Fallout - New Vegas Cheat Codes

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Fallout - New Vegas Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Fallout - New Vegas Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Cheat List:
The cheats for Fallout: New Vegas are the same as Fallout 3. To bring up the cheats
console during gameplay, hit the tilde (~) key. Then, insert the cheat listed below
on the left for the corresponding result on the right.

Code Effect
addspecialpoints X - Add indicated amount of Special Points (X=amount)
addtagskills X - Adds indicated amount of Tag Skill Points (X=amount)
advlevel - Level up your character one level
GetQuestCompleted - Complete current quest
getXPfornextlevel - Gain one level
help - List all console commands
modpca Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
stats (Y = stat type, X = amount)
modpcs Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your skills
(Y = stat type, X = amount)
player.setlevel X - Set player level (X = level)
player.additem 000000F X - Get indicated amount of caps (X = amount)
removefromallfactions - Remove player from all factions
rewardKarma X - Add indicated amount of Karma Points (X = amount)
setpccanusepowerarmor X - Toggle Power Armor use (X = 0 or 1)
setspecialpoints X - Set Special Points (X = amount) (hint: 1-10)
settagskills X - Sets Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
tcl - No clipping mode
tmm1 - All mapmarkers
tdt - Toggle debug display
tlv - Toggle leaves
tgm - God mode
ShowBarberMenu - Change all hair options
ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu - Change all face options ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu
player.placeatme 69EE6 - Spawn ammo item box
player.placeatme 69EE7 - Spawn armor item box
player.placeatme 69EE8 - Spawn books item box
player.placeatme 69EE9 - Spawn misc item box
player.placeatme 69EEA - Spawn potions item box
player.placeatme 8F7B9 - Spawn weapons item box
player.additem 001465A6 1 - Debug MegaPistol
activate - Open door without unlocking
player.reset health - Restore health and limb health
tcg - Debug-like filter
tg - Toggles grass
tdm - Infinite health
player.modav health # - HP cheat
SexChange - changing gender
ShowBarberMenu - change hair
ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu - changed the face.

Achievement/Trophy Hint: Snow Globes:
The Globe Trotter Achievement / Trophy requires you to collect seven Snow Globes
in New Vegas. Here are the locations of all seven:

-=Mt. Charleston Snow Globe=-
Jacobstown / In the lodge, search the entrance and reception area. This Snow
Globe is sitting on a curved desk by some terminals.

-=Mormon Fort=-
Old Mormon Fort / Julie Farkas has an office inside a tower at the fort.
The Snow Globe is on top of a bookcase here.

-=Test Site=-
Lucky 38 Casino / Head to the cocktail lounge and look for the cash register.
It's across from the entrance. The Snow Globe is behind the register.

-=The Strip=-
Vault 21 / After you access Sarah's locked bedroom, grab this Snow Globe off
of the table between the two beds.

-=Nellis AFB=-
Nellis Air Force Base / Pete's makeshift museum holds this Snow Globe. It's
on a table in the corner under a mural.

-=Hoover Dam=-
Hoover Dam / Search the visitor center for a terminal near two curved desks.
The Snow Globe can be found on a desk here.

Goodsprings Cemetery / Near the water tower is a patch of upturned soil by
a small, rectangular grave marker. The Snow Globe is sitting in front of
the marker.

Free and Unlimited Caps, Items and More:
Like Fallout 3, you can use this trading exploit to earn essentially infinite
amounts of caps, items, repairs and ammunition. Here's how:

1.Find any shop-based trader and sell him any stuff in your inventory that you
don't need and complete the transaction. This will boost the amount of money
he has.
2.Find something in your inventory that you have two of or something that you
and the shop keeper both have. Sell an item or two to the trader so he has
two of them.
3.Check that the two identical items are of different values once they are in
the trader's inventory. The bigger the difference in value, the better.
4.Now buy the cheaper of the two identical items and complete the transaction,
but do not leave the trade session. Look for the item in your inventory.
The item should have gone up in value dramatically and should be 100%
repaired, even though when you sold the item initially it wasn't! If it
isn't 100% repaired for whatever reason, sell the item back to him anyway
and repeat steps 3-4, trying a different item if necessary.
5.Now you will be able to sell the same item for a high price and buy it back
at a low price until you have drained his money completely. If you want, you
can hold onto the item as it will be fully repaired -- simply keep it on the
final round which will leave him with a small amount of money. Either sell
the item back to him again once he is out of money, or if you are keeping it,
sell him something else of high value and he will owe you that amount. The
transaction price will go dim and remain at whatever amount of money he has
6.Search through the trader's inventory and find stuff you need. Stimpaks,
ammo, miscellaneous item, weapons and armor are all fair game. Eventually,
the transaction price will light up again and you may owe him a few caps
depending on how much of his stuff you added to the deal. Complete the
7.If you wait three days he will have new stock and around 650 caps. The longer
you wait, the more robust his inventory will become and the more caps he'll
have for you to take when you're ready to do this all over again.
Note: Be sure to save while using this method since the game is prone to
crashing during the transaction.

Easter Egg: Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen from Star Wars?:
A scene resembling the burned corpses of Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen can be
found within the town of Nipton out front of a burned down building (Moisture
Farm?). It's a short walk to the right of the town hall's front entrance.

Infinite XP:
You'll need to have a speech skill level of 50 or higher before attempting this
trick. Approach Old Ben who sits by a fire near the King headquarters in Freeside.
Persuade him to escort you to the local bar. For beating the Speech Challenge
you'll get 61 XP. Follow him back to the bar and let him sit down. Speak to him
again and you can do the Speech Challenge infinitely for unlimited XP.

Unlimited experience:
Note: This requires at least a 35 Medicine skill. Once your character gains
access to the main strip, find Victor outside the Lucky 38 casino. He will tell
you that Mr. House wants to meet you. Follow him inside and go up the elevator.
Speak with Mr. House (the giant television face that looks like Howard Hughes).
Find the dialogue choice pertaining to needing to ask him a few questions. Then,
ask "Who exactly are you, Mr. House?", then select "You appear to be a computer,
not a man". After that, select the Medicine skill check response, "The lifespan
you're claiming is impossible, except for ghouls and super mutants." After that,
you will be awarded 35 experience points (or 39 experience points if you have
the Swift Learner perk). You can repeat this as many times as desired.

Easy experience points:
Gamble in a casino and play roulette. No matter if you win or lose, you will gain
100 experience points.

Easter Egg: Indiana Jones Reference:
If you head south on the road out of Goodsprings (about 100 yds) you will come across
a refrigerator at the base of a hill with a skeleton inside. On the skeletons head? A
fedora. This is a reference to the latest (lamest?) Indiana Jones movie The Kingdom of
the Crystal Skull.

Kill Without Gaining Infamy:
You need an anti-material rifle with incendiary ammo for this cheat. Equip your rifle
and change the ammo type to incendiary. Use VATS on a target and quit the VATS after
targeting. Now the target is on fire without you gaining infamy or agroing anyone.
You may use this trick several times on stronger targets.
Note: This cheat worked before later updates; it may be patched.

Infinite Magazines:
In Freeside, go to the Old Mormon Fort. Seek out Julie Farkes inside the Fort.
Choose the dialogue option to help them get medical supplies. Click through the
dialogue options to hear one that tells you that she just got a shipment of
magazines. After all this you will need to choose the option "I have some medical
supplies to drop off." There are three options; choose the Rad-Away as this is
the easiest one of the three to find. You only need to leave one thing if you
don't care about fame. Every time you give them something you will gain more
fame. After you give them the supplies choose the option "I'd like to buy medical
supplies." There are a few aid supplies here that you can get if you want although
they will not regenerate. In the supply list you can find the Magazines. Buy up
what you want and then exit. After that, choose the option to give med supplies
again. This time you need not give them anything just choose the "Never mind"
option. Go back to "Buy medical supplies" and you can repeat teh process for
more magazines. You can do it infinitely as long as you choose to drop off
supplies first. You can even come back to at a later time.

Here are the magazines you can score:
Fix-in' Things - Repair +10
Lad's Life - Survival +10
Meeting People - Speech +10
Programmer's Digest - Science +10
Salesman Weekly - Barter +10
Today's Physician - Medical -10

Deckard's Gun from Blade Runner:
The store in Novac has "That Gun," a gun that resembles Deckard's Gun from
Blade Runner. This is also the name of a gun in previous Fallout games.

Don't Get Caught Stealing:
1.You have to be somewhere where there is a spot out of the line of sight of
all the surounding NPC's.
2.Figure out a good spot to hide in and save your game.
3.Click the right stick while you have selected the item you want to steal,
but do not press the A button to steal it.
4.This will allow you to safely carry the item to your designated hiding spot.
5.Now crouch and when it says [HIDDEN] you can steal it without losing reputation,
or having an NPC attack you.

