Wobbledogs Cheat Codes

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Wobbledogs Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Wobbledogs Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Console Commands:
Written by mmmzombiebrains

Commands are cheats to get items you want or more eggs. They are basically
useful for when you need some wallpapers or decorations.

-=How to get commands=-
To open the console to use commands, you press “tab” and “\” to open the
console like this.

You press “esc” (or escape) to get out of the console

-=Using commands=-
You type in the console to get a certain thing you want.
Like “spawnitem capsule 50.” You get 50 capsules.
Or “addunfertilizedeggtoinventory 50” It gives you 50 unfertilized eggs to
inject dog genes into.
You can also use “spawndog 10” to get 10 dogs.
(I don’t really know what the other commands do tho.)

-=Extra things=-
You can use the up arrow to copy a previous command you typed in. It can
be useful for getting a lot of eggs. There’s a limit where you type in
“addunfertilizedeggtoinventory 1000” it only gives you 50 eggs, so you
have to spam the up arrow and enter to get the eggs you want.

There are items that are only spawnable by commands.

Use “spawnitem gummy [number]” to get the food block from the beta versions.

You can also use “spawnitem fruit [number]” to get orange fruits with pink
warts from the later beta versions.

View: 6163 times
Updated: 2022.03.28

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