Shadows of Forbidden Gods Cheat Codes

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Shadows of Forbidden Gods Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Shadows of Forbidden Gods Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

40% of Rulers & Basic Gameplay Tips:
Written by crawlers

You don’t really need the entirety of Vinerva, 40% is enough to win.

-=40% of Rulers=-
Garden of Golden Roses can be consumed twice by rulers, each granting 20%
Vinerva’s Gift. In the early game, it is vital that you quickly aim at
national rulers (not random other rulers) with this before the Chosen One
can make them aware. A few will be made aware anyway before you can get to
them, but by choosing the largest and most important nations, you can get
most of them to 40% gift.

Use black forest to bring them to 40% shadow – if they become aware after
that, they will not join the alliance but their shadow isn’t high enough
for the Chosen One to redeem them (needs 50%). Don’t try to push to high
levels of shadow yet, rather try to cover as many important areas with a
medium amount.

-=The One that Got Away=-
The Chosen One will alert a few national rulers before you can get to them
anyway. At this point switch using your powers to spread shadow in other
areas – try to spread it as far apart as possible and leave no significant
chunk of settlements without a bit of shadow nearby. Witch covens can help
here but don’t use dark worship yet.

Use agents to deal with those – I prefer to start with the trickster and
courtier for infiltration, and then for lore the harvester, survivor, and
heirophant (probably could replace this one with another). The infiltration
agents crack open the door for shadow, and then the lore agents push the
advantage. Malign catch, or simply fully infiltrating the city and then
enshadowing it can be a decent way to capture the aware rulers who won’t
fall for gifts otherwise.

Plague is an incredibly powerful tool to enshadow since it generates a lot
of death modifiers that can be used to ignore wards and enshadow aware
rulers. It isn’t necessary to bring them to 100% shadow, once they are high
enough other things can finish them off later in the game (such as desecrated

If you push a ruler past 50% shadow, the Chosen One will try to redeem him
if he is important enough. Doing this deliberately on a city you have fully
infiltrated or on a ruler where you have leftover gift modifiers to immediately
enshadow him afterwards is a good idea since this power has a 150 turn cooldown.

-=Apathy, the Apocalypse, and You=-
So all rulers of any nation that isnt incredibly tiny are slightly enshadowed
and there are low levels of shadow throughout the world. The shadow means the
rulers won’t join the alliance, so if it forms it will be in some backwater
nation with almost no land. Similarly, rulers are much less prone to responding
to menace, and thus it is time to put those lore heroes to use at witch covens
doing dark worship. Pick witch covens that are as far away from civilization,
or at least a ruler that isn’t at a bit of shadow, then spam dark worship.
Nations should be very slow to respond due to the corruption already inflicted
upon them, so massive amounts of shadow can be generated this way.

Vinerva’s Manifestation power can be used by giving gifts to random unimportant
enshadowed nobles to crank victory a bit faster. Ones at very high shadow are
quite willing to accept them. I got a win at turn 280 on normal difficulty
without using this.

View: 1378 times
Updated: 2022.01.24

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