You may lose karma so try it once to make sure you won't have an undesired karma
effect. A great place for this trick would be the Van Graff energy weapon shop.
You can do this with any of the items on the counter and there is a hiding spot
on the back side of the room.Enjoy!

Fun with Fisto the Sexbot:
In Fallout 3 there was a upgraded power fist called "Fisto!" Fisto makes a return
in Fallout: New Vegas as a sexbot that you must find for the quest "Wang Dang
Automatic Tango." In the quest, you find Fisto in cerulean robotics. Once you
release him from his tube, he gives you the option to test him out.
After completing the side quest to find a sex robot for the silver rush Fisto will
make his way to the Silver Rush Casino. Inside next to the roulette table when you
speak to him he'll offer his services but if you reply "No thanks" it will give
you ten caps. This can provide an unlimited supply of caps if you're willing to
activate the chat over and over again.

Easy Outstanding Orator achievement or trophy:
When your Speech is at 40, go to Camp Golf, by Lake Las Vegas. Accept the quest
from the sergeant. Agree to O'Hanran's method and convince everyone, with Mags
being the last. After convincing Mags to play nice, accept her method and go to
the gun range. Help them with their guns (45 skill required), and wait for them
to start walking back to their tent. Talk to Razz and ask about squadmates. The
speech challenge should still be there. You can easily unlock the "Outstanding
Orator" achievement or trophy, as well as experience points in increments of 40.
When you are done, talk to the sergeant to complete the quest or talk to O'Hanran
and ask about the squad. Note: You have the option of helping them with explosives
after the guns.

Monorail entry:
In Camp McCarran where the monorail directly to the strip is located, you can gain
entry to the monorail. Take the long way around and stay as close to the vending
machines as possible. Follow the wall around the back way. Make sure the other
soldier has his back to you. Crouch and sneak up to this soldier. You may hear the
phrase indicating that if you get any closer they will have to shoot you. However,
as long as you remain hidden, it may flash "Detected" briefly for a few times. As
soon as you are close enough to the door, you can go through it and take a monorail
directly to the strip. This may require a few attempts. Be careful when returning
to the monorail from the strip. You will probably be shot. However as soon as you
enter the monorail it resets, and you can again ride it back to the strip. By using
this trick you can bypass many annoyances and quests, and can skip directly to
meeting Mr. House and finding the person who shot you.

Enemies catch on fire without firing weapon:
Use the .50 machine gun incendiary ammunition on the anti-materiel rifle. Target an
enemy with V.A.T.S. The enemy will catch on fire, even if you do not fire the weapon.

Free Infinite XP:
A character named Old Ben sits by a fire near The King headquarters in Freeside. If
your Speech skill is at least 50 you can persuade him to help the local bar. Once you
pass the Speech challenge you’ll get 61 XP. Follow him back to the bar and wait for
him to sit down. You can complete the Speech challenge again and again for 61 XP each

Skipping directly to the strip:
In Camp McCarran, you can gain entry to the monorail that goes directly to the strip.
Take the long way around, and stay as close to the vending machines as possible.
Follow the wall around the back way. Make sure the other soldier has his back to you.
Crouch and sneak up to this soldier. You may hear the phrase indicating that if you
get any closer, they will have to shoot you. However, as long as you remain hidden,
it should only flash "Detected" briefly a few times. As soon as you are close enough
to the door, you can go through it and take a monorail directly to the strip. This
may require a few attempts. Be careful when returning to the monorail from the strip,
as you will probably be shot. However, as soon as you enter the monorail, it resets,
and you can again ride it back to the strip again. By using this glitch, you can
bypass many annoyances and quests, and skip directly to meeting Mr. House and finding
the person who shot you.

Euclid's C-Finder location:
You can locate the field "gun" for the ARCHIMEDES weapon by entering the Freeside's
East Gate and locating the two children chasing each other (not chasing the mutated
rat) during daylight. Talk to the one possessing what appears to be a toy gun. You
can purchase the gun for 1,000 caps or 20 caps with Barter at level 45 or greater.
To use the weapon you must supply the power to ARCHIMEDES II during the "That Lucky
Old Sun" mission.

When you want to steal something and it is in the owner's direct line of sight,
use the Grab function and drag it around a corner. Use sneak to make sure that you
are now hidden from their view. You can now steal the object without fear of
retaliation. You will still lose karma but they will not try to kill you.

Unlimited experience:
This trick yields unlimited experience, Stimpacks and doctor's bags. Get access
to Helios One Power Station and have the quest "That Lucky Old Sun". When you have
the option to choose how to reroute the power, select to do full region (emergency
output level). Go out and re-aim the solar array panels, then return to Ignacio.
Tell him you overpowered the station. He will reward you with 350 experience points,
three Stimpacks, and two doctor's bags. The option will remain in place allowing
you to do this repeatedly as many times as desired.

Thump-Thump location:
Thump-Thump is found in the location where all the ants are found, underneath the
solar panels when you help the Boomers. It is a grenade launcher.

Change Music:
On the Zombies map Five, approach the red telephones and hit the button prompted
to change the background music to "Don't Back Down" by Eminem. There are 3 red
telephones in all: One by the Quick Revive machine, another on the second floor
in the center of the room and a 3rd one is in the room with the Pack-A-Punch

If you shoot the mannequin heads in Nuketown you'll hear "Sympathy for the Devil"
by the Rolling Stones.

In the Zombie map "Kino Der Toten" there are 3 pieces of a meteorite located
throughout the map. The first is by the stairs when you start the level. The
second is in the "boiler room." The third is in the "dressing room." Hit the
prompt when next to the piece and your character will say a line about the meteor
-- when all 3 pieces have been found, "115" by Elena Siegman will play.

Also, on "Kino Der Toten," in the first room upstairs from where you start, there
are 5 pictures on the right. Four of them are the characters you play as and one
is blacked-out. You can examines these to hear your character say something about
each one.

Free repairs:
By using this method, it is possible to repair any and all items to the player's
current repair level without using any of you caps. To do this you, need the
Confirmed Bachelor perk and enough caps to cover the repair cost of the item.
When you arrive at the Mohave Outpost to get the pardon for the new sheriff of
Primm, during the conversation with Major Knight a Confirmed Bachelor speech
option is available. Select it, and whenever you do repairs through him, the
item gets repaired to your repair level but the caps do not get deducted from
your stockpile. This can be very useful when combined with any unlimited caps
trick, and results in your player having all items at 100% condition (even
things like the Fat Man, where replacement parts are difficult to find).

How to find The most power full weapon of this game:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email: mazidurrahman07@gmail.com

Search the map&find a place Called Crashed Vertibird.It was South Side of the map.
U will find some robot Enemy In their&Also U Will find A destroyed Helicopter.
Go&Search the helicopter U will find A Long type of weapon.
It Called Telsa-BeatonPrototype. It was cause 165.dam&Its ammo is EC Pack. It was
one of the most power full weapon of this game. If more help E-mail me.

How to find hidden Allies or friends:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email: mazidurrahman07@gmail.com

In this game Some people Can travel with you help u Various ways they can be find.
Here are the allies names&their place:

ED-E = At the Primm(In entrance of Primm u see a dead post man in his left hand
their is a door open it up to a table their is a broken robot repair it to
get ED-E)
Lily = At the Jacobstown.(She wearing a sunglass&a flower hat in her head)
Raul = At the Black Mountain. (up of the mountain)
Cass = At the Mojav Outpost. (In the Bar)
Boone= At the Novac. (In his motel room or in the nearby toyshop)
Rex = At the Strip North Gate. (In the Kings School of impersonation)
Mich = At the 188 trading post.

Go to this places&talk with this peoples to give you their perks.
But remember you can travel with two of them per time. If any help e-mail me.

Really Easy Caps from Gun Runners:
The Gun Runners store on the east side of New Vegas has a locked fence and several
guard blocking the entrance to the "factory." Pick the lock and the Gun Runners
will begin firing at you. Kill them and loot their bodies for Combat Armor, Hunting
Rifles and Combat Helmets. All of these items are worth money, and each Gun runner
has about 1,500-2,000 Caps worth of loot on their person. Enter the building to find
more Runners to slay. After doing this, approach the Vend-Tron robot at the Gun Runner
shop, who has 8,000 Caps to burn, and sell it your loot. Now, travel far away, wait
for three in-game days and return to the area to find the Gun Runners have respawned
and are ripe for the "harvest."

