

Unlockable: Hard Mode:
Beat the game once to unlock Hard difficulty.

Unlockable: Costumes:
Collect all three figurines in each level to unlock additional costumes. You'll have
to fight a version of Wolvie in the costume (in a bonus level) before it becomes
available to select at the beginning of a level.

Classic (Yellow / Blue)
Legendary (Brown / Yellow)
X-Force (Brown / Yellow)

Unlockable: 3-D Mode:
Beat the game on Hard to unlock old-school 3D mode.
(you'll need some red/blue glasses *free with Rad Racer!).

Where To Find The Mysterious Hatch:
On the first level, where wolverine is in Africa, you can find the mysterious
hatch. Fight your way through the level, until you get an objective called
gatecrasher. You have to destroy some big wooden gates with a jeep. Once you've
crashed the jeep through the gates, and killed all the enemies, look directly
to the left of the big wooden gate. There is a door with some planks of wood
across it. Cut them down, walk through and there is the mysterious hatch!

Wolverine's classic yellow and blue costume:
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. Press A, X, B, X, A, Y, A, Y, A, X, B(2), X,
click the Right Analog-stick during game play while Wolverine is on screen
and controllable. Then, exit to the main menu and switch costumes.

Faster Enemy Reflex:
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. Press A, A, X, X, Y, Y, B, B, Y, Y, X, X, A, A,
click Right Analog-stick during game play. You will gain double reflex with
every kill.

Unlimited Rage:
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. Press Y, X, X, Y, B, B, Y, A, A, Y, click Right
Analog-stick during game play.

Insert an Xbox 360 controller. Press X, A, A, X, Y, Y, X, B, B, X, click Right
Analog-stick during game play. Although you will lose health you cannot die.

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Nitin Singh Verma
Email: nitinvermaji@yahoo.com

Use a text editor to edit the "WGame.ini" file in the directory.
"\Documents\Wolverine\WGame\Config" Change the values of the following lines from
"False" to "True" to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Configuration Line /
God mode mCombatHeroIsGod=False /
Infinite health mCombatHeroUndying=False /
Maximum talents mCheatTalentsMax=False /
Talent no level mCheatTalentNoLevel=False /

Insert an Xbox 360 controller. While playing the game, press X, A(2), X, Y(2), X, B(2), X,
click Right Analog-stick. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Although you will lose health you cannot die.

Infinite rage
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. While playing the game, press Y, X(2), Y, B(2), Y, A(2), Y,
click Right Analog-stick. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Faster enemy reflex
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. While playing the game, press
A(2), X(2), Y(2), B(2), Y(2), X(2), A(2), click Right Analog-stick. If you entered the code
correctly, you will hear a sound. You will gain double reflex with every kill.

Classic Wolverine (blue/yellow) costume
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. While playing the game, press
A, X, B, X, A, Y, A, Y, A, X, B(2), X, click Right Analog-stick to unlock Wolverine's
classic blue and yellow costume. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Then, exit to the main menu, and switch costumes.

Hard mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Hard difficulty.

Alternate costumes
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume:

Classic Wolverine (blue/yellow):
Collect the two action figures of Classic Wolverine. Then, defeat Classic Wolverine in his

Legendary Wolverine (brown/yellow):
Collect the two action figures of Legendary Wolverine. Then, defeat Legendary Wolverine in
his challenge.

X-Force Wolverine:
Collect the two action figures of X-Force Wolverine. Then, defeat X-Force Wolverine in his

IF ANY PROBLEM PLEASE E-MAIL ME AT nitinvermaji@yahoo.com

God Mode and Maxed Talents/Abilites:
In the X-Men Origins - Wolverine(TM)\WGame\Config folder look for the DefaultGame.ini Look for
the line that says mCombatHeroIsGod=False and change false to true. That will turn on God Mode.
Now look for the line that says mCheatTalentsMax=False and, again change false to true. When
you start, or restart your game the cheats you turned on will take effect.

View: 2437 times
Updated: 2022.01.10

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