Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness Cheat Codes

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Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Enable by adding "-DEVCONSOLE" as an argument to the game launcher
In game press F1 to open console.
Here you can enter one of the cheat codes listed below.

Code Effect
"area" LoadAreaExecutor
"startq" StartQuestExecutor
"endq" EndQuestExecutor
"setv" SetVariableExecutor
"createv" CreateVariableExecutor
"getv" GetVariableExecutor
"fow" SetFoWExecutor
"ai" SetAIExecutor
"startd" StartDialogExecutor
"addgold" AddGoldExecutor
"additem" AddItemExecutor
"ui" ShowHideUiExecutor
*Follow with 0 to disable the UI or 1 to enable it
"endcutscene" EndCutsceneExecutor
"itemschest" ItemsChestExecutor
"ic" ItemsChestExecutor
"levelup" LevelUpExecutor
"lup" LevelUpExecutor
"kill" KillExecutor
"rest" RestExecutor
"addmember","am" AddMemberExecutor
"removemember" RemoveMemberExecutor
"setareastatus" SetAreaStatusExecutor
"unlockareas" UnlockAreasExecutor
"unlockareasall" UnlockAreasAllExecutor
"addxp" AddXpExecutor
"script" ScriptExecutor
"qsmdbg" QuestStateMachineDBGExecutor
"adjustgreed" AdjustGreedExecutor
"addtime" AddTimeExecutor
"settime" SetTimeExecutor
"time" TimeExecutor
"addeffect", "ae" AddEffectExecutor
"camera" ChangeCameraExecutor
"exportitems" ExportItemsExecutor
"exportquests" ExportQuestsExecutor
"exportspells" ExportSpellsExecutor
"areaseq" AreaSequExcutor
"killsquad","ks" KillSquadExcutor

View: 4024 times
Updated: 2022.03.28

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