Dino Figurine Souvenir Easter Egg:
The store owner says that he 'might' have an extra Dino figurine souveneer. Upon
opening the back door (With a slight karma hit), you will find too many dino figurines
(and those bomb souveneers, too)to count. You can take as many as you want with no
karma deduction. He also has about 40-ish more in his house. Not much of an easter
egg, but it is a funny joke.

Win Big at Caravan:
You can stack the deck in your favor to win at Caravan virtually every time. A
Caravan deck has a minimum of 30 cards -- which you can buy from merchants or find
on dead bodies -- so you need to choose those that will get you between 22 and 26
consistently while also giving you defensive cards to use against your opponent.
Here's a great setup. Take these cards with you:

2 Jokers

Jacks, Aces and Jokers are defensive plays. Use Jacks to remove cards from your
opponent. Ace and Joker played will remove all cards of your Ace's suit (an Ace
of Spades and Joker will remove all spades from the table). Kings will double
whatever they are placed on. Optimally, 6+K+K = 24.

Here's how to play to win: To open, lay down your highest or lowest cards first to
start the 'base' of your caravan. 10+9+8=27 so don't use this combination.
6+7+8=21 so don't use this either (unless you put your Ace down after the 8 to
make 22). But every play between is a winner. As stated above, 6+K+K=24 is also
a winner. Using this strategy, you are virtually guaranteed to win each hand of
caravan, no matter how high your luck!

You can accumulate nearly unlimited items and caps by playing Caravan. Seek out
vendors with lots of cash and items. Buy all the items you can afford off them,
then challenge them to a few games of Caravan and win back all your money!

Steal All 37 Gold Bars In "Dead Money" (DLC):
Note: You will need a few C4 and a Detonator for this exploit. In the final part
of the game you will enter a vault with 37 gold bars weighing 35 pounds each. Each
gold bar is worth 10.539 caps. Clearly you can not take them all -- unless you use
this exploit. Enter the vault and the door will seal behind you. Take everything
in the room that you want to including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right
and the 1 gold bar on the overseers desk. Deactivate the security system and
activate the computer on the desk. IMPORTANT: Only read "Vera", DO NOT access the
file that shows up after you read it. Elijah will appear on the monitor, convince
him to meet you in the vault. When the conversation ends leave the room immediately
(it unlocks), and walk to the far right stairway. A blue force field will appear
blocking your path, lay your C4 at the bottom of those stairs and then press your
body against the blue force field in the doorway. When Elijah finishes speaking,
for some reason you and he switch places. (You'll see what I mean) Make sure he
is on or very near your C4. Detonate and leave the way you came. Congratulations
you now have 37 Gold Bars worth a total of 389.943 Caps.

How to find Golden Boxing Gloves:
Submitted by: Noor-A-Alam

Location: Lucky 38 Casino
You can find the Golden Boxing Gloves on the Casino floor at the Lucky 38 Casino.
It will be at the VIP Bar above the Cashier room which is on the left side of the
Casino when you enter.

Thump-Thump location:
Thump-Thump is found in the location where all the ants are found, underneath
the solar panels when you help the Boomers. It is a grenade launcher.

Unlimited experience:
This trick yields unlimited experience, Stimpacks and doctor's bags. Get access
to Helios One Power Station and have the quest "That Lucky Old Sun". When you have
the option to choose how to reroute the power, select to do full region (emergency
output level). Go out and re-aim the solar array panels, then return to Ignacio.
Tell him you overpowered the station. He will reward you with 350 experience points,
three Stimpacks, and two doctor's bags. The option will remain in place allowing you
to do this repeatedly as many times as desired.

Unlimited experience:
Upon meeting Mr. House the first time, in "The House Always Wins, I" mission, he
will ask you to get his chip. If you have 50 Barter when he tells you the deal is
1,000 caps, refuse it. Keep refusing his offers after bartering until he tells
you to come back. After you talk to him again, select the following choices:
"Tell me your terms again?", then the Barter 50 choice "The chip is worth far
more than that", then "Still not interested", and repeat.

Chinese Stealth Armor location:
In Hoover Dam, go into the offices. In the offices, there is a room somewhere with
radiation signs around it. In the room are barrels of goo. To the left is a stack
of crates. One of the crates contains the armor. There are two sets, so you can make

Easy experience points:
You must have good Speech skill for this trick. At Camp McCarran, talk to Angela
Williams, in the science lab. Choose the "I have some questions for you." followed
by the, "What's your role here?" option. After she answers, choose the "What do you
think of Dr. Hildren?" option. After she answers, choose "[Speech 25] He seemed
focused on results. Maybe not so much on people." You will get 28 experience points
each time you do this, and it can be repeated.

How can U finish FNV esily:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email: mazidurrahman07@gmail.com

In FNV U can finish the game in Five ways:
Here are The ways which can help U finish FalloutNV:
MR.House =at Lucky38.
CesearLegeion =at Caserslegeioncamp.
NorthCaliforniaRepablic(NCR)=BY working progress with NCR.
Yes;man =After killing mr.House&Workwith Yes;man.
Brotherhoodofsteel =At Hidden Bunker.

How to repair weapons esaily:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email: mazidurrahman07@gmail.com

Naurally you can repair your on equipment on the fly IF you have a duplicate piece to
salvage for parts, this is great but often difficult when you have some hard to find,
or rare, weapons/armor.

You can also use a workbench, with the necessary ingredients to make a 'weapon repair
kit' but this only covers your weapons.

Finally, early on in the game there is only one person or vendor NPC that I have found
who can repair any of your equipment up to a point; Old Lady Gibson at the Gibson
Scrapyard, her skill is at level 65. You can find the scrapyard due east of Goodsprings
or just north of Novac.

If your having trouble locating it just go south out of Goodspring into Primm, there
you can locate ED-E the droid and a quest will activate directing you to the scrapyard
in order to enable ED-E as a companion.

Benny's suit and Maria:
When you finally get the chance to choose how Benny dies kill him yourself, after you
kill him you can loot his body and get his suit and a custom 9mm. The suit adds 5+ to
your speech and barter skills, and Maria the 9mm does 13 damage, but you can sell it
for 1000 caps.

Replenish ammunition:
In the unpatched version of the game, wait in front of the gun runners for two to
three days. The ammo, upgrades, and almost everything else will be restocked. This
also works at Van Graffs. The items and amounts seem to be random.

Submitted by: Mazid
Email: MMazid07@gmail.com

Complete one of this to get this achievements points:

New Kid - 10 : Reach 10th level.
Up and Comer - 20 : Reach 20th level.
The Boss - 30 : Reach 30th level.
Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal 10 : Recruit any companion.
The Whole Gang's Here 25 : Recruit all companions.
Crafty 15 : Craft 20 items.
Mod Machine 15 : Install 20 weapon mods.
Walker of the Mojave 10 : Discover 50 locations.
Master of the Mojave 25 : Discover 125 locations.
Globe Trotter 25 : Discover all snow globes.
You Run Barter Town 15 : Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods.
Blast Mastery 15 : Cause 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons.
Love the Bomb 15 : Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives.
Lead Dealer 15 : Cause 10,000 damage with Guns.
No Tumbler Fumbler 15 : Pick 25 locks.
Stim-ply Amazing 15 : Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks.
New Vegas Samurai 15 : Cause 10,000 damage with Melee Weapons.
Jury Rigger 15 : Repair 30 items.
Hack the Mojave 15 : Hack 25 terminals.
Artful Pocketer 15 : Pick 50 pockets.
Outstanding Orator 15 : Make 50 Speech challenges.
Desert Survivalist 15 : Heal 10,000 points of damage with food.
Old-Tyme Brawler 15 : Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons.
Know When to Fold Them 10 : Win 3 games of Caravan.
One Armed Bandit 10 : Play 10 spins of Slots.
Little Wheel 10 : Play 10 spins of Roulette.
Double Down 10 : Play 10 hands of Blackjack.
Caravan Master 30 : Win 30 games of Caravan.
The Courier Who Broke the Bank 30: Get banned from all the Strip's casinos.
Hardcore 100 : Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.
Ain't That a Kick in the Head 10: Complete Ain't That a Kick in the Head.
They Went That-a-Way 25 : Complete They Went That-a-Way.
Ring-a-Ding-Ding 25 : Complete Ring-a-Ding-Ding.
The House Always Wins 30 : Complete The House Always Wins.
For the Republic 30 : Complete For the Republic.
Render Unto Caesar 30 : Complete Render Unto Caesar.
Wild Card 30 : Complete Wild Card.
All or Nothing 15 : Complete All or Nothing.
Veni, Vidi, Vici 15 : Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici.
Eureka! 15 : Complete Eureka!
No Gods, No Masters 15 : Complete No Gods, No Masters.
Come Fly With Me 20 : Complete Come Fly With Me.
Talent Pool 20 : Complete Talent Pool.
Return to Sender 20 : Complete Return to Sender.
Arizona Killer 20 : Complete Arizona Killer.
You'll Know It When It Happens 20: Complete You'll Know It When It Happens.
G.I. Blues 20 : Complete G.I. Blues.
That Lucky Old Sun 20 : Complete That Lucky Old Sun.
Volare! 20 : Complete Volare!
The Legend of the Star 20 : Complete The Legend of the Star.

Replenish ammunition:
In the unpatched version of the game, wait in front of the gun runners for two
to three days. The ammo, upgrades, and almost everything else will be restocked.
This also works at Van Graffs. The items and amounts seem to be random.

Really Easy Caps from Gun Runners:
The Gun Runners store on the east side of New Vegas has a locked fence and several
guard blocking the entrance to the "factory." Pick the lock and the Gun Runners
will begin firing at you. Kill them and loot their bodies for Combat Armor, Hunting
Rifles and Combat Helmets. All of these items are worth money, and each Gun runner
has about 1,500-2,000 Caps worth of loot on their person. Enter the building to find
more Runners to slay. After doing this, approach the Vend-Tron robot at the Gun
Runner shop, who has 8,000 Caps to burn, and sell it your loot. Now, travel far away,
wait for three in-game days and return to the area to find the Gun Runners have
respawned and are ripe for the "harvest."

Win Big at Caravan:
You can stack the deck in your favor to win at Caravan virtually every time. A
Caravan deck has a minimum of 30 cards -- which you can buy from merchants or find
on dead bodies -- so you need to choose those that will get you between 22 and 26
consistently while also giving you defensive cards to use against your opponent.

Here's a great setup. Take these cards with you:

2 Jokers

Jacks, Aces and Jokers are defensive plays. Use Jacks to remove cards from your
opponent. Ace and Joker played will remove all cards of your Ace's suit (an Ace of
Spades and Joker will remove all spades from the table). Kings will double whatever
they are placed on. Optimally, 6+K+K = 24.

Here's how to play to win: To open, lay down your highest or lowest cards first to
start the 'base' of your caravan. 10+9+8=27 so don't use this combination. 6+7+8=21
so don't use this either (unless you put your Ace down after the 8 to make 22). But
every play between is a winner. As stated above, 6+K+K=24 is also a winner.
Using this strategy, you are virtually guaranteed to win each hand of caravan, no
matter how high your luck! You can accumulate nearly unlimited items and caps by
playing Caravan. Seek out vendors with lots of cash and items. Buy all the items
you can afford off them, then challenge them to a few games of Caravan and win
back all your money!

Golden Boxing Gloves:
Go to the Lucky 38 Casino. The Golden Boxing Gloves can be found at the VIP Bar
above the cashier room, which is on the left side of the casino when you enter.

The cases you get are where the ammo gets filled into on the reloading table. The
hulls are the outside of the guns themselves. The lead is the metal that makes the
bullet itself. The powder is for the ammo (goes inside of the cases). The primer is
the object that is pushed into the bullet in the bottom to close it up on the
reloading table.

No reset timer for roulette games:
Actively play roulette. While doing so, load your last saved game. If done correctly,
you should be able to immediately play roulette again after loading the saved game.
This is useful for minimizing the amount of lost chips and maximizing winnings.
Note: This was done at the Ultra Luxe.

Start with two 9mm SMGs:
In the beginning of the game when you are being awakened by Doctor Mitchell, when
you test at the Vit-o-matic, move your intelligence to 10, or when you choosing skills,
choose Repair. Note: You need at least 25 points in Repair. Go to the Sunset Sasparilla
crate with the broken 9mm SMG and pick it up. Repair it while repeatedly tapping
[Confirm/Activate]. You will be able to repair it again. The game will glitch and you
will obtain 20 experience points as well as two 9mm SMGs.

Mysterious Revolver location:
Go to the tops and start the quest "Talent Pool". Find the guitarist in the middle of
nowhere. Ask him to join, and as a form of payment in the dialogue options he will
give you a 44. revolver called "Mysterious Revolver", which makes the short songs you
hear with the mysterious stranger when drawn and holstered.
Note: This may require Barter skill 45+.

Spacesuit location:
Go to the REPCONN rocket factory where the mission "Come Fly With Me" takes place. Go to
the basement where Chris goes when they are about to launch the rocket and asks for spare
parts. In this room to the left side as you enter is a shelf with an orange suit and a
helmet that resembles a fish bowl. Pick them up. When you wear them they look like
something out of a 1960's comic book. It gives a good amount of RAD resistance, but has
a low DT and breaks easily.

Tesla Cannon Prototype location:
Go to the crashed vertibird located at the south of the map, in about the middle.
This will require two companions and a lot of firepower, or a couple of stealth boys
and a high sneak skill. The crash is surrounded by hardened Sentrybots and hardened
Mister Gutsies who are hostile towards you. Inside the wreck are some of skeletons
and a Tesla Cannon with orange electricity inside (the core is orange). It has an
after-effect of damage for awhile after being fired. Test it on the robots or the
ghouls from the nearby nuclear crater.

Easy Cottonwood Cove clearing:
Go to the Cottonwood Overlook. Get closer to Cottonwood Cove and you will see a
truck leaning over the edge filled with irradiated barrels. If you have Lockpick
50, you can open the door and flood the town with radiation, killing all the soldiers
and the slaves (including Aurelius of Phoenix, the centurion). Note: You do not lose
Karma, gain any reputation, the NPCs do not become hostile and Cursor (the person who
takes you to the fort) puts on an advanced radiation suit, and thus survives and is
the only one in the outposts remaining.

Monty Python's Life Of Brian reference:
Take the Weird And Wacky trait at the start of the game, then go to Cottonwood Cove.
Go to behind the office of Aurelius of Phoenix. Notice that "Romanes eunt Domus" is
written in red see on the walls. This is a reference to Monty Python's Life Of Brian,
when he is asked to write "Romans go home" on the palace walls in Latin and gets it

Mercy grenade machinegun location:
Go to Dead Wind Cavern, in the middle-south of the map. Inside are a lot of Deathclaws,
including the Legendary Deathclaw. Go directly to the last section of the cave to where
the Legendary Deathclaw is found. There should be a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin lying
dead. Next to his body a grenade machine gun (40mm grenade) named "Mercy". The paladin
has 40mm grenades and incendiary grenades. Note: Before you try to collect it, recruit
two companions and get big guns for yourself and your partner, in addition to a lot of

CZ57 Avenger location:
Go to Devils Throat in the northeast of the map. In the middle of the crater is a truck.
Inside is a dead prospector, and next to him is the CZ57 Avenger minigun with a pack of
ammo. Also, next to the prospector are two or three empty jet inhalers. On his body is
a Party Hat, Authority Glasses, Reinforced Combat Armor and some other items.
Note: The Party Hat and Authority Glasses are unique apparel items.

Easy Artful Pocketer achievement or trophy:
This trick can be done before or after you have cleared the quests in Nipton. Inside
the Nipton General Store is an NPC named "Boxcar". Because the Legion has broken his
legs, he cannot chase after you have picked his pocket, nor will he fight back. You
can repeatedly enter and exit out of the general store if caught and place items in
Boxcar's inventory, then steal them back until you have earned the achievement or
trophy. If you do not want infamy with the Powder Gangers, create a new saved game
before doing this trick.

Repairing weapons for free:
Sell any weapon that is broken to the Gun Runners. You will receive 0 caps. Accept the
sale, and then buy it back for 0 caps. It will be fully repaired for free.

Easy "Caravan Master" achievement or trophy:
While traveling the desert, purchase every 6, 10, Jack, and King you can. Kings double
the card they are placed on. For example, if you start with a 10 and place a King on it,
it becomes a 20. Then, place a 6 on top and that pile is done. Repeat the process for
the other two piles. Jacks forces a player to discard whatever card it is placed on.
You can use Jacks to delay your opponent or remove Kings that CPU may have put on your
piles to set your count over 26. Other combinations to reach 26 within three cards also
works well. For example, an 8, 9, and King. If your opponent seems to have a lot of face
cards, skip them and find an easier challenge. Many traders will play Caravan if asked.

Easy "Love the Bomb" achievement or trophy:
Although using a Fatman or another atomic weapon is ideal for earning this achievement
or trophy, there is a less costly method. Reach at least level 20 and do the "Radio
Black Mountain" quest. You will be able to use Arianna (special rocket-launcher) which
does several hundred points of damage per shot.

Easy hacking:
To always hack successfully, go to the terminal, and save the game. Then, start the
sequence. If you fail, just reload your saved game, and try again until you do it
successfully. Only use three attempts during a hack, so you leave yourself with one
to back out. Then, go back to the attempts screen, and you will have four more chances.
Repeat this as many times as desired.

Item ID Codes:
Written by Alvarez

* Weapons
* Armor
* Ammunition
* Perks
* Item ID Codes
* General Console commands

Add # of sunset sarsaparilla blue star bottle caps – player.additem 00103b1c
add # special points – addspecialpoints #
Add Debug MegaPistol (Most powerful pistol.) – player.additem 001465A6 1
Add Perks – player.addperk (perkcode)
Advance one level – advlevel
All mapmarkers – tmm 1
Bottle caps – player.additem 000000F (number of caps)
change all face options – ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu
change all hair options – ShowBarberMenu
Change faction reputation – SetReputation [Faction ID] [0/1] [1-100]
changes leve to #, doesn’t affect anything else. – player.setlevel #
Changes sex – SexChange
Closes All Menus – CloseAllMenus
Create gamesave with desired title – Save [what you want the save to be called]
Debug-like filter/mode – tcg
Gives x karma points(use negative values for negative karma) – RewardKarma x
God mode – tgm
Increase the Gamespeed of all NPCs & the User (Default is 4) – setgs fmoverunmult #
Increases maximum carry weight by number specified – player.modav carryweight #
Infinite health – tdm
Kill every NPC in area – killall
Kill selected NPC or enemy – kill
No clipping – tcl
Opens door without unlocking it. – activate
Perfect VATS Aiming – SetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100
Player can wear power armor – setpccanusepowerarmor 1
Player health and Limb Health will be restored – player.resethealth
Quits game fast. – QQQ
Remove Perk – player.removeperk [Perk ID]
Removes all items of selected NPC – removeallitems
Repair items. – player.srm
Restore health and limb health – player.reset health
Resurrect selected dead NPC or enemy – resurrect
Save and quit – saq
Set ownership of selected item – Set Ownership
Set S.P.E.C.I.A.L. level – setspecialpoints [number 1-10]
Set skill level – modpcs [skill name] [number 1-100]
Set the scale of a NPC ( 1 = normal) -setscale 1
Set the scale of yourself ( 1 = normal ) -player.setscale 1
Sets ownership to a item(must select item first) – setownership
Sets player jump height (default is 64) – setgs fJumpHeightMin #
Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag
skills, or attributes. – player.setav <SKILL> #
Sets your currently equipped weapon’s condition to 100. – player.setweaponhealthperc 100
Teleports player to quest target – movetoqt
Toggle detection – tDetect
Toggle Free Camera Mode – tfc
Toggle gore – bDisableAllGore=0/1
Toggle leaves – tlv
Toggles fog of war in local map – tfow
Toggles Grass display – tg
Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.
Unlocks door, safe or computers.(must click the objet first, may cause glitches) – Unlock

001720BC – WeapNVAntiMaterielRifleStatic
001720BB – WeapNVLightMachineGunStatic
001720BA – WeapNVTrailCarbineStatic
001720B9 – WeapNVHuntingShotgunStatic
00176E59 – WeapNVMacheteBoone
00176E57 – WeapNV44RevolverRaul
00176E55 – WeapNVCaravanShotgunCass
00174094 – WeapNVPlasmaDefenderArcade
00174093 – WeapNVAssaultCarbineLily
00171B48 – WeapNVSlaveBackPack
00167685 – WeapNVMacheteGladiator
00162C92 – WeapNVKnifeCombatUnique
001629B6 – WeapNVMinigunUnique
00162019 – WeapNVMissileLauncherUnique
00161246 – WeapNVThrowingKnife
0015FFF4 – WeapNVGrenadeMachinegunUnique
0015FF5D – WeapNVBBGunUnique
0015FE44 – WeapNVChainsaw
0015BA78 – WeapNVZapGlove
0015BA72 – WeapNVZapGloveUnique
0015BA03 – WeapNVBallisticFist
0015B38D – WeapNVGaussRifleUnique
0015A47F – WeapNVTeslaCannonUnique
0015837B – WeapNVGaussRifle
00157BCA – WeapNVLeadPipeUnique
00156F7C – WeapNVFireaxeUnique
00156968 – WeapSuperSledgeUnique
001568E6 – WeapNVSpikedKnucklesUnique
00155E6D – WeapNVDisplacerGloveUnique
00155E66 – WeapNVDisplacerGlove
0015430B – WeapNVMacheteGladius
001524B3 – WeapNVMantisGauntlet
00151D0C – WeapBladedGauntletUnique
001519E0 – WeapBladedGauntlet
0014F474 – WeapNVFireGeckoYoungFlame
0014EB3C – WeapNVEuclidsCFinder
0014EA5A – WeapNVGrenadeFragHoly
0014DE1D – WeapNVThrowingHatchet
0014DDDF – WeapNVGrenadeStun
0014DDDE – WeapNVGrenadeIncendiary
0014D2AC – WeapNVThrowingSpear
0014D2AA – WeapNVCleaverUnique
0014D2A7 – WeapNVStraightRazorUnique
0014C068 – WeapNVDetonatorLoyal
001479B3 – WeapLaserRifleUnique
00146C79 – WeapNVDogTagFist
001465A6 – WeapNVDebugMegaPistol
00143FBA – WeapNVLegateSword2
001429E2 – WeapNVGrenadeRifleUnique
001429E1 – WeapNVSniperRifleUnique
001429D1 – WeapNV127mmSubmachineGun
0013F76F – WeapKnifeAssassin
0013E540 – WeapSuperSledgeMeanie
0013E4DE – WeapNVLegateSword
0013D534 – WeapNVTimeBomb
0013568B – WeapNVMissFortuneGun
0013316D – WeapCattleProd
00133058 – WeapNVThatGun
00130041 – WeapNVDetonator
0012D852 – WeapNVBoxingTape
0012ADB8 – WeapNVDogTagFistUnique
00129A44 – WeapNVRangerSequoia
00127E45 – WeapNVMacheteDeadSea
00127C6C – WeapNV44RevolverUnique
0012701F – WeapGrenadeGas
001251CD – VFSWeapLaserRifleVanGraff
001251CC – VFSWeapPlasmaRifleVanGraff
001221C1 – WeapNVC4PlasticExplosive
00121168 – WeapNVMultiPlasRifle
00121154 – WeapNVRechargerRifle
00121148 – WeapNVBrushGun
0011E46F – WeapShovel
0011A8E4 – WeapNVHatchet
0011A8B9 – WeapNVFireaxe
0011A8A0 – WeapNVDressCane
00113248 – WeapNVFireGeckoFlame
0010BA90 – WeapNVSecuritronMissile
0010A70C – WeapNVSecuritronPowerFist
0010A70B – WeapNVSecuritronLaser
0010A70A – WeapNVSecuritronLauncher
0010A709 – WeapNVSecuritronSubmachineGun
00109A0C – WeapNVLongFuseDynamite
00109A0B – WeapNVMinePowderCharge
00109A0A – WeapNVCleaver
00106FEB – WeapNVMarksmanCarbineUnique
00106FEA – WeapNVMarksmanCarbine
00105CF6 – WeapNVLilyGauntlet
00105CF5 – WeapNVLilySword
001056D3 – WeapNVGrenadeRifleBroken
001056D2 – WeapMissileLauncherBroken
00103B1D – WeapNVLaserPistolUnique
0010108D – WeapNVDynamiteNoDrop
000FF576 – WeapNVGrenadeRifle
000FC335 – WeapNV9iron
000F82AA – WeapLaserRifleAlwaysCrits
000F7EAE – WeapPlasmaRifleAlwaysCrit
000F56F6 – WeapNVDriverUnique
000F56F5 – WeapNVCowboyRepeaterUnique
000F0F04 – WeapNVStraightRazor
000F0B12 – WeapNVHuntingShotgunUnique
000F062B – WeapNVBattleRifleUnique
000E9C3B – WeapNVServiceRifle
000E7655 – WeapNV9mmPistolUnique
000E6346 – WeapNVBinoculars
000E6064 – WeapNVPlasmaRifleUnique
000E5B17 – WeapNVVarmintRifleUnique
000E58BB – WeapNVBoxingGoldenGloves
000E5391 – WeapNVBoxingGloves
000E393B – WeapNVSingleShotgun
000E377A – WeapNVSilenced22Pistol
000E3778 – WeapNV9mmPistol
000BA0F3 – WeapNVDynamite
000E32F4 – WeapNV9mmSubmachineGunUnique
000E2C86 – WeapNV357RevolverUnique
000E2BFC – WeapHeavyIncinerator
000E2BF4 – WeapNVTriBeamLaserRifle
000CE569 – WeapNVMachete
000CE549 – WeapBooneSniperRifle
000CD53A – WeapNVCaravanShotgun
000CD539 – WeapNVTrailCarbine
000CD50E – WeapNVRebarClub
000CD50D – WeapNVBumperSword
00090A6B – WeapNVPulseGun
00090A6A – WeapNVGrenadeMachinegun
0009073B – WeapNVLaserRCW
00090727 – WeapNVPlasmaDefender
0009071F – WeapNVRechargerPistol
000906DF – WeapNVLightMachineGun
000906DA – WeapNVIncinerator
000906CF – WeapNVPlasmaCaster
0008F21E – WeapNVAssaultCarbine
0008F21C – WeapNVAntiMaterielRifle
0008F21A – WeapNVCowboyRepeater
0008F218 – WeapNVSilenced22SMG
0008F217 – WeapNV9mmSubmachineGun
0008F216 – WeapNV357Revolver
0008F215 – WeapNV44Revolver
0008F214 – WeapNVHuntingRevolver
0008F213 – WeapNV127mmPistol
0008ED0C – WeapNVLeverActionShotgun
0008ED0B – WeapNVHuntingShotgun
0008ED0A – WeapNVRiotShotgun
0007EA25 – WeapNVGrenadeLauncher
0007EA24 – WeapNVVarmintRifle

00058FDF – PowerArmorTraining
000A6F78 – ArmorPowerT51bHelmet
000A6F77 – ArmorPowerT51b
00014E13 – ArmorPowerT45d
00014C08 – ArmorPowerT45dHelmet
0006B463 – TeslaPowerArmorHelmet
0006B462 – TeslaPowerArmorGO
00060C6F – OutcastPowerArmor
00138DC3 – ArmorVault34SecurityHelmet
00138DC2 – ArmorVault34Security
00134094 – ArmorRemnantsTeslaHelm
00133F31 – ArmorRemnantsTesla
0013316B – ArmorPowerNCRHelmet
0013316A – ArmorPowerNCRSalvaged
00133169 – ArmorGannonTeslaHelmet
00133168 – ArmorGannonTesla
00133167 – ArmorPowerRemnantsHelmet
00133166 – ArmorPowerRemnants
00129254 – ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat
00126500 – ArmorCombatReinforced
001264FF – ArmorMetalReinforced
001264FE – ArmorLeatherReinforced
0010D8DC – ArmorCombatBlack
000F3797 – ArmorFiendHelmetRare

00100633 – VMS15Rebreather Rebreather
00120853 – OutfitProstitute03 Wearable Prostitute Outfit
00120854 – OutfitProstitute01 Wearable Chained Prostitute Outfit
00120855 – OutfitProstitute02 Wearable Exposed Prostitute Outfit
00020420 – ArmorCombat Combat Armor
00020423 – ArmorLeather Leather Armor
00020426 – ArmorCombatHelmet Combat Helmet
00020429 – OutfitLucasSimms Sheriff’s Duster
0002042e – OutfitTunnelSnake01 Tunnel Snake Outfit
0002042f – ArmorRaider01 Raider Painspike Armor
00020432 – ArmorRaider01Helmet Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet
000c09d4 – MS03EnvironmentSuit Environment Suit
00140c38 – ArmorNVBoone01 1st Recon Survival Armor
00140c39 – ArmorNVBoone02 1st Recon Assault Armor
00140d46 – ArmorMetalHelmetReinforced Metal Helmet, Reinforced
0012116a – ArmorNVNCRTrooperMP NCR Military Police Armor
000c111a – Vault106GasMask Makeshift Gas Mask
00081792 – OutfitRepconCult Bright Brotherhood Robe
0008198c – KIDOutfitPrewarChildandWatch Pre-War Outfit and Watch
000c24f9 – MS04LeskosLabCoat Lesko’s Lab Coat
001428ec – JasonBrightoutfit Jason Bright’s Outfit
000425ba – VaultSuit101Utility Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit
000e2dd0 – CowboyHat01 Desperado Cowboy Hat
00163119 – ArmorWhiteGloveSociety White Glove Society Attire
000e2f40 – HatVanceHat Vance’s Lucky Hat
000a3045 – OutfitMerc05 Merc Grunt Outfit
000e32f1 – HatVikkiBonnet Vikki’s Bonnet
00023030 – MS18RangerBattlearmor Ranger Battle Armor
000e3791 – HVExplosiveCollar Explosive Collar
000236d8 – PipBoyNPC Pip-Boy 3000
00023b62 – RavenRockCorpseArmorEnclave Enclave Power Armor
00104184 – VaultSuit21 Vault 21 Jumpsuit
001046f8 – MS03VaultSuit21Armored Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit
0000431e – VaultSuit101 Vault 101 Jumpsuit
0004443e – ArmorEnclave Enclave Power Armor
0004443f – ArmorEnclaveHelmet Enclave Power Helmet
001649dd – ArmorLegate Legate’s Armor
000a472e – ArmorNVPGSoldier Powder Gang Soldier Outfit
000a472f – ArmorNVPGPlain Powder Gang Plain Outfit
000a4730 – ArmorNVPGGuardArmor Powder Gang Guard Armor
000a4731 – ArmorNVPGSimple Powder Gang Simple Outfit
00104c23 – OutfitBennySuit Benny’s Suit
001251c9 – VFSArmorCombatBlackVanGraff Van Graff Combat Armor
00025083 – ArmorPowerUnplayable Power Armor
000854cf – OutfitBoSScribe Brotherhood Scribe Robe
001258c2 – OutfitFormalWear Formal Wear
001258c3 – FormalWearHat Tuxedo Hat
00145ec5 – HelmetNVNCRRangerCombat Ranger Helmet
000c5d34 – OutfitMerc06 Merc Cruiser Outfit
00025b83 – PipBoyGlove Pip-Boy Glove
001264fe – ArmorLeatherReinforced Leather Armor, Reinforced
001264ff – ArmorMetalReinforced Metal Armor, Reinforced
00126500 – ArmorCombatReinforced Combat Armor, Reinforced
000e6749 – ArmorNVGKSoldier Great Khan Soldier Armor
000e674a – ArmorNVGKSuit Great Khan Suit Armor
000e674b – ArmorNVGKArmored Great Khan Armored Leather
000e674c – ArmorNVGKSimple Great Khan Simple Armor
0006696d – OutfitMysteriousStranger Mysterious Stranger Outfit
00146f23 – Firehelmet Fire Helmet
0014722a – ArmorCombatHelmetReinforced Combat Helmet, Reinforced
000a6f77 – ArmorPowerT51b T-51b Power Armor
000e7091 – HelmetNVGKSpike Great Khan Spike Helmet
000a6f78 – ArmorPowerT51bHelmet T-51b Power Helmet
000c71e1 – RedRacerLabCoat The Surgeon’s Lab Coat
000c72fb – HatTakomaBaseballCap Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap
000e78c6 – HatConstruction Construction Hat
00107af2 – VMS15BoomerOutfitWearable Janet’s Boomer Outfit
00127c6a – NVSlaveBackpack Slave Backpack
000c7c4e – ArmorTorcherMask Torcher’s Mask
000c7c54 – ArmorWanderersLeather Wanderer’s Leather Armor
0014823e – OutfitVeronicaRobes Veronica’s Armored Robes
001083e0 – CowboyHat02 Cattleman Cowboy Hat
001083e1 – CowboyHat03 Rawhide Cowboy Hat
000e89f3 – ArmorFiendHelmet01 Fiend Battle Helmet
000c8e07 – MS04AmorousAttire Naughty Nightwear
00129254 – ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat NCR Ranger Combat Armor
00028ead – ArmorReconHelmet Recon Armor Helmet
00028ff8 – KIDHatPartyChild Kid’s Party Hat
00028ff9 – HatPrewarBaseballCap Pre-War Baseball Cap
00028ffa – OutfitWastelandHat04 Ballcap with Glasses
00109a92 – OutfitBoomer1 Boomer Jumpsuit
00109a93 – OutfitBoomer2 Boomer Flightsuit
00089b52 – Underwear Underwear
0016a26f – OutfitVeronicaHood Veronica’s Hood
0010a0d0 – ArmorBoomerWeldingHelmet Welding Helmet
0010a427 – CowboyHat04 Rattan Cowboy Hat
0010a428 – CowboyHat05 Old Cowboy Hat
000eaddf – HatNVPsychicNullifier Psychic Nullifier
0014b053 – OutfitRaul Raul Armor
0014b054 – HatRaul Raoul Hat
000cafbe – VaultSuit77 Vault 77 Jumpsuit
0010b3e7 – OutfitBoomersCap Boomers Cap
0010b3e8 – OutfitBoomersHat Boomers Hat
0010b3e9 – OutfitBoomersHelmet Boomers Helmet
000ab491 – HatPoliceAdult Police Hat
000cb543 – UniqueArmorDefender Defender Armor
000cb544 – UniqueArmorCommando Commando Armor
000cb545 – ArmorUniqueWastelander Wastelander’s Gear
000cb549 – ArmorUniqueExplorer Explorer’s Gear
000cb54b – UniqueGlassesLuckyShades Lucky Shades
000cb5ef – ArmorUniqueCombat Shellshocked Combat Armor
000cb5f0 – ArmorUniqueCombatHelmet Shellshocked Combat Helmet
000cb5f3 – ArmorUniqueEnclave Enclave Shocktrooper Armor
000cb5f4 – ArmorUniqueEnclaveHelmet Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet
000cb5f5 – ArmorUniqueLeather Road Rascal Leather Armor
000cb5f6 – ArmorUniqueMetal Apocalypse Gladiator Armor
000cb5f7 – ArmorUniqueMetalHelmet Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet
000cb5fa – ArmorUniqueRecon Composite Recon Armor
000cb5fb – ArmorUniqueReconHelmet Composite Recon Helmet
000cb5fc – ArmorUniqueRaider01 Sharp-Dressed Raider’s Armor
000cb5fd – ArmorUniqueRaider01Helmet The Devil’s Pigtails
000cb5fe – ArmorUniqueRaider02 Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor
000cb5ff – ArmorUniqueRaider04 Highway Scar Armor
000cb600 – ArmorUniqueRaider04Helmet Pyro Helmet
000cb605 – OutfitUniqueEnclaveScientist All-Purpose Science Suit
000cb606 – OutfitUniqueMerc01 Merc Charmer Outfit
000cb607 – OutfitUniqueMerc02 Merc Troublemaker Outfit
000cb608 – OutfitUniqueMerc03 Merc Adventurer Outfit
000cb609 – OutfitUniqueMerc04 Wasteland Legend Outfit
000cb60a – OutfitUniqueMerc05 Merc Grunt Outfit
0006b464 – ArmorTeslaPower Tesla Armor
000cb60b – OutfitUniqueMerc06 Merc Cruiser Outfit
0006b465 – ArmorTeslaHelmet Tesla Helmet
000cb60c – OutfitUniquePrewarBusinesswearDirtyDARK Power-Suit Armor
000cb60d – OutfitUniquePrewarCasualwear Pre-War Casualwear
0006b467 – OutfitMysteriousStrangerHat Mysterious Stranger Hat
000cb60e – OutfitUniquePrewarNegligee Sleepwear
000cb60f – OutfitUniquePrewarSpring2 Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit
0002b385 – OutfitWastelandMerchant01 Roving Trader Outfit
0012b86d – GamblerMHat02 Suave Gambler Hat
0012b86e – GamblerMHat03 Well-Heeled Gambler Hat
0012b965 – VaultSuit34 Vault 34 Jumpsuit
0012b966 – VaultSuit11 Vault 11 Jumpsuit
000abbe2 – MQ04PlayerOutfit Pre-War Outfit and Watch
0010bee9 – HelmetNVNCRTrooperMP MP Trooper Helmet
0010c67c – OutfitJailhouseRocker Jailhouse Rocker
0006c587 – MountedVaultSuit101Armored Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit
0010c876 – OutfitFollowersDoctor Followers Doctor Coat
0008c83c – OutfitMerc04 Merc Veteran Outfit
0010cda4 – OutfitGannonArcadesDoctor Arcade’s Lab Coat
000acd5a – OutfitElderMcNamara Brotherhood Elder’s Robe
000acda4 – GlassesThreeDog Sunglasses
000ccebf – HatNCR1stReconBeret 1st Recon Beret
0010d2cd – OutfitTrooperFatigues NCR Trooper Fatigues
000cd270 – HatNCRBeret Beret
0002d11b – HelmetMayorMacCread

00176E5C – Ammo9mmRobot
00176E54 – AmmoCompanion
0016AEF9 – AmmoNVArchimedesII
00166F62 – AmmoFlamerFuelHomemade
00166B5A – AmmoSmallEnergyCellTurret
00165E7A – Ammo20GaMagnum
00165E79 – Ammo12GaMagnum
001613FF – Ammo5mmHollowPoint
001613D4 – Ammo127mmHollowPoint
00160C41 – Ammo223
00160C40 – Ammo9mmP
0015FD42 – AmmoPureWater
0015E8EE – Ammo38Special
0015E8ED – Ammo44Special
00158313 – AmmoSmallEnergyCellBulk
00158312 – AmmoMicroFusionCellBulk
00158311 – AmmoElectronChargePackBulk
0015830E – AmmoElectronChargePackMaxCharge
0015830D – AmmoElectronChargePackOverCharge
0015830C – AmmoMicroFusionCellMaxCharge
0015830B – AmmoMicroFusionCellOverCharge
00158307 – Ammo40mmGrenadeIncendiary
001582E0 – AmmoSmallEnergyCellMaxCharge
001582DF – AmmoSmallEnergyCellOverCharge
001582DA – Ammo12GaCoinShot
0014F44A – AmmoLakelurk
001429CF – Ammo127mm
00140AA8 – Ammo10mmJHPHandLoad
00140AA1 – Ammo50MGHandLoad
00140AA0 – Ammo308JSPHandLoad
00140A9F – Ammo556mmArmorPiercing
00140A9E – Ammo357MagnumJFPHandLoad
0013E44C – AmmoMissileHighVelocity
0013E44B – AmmoMissileHighExplosive
0013E449 – Ammo25mmGrenadeHighExplosive
0013E448 – Ammo20GaSlug
0013E447 – Ammo12GaSlug
0013E446 – Ammo12GaBeanBag
0013E445 – Ammo50MGArmorPiercing
0013E444 – Ammo50MGIncendiary
0013E443 – Ammo308HollowPoint
0013E442 – Ammo308ArmorPiercing
0013E441 – Ammo556mmHollowPoint
0013E440 – Ammo556mmSurplus
0013E43F – Ammo5mmArmorPiercing
0013E43E – Ammo4570SWCHandLoad
0013E43D – Ammo4570HollowPoint
0013E43C – Ammo357MagnumHollowPoint
0013E43B – Ammo10mmHollowPoint
0013E43A – Ammo9mmHollowPoint
0013E439 – Ammo22LRHollowPoint
0013E438 – Ammo44MagnumSWCHandLoad
0013E437 – Ammo44MagnumHollowPoint
00121162 – Ammo22LRPlinking
00121155 – AmmoMicroBreeder
00121150 – Ammo5mmSurplus
00121133 – Ammo4570
0011A207 – AmmoMS22Camera
001003B0 – ammoNellisArtillery
000E86F2 – Ammo20Ga
00096C40 – Ammo25mmGrenade
0008ED03 – Ammo9mm
0008ED02 – Ammo357Magnum
0008ECFF – Ammo50MG
0008ECF5 – Ammo12Ga
0007EA27 – Ammo22LR
0007EA26 – Ammo40mmGrenade
000615AF – AmmoElectronChargePackRobot
000615A8 – Ammo5mmRobot
00056634 – AmmoMirelurkKing
000B8791 – AmmoAntSpit
0006B53E – AmmoElectronChargePack
0006B53D – Ammo5mm
0006B53C – Ammo308
00078CC5 – AmmoMissileRobot
00078CC4 – Ammo556mmRobot
00078CC3 – AmmoMicroFusionCellRobot
00078CC2 – AmmoSmallEnergyCellRobot
00078CC1 – AmmoFlamerFuelRobot
0006A80D – AmmoMesmetronPowerCell
0005F706 – AmmoCentaurSpit
00047419 – AmmoBloatflyDart
00029383 – AmmoMissile
0002937E – Ammo44magnum
00029371 – AmmoFlamerFuel
00029364 – AmmoAlienPowerCell
0002935B – AmmoBB
00020799 – AmmoFatMans
00020772 – AmmoSmallEnergyCell
00004485 – AmmoMicroFusionCell
00004241 – Ammo10mm
00004240 – Ammo556mm
001476B0 – ModNV127mmSubmachinegunSilencer

-=Weapon Mod’s=-
00147620 – ModNV127mmPistolSilencer
00129878 – ModNV10mmPistolSilencer
0010C86F – ModNVSilenced22SMGDrums
0010C86E – ModNVMissileLauncherGuidanceSys
0010C86D – ModNVGatlingLaserCFFrame
0010C86C – ModNVGatlingLaserFocusOptics
0010C86B – ModNVPlasmaRifleMagneticAccelerator
0010C86A – ModNVLaserRifleBeamSplitter
0010C869 – ModNVLaserRifleFocusOptics
0010C868 – ModNVLaserRifleScope
0010C867 – ModNVMinigunHighSpeedMotor
0010C866 – ModNVMinigunDampedSubframe
0010C865 – ModNVSniperRifleCarbonFiberParts
0010C864 – ModNVSniperRifleSuppressor
0010C863 – ModNVAssaultCarbineExtMags
0010C862 – ModNVHuntingRifleExtMag
0010C861 – ModNVHuntingRifleCustomAction
0010C860 – ModNVHuntingRifleScope
0010C85F – ModNVFlamerExpandedTanks
0010C85E – ModNV10mmSMGRecoilCompensator
0010C85D – ModNV10mmSMGExtMags
0010C85C – ModNV44RevolverHeavyFrame
0010C85B – ModNV44RevolverScope
0010C859 – ModNV10mmPistolLaserSight
0010C858 – ModNV10mmPistolExtMags
0010C857 – ModNVGrenadeMachinegunHSKit
0010C856 – ModNVGrenadeRifleLongBarrel
0010C855 – ModNVPlasmaCasterHSElectrode
0010C854 – ModNVLaserRCWRecycler
0010C852 – ModNVLightMGExpandedDrums
0010C851 – ModNVServiceRifleForgedReceiver
0010C850 – ModNVServiceRifleUpgradedSprings
0010C1AD – ModNVFatManLittleBoyKit
0010B968 – ModNV9mmSMGLightBolt
000F18FC – ModNV9mmSMGDrums
000F0FE9 – ModNVHuntingShotgunChoke
000F0FE8 – ModNVHuntingShotgunLongTube
000EEEDB – ModNVVarmintRifleNightScope
000EEEDA – ModNV357RevolverLongBarrel
000EEED9 – ModNV357RevolverHDCylinder
000EEED8 – ModNVVarmintRifleExtMags
000EEED7 – ModNVVarmintRifleSilencer
000EED3D – ModNV9mmPistolExtMags
000EED3C – ModNV9mmPistolScope
000EED3B – ModNVCowboyRepeaterMapleStock
000EED3A – ModNVCowboyRepeaterLongTube
000EED39 – ModNVCowboyRepeaterCustomAction
000EEA72 – ModNVBrushGunForgedReceiver
000EEA70 – ModNVTrailCarbineScope

00165AF0 – SplashDamage
00165AEF – PlasmaSpaz
00165AEC – TheProfessional
00165AE6 – NukaChemist
0016581B – HandLoader
00165816 – VigilantRecycler
00165815 – JuryRigging
0016578B – ShotgunSurgeon
00165789 – LaserCommander
001656FD – RadChild
00165449 – Stonewall
00165447 – UnstoppableForce
00165446 – Slayer
001651B6 – HitTheDeck
00165182 – CenterOfMass
00165181 – SprayAndPray
00165180 – FerociousLoyalty
00165118 – FriendOfTheNight
00164ED1 – LooseCannon
0014609F – PiercingStrike
0014609E – SuperSlam
0014609D – RunNGun
0014609C – HeaveHo
0014609B – PackRat
0014609A – Meltdown
00146099 – LivingAnatomy
00146098 – LongHaul
00146097 – WeaponHandling
00146096 – TravelLight
00138562 – Cowboy
00137B02 – BuiltToDestroy
00137AFE – GoodNatured
00137800 – MissFortunePerk
001377FE – QuickDraw
001377FD – RapidReload
00136E14 – DeathclawOmelet
001361B4 – ConfirmedBachelor
001361B3 – CherchezLaFemme
00135F75 – Purifier
00135F18 – Hunter
00135F05 – Kamikaze
00135EC9 – GhastlyScavenger
00135EC8 – TriggerDiscipline
00135EC7 – FastShot
00135EC6 – SmallFrame
00135EC5 – HeavyHanded
00135EC4 – FourEyes
00135EC3 – MathWrath
0010F09E – Retention
00099834 – GrimReaperSprint
0009982D – Chemist
00099828 – Commando
00099827 – ChemResistant
00094EC4 – AdamantiumSkeleton
00094EC1 – Finesse
00094EBF – FastMetabolism
00094EBD – NightPerson
00094EBC – Cannibal
00094EBB – Gunslinger
00094EBA – BloodyMess
00094EB9 – LadyKiller
00094EB8 – BlackWidow
0007B202 – ActionGirl
00044CB1 – IntenseTraining
00044CB0 – Infiltrator
00044CAF – ConcentratedFire
00044CAA – ParalyzingPalm
00044CA9 – LeadBelly
00044CA7 – NerdRage
00031DE5 – Explorer
00031DE3 – FortuneFinder
00031DE1 – Comprehension
00031DE0 – Toughness
00031DDE – StrongBack
00031DD9 – Entomologist
00031DD8 – Educated
00031DD3 – SwiftLearner
00031DCC – Ninja
00031DC5 – SolarPowered
00031DC4 – ComputerWhiz
00031DC2 – RoboticsExpert
00031DBD – Tag
00031DBC – MysteriousStranger
00031DBB – BetterCriticals
00031DBA – ActionBoy
00031DB7 – LightStep
00031DB5 – AnimalFriend
00031DB4 – Sniper
00031DB3 – SilentRunning
00031DB2 – Pyromaniac
00031DB1 – LifeGiver
00031DAD – MisterSandman
00031DAC – HereandNow
00031DAB – DemolitionExpert
00031DAA – Scrounger
00031DA9 – RadResistance

0015DB3D – SnowglobeTheStrip
0015DB3C – SnowglobeNellis
0015DB3B – SnowglobeTestSite
0015DB3A – SnowglobeGoodsprings
0015DB39 – SnowglobeHooverDam
0015DB38 – SnowglobeMtCharleston
0015DB37 – SnowglobeFortmormon

0006A80C – BookSkillExplosives
00034048 – BookSkillBigGuns
00034046 – BookSkillLockpicking
00034045 – BookSkillSneak
00034044 – BookSkillSpeech
00034043 – BookSkillMedicine
00034042 – BookSkillBarter
00034041 – BookSkillEnergyWeapons
00034040 – BookSkillMelee
0003403F – BookSkillUnarmed
0003403E – BookSkillGuns
0003403D – BookSkillRepair
0003403C – BookSkillScience
00160227 – BookSkillSurvival

000EC4B1 – MagazineNVScience
000EC4B0 – MagazineNVUnarmed
000EC4AF – MagazineNVSurvival
000EC4AE – MagazineNVSpeech
000EC4AD – MagazineNVSneak
000EC4AC – MagazineNVGuns
000EC4AB – MagazineNVRepair
000EC4AA – MagazineNVMeleeWeapons
000EC4A9 – MagazineNVMedicine
000EC4A8 – MagazineNVLockpick
000EC4A7 – MagazineNVExplosives
000EC4A6 – MagazineNVEnergyWeapons
000EC4A4 – MagazineNVBarter
00135689 – MagazineNVCritical

Tips How to Level Up Fast 1-50 Guide:
Written by SBSHANER

1.Make your character of your choice !must have Speech 25 or Barter 25!
2.Leave Doc Mitchell’s house
3.Talk to Sunny Smiles inside the Prospector Saloon and meet her outback
4.Once her first quest is completed head back into the Prospector Saloon
and speak with Joe Cobb
5.Meet with him outside near the Goodsprings sign
6.Accept his quest to kill Ringo in the Goodsprings Gas station
7.After killing Ringo speak with Cobb to get the next quest of shaking
down the town
8.Before shaking down the town, kill Cobb
9.Then the XP glitch will begin, simply walk into the Goodsprings General
Store and speak with Chet.
10.Choose this dialogue, “The powder gangers need you to donate some
supplies to them.” Then choose either one of the Speech or Barter check
to get the supplies.” You will then be able to replay the dialogue as
much as you want in which you ask for supplies and gain infinite leather
armor, experience and 9mm rounds.

View: 1733 times
Updated: 2022.03.19

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