Serin Fate Cheat Codes

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Serin Fate Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Serin Fate Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Serin Fate Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Starter Tips & Tricks:
written By Nyx Muirinn

This is a compilation of the entries I have added in the Starter Tips
Channel on the official games discord server and will help provide a
good grounding of general info for new players.

-=Starter Tips & Tricks Part 1=-
Your choice of species gifts you with innate buffs! so pay attention to the upper
left hand of your screen in character creation and game as if you hover over your
species symbol, it will tell you what they are gifted in!

Your choice of elemental attunement gifts you with a variety of bonuses that like
species, can be viewed in game by hovering over your elemental symbol in the upper
left hand corner of your screen.

Talk to Cane after you get your first chimera from Coco, They can explain and help
with so many things!

Each Element has a part of the land that harmonises with it, and within each of
these parts lay a trial to be overcome and secrets to be found!

* Nature is one with the forest and so your first trial shall be found hidden deep
within the bounds of Autumn Forest, finding your way true will let you seek the
shard of nature held inside.
* The seared lands of the Emberore Mountains embrace much of the suns rays and so
there shall another trial await to reach the sun shard.
* The hidden Nymbus Isles face fierce winds and lashing storms where lightning
crackles the sky and so lay there too another trial and shard to find, that
of storm.
* Little yet is known of the lands of Void or Moon, excepting that the moons pull
across the entire land gives rise to the chimera that resonate with its call.

Buy the ‘Big Pack’ that is located just down from your home garden on the way to
town as fast as possible, it is essential!!

Buy the broom Ichorus sells!

Collect falling rune stones when astral projecting while asleep at night to recharge
your mana! Very rarely you might encounter a fallen star!

Alt-click to move placed items like workbenches etc, Ctrl-click to quickly move
items from chest to inventory and vice versa, Shift-click when in inventory to
grab 1/2 of a stack and Alt-click when in inventory to grab 1/3 of a stack, you
can also while holding a stack right-click to deposit a single of that stack

There is a send to chest toggle on the left of your hotbar that when in range will
send items in your inventory to stacks of the same in nearby chests

There is a sound indicator located next to your mana gauge on your HUD! so be sure
to pay attention to it when sneaking up on chimera!

If you want to know the world time you can click on the Sun/Moon icon next to your
Sound indicator on your HUD!

Selling planks, coal, glass, silk early game are great ways to make money!
(and to afford the big pack upgrade)

Level ups give you both stat points as well as skill tree points so don’t forget
to spend both!!

Gowen has a training yard south of town that is brilliant to gain at least starter
levels in combat before one normally gets slaughtered by the forest, so it
reeeeeally helps, particularly if the skill points gained go into the AP skills
in the tree if you’re a chimera combat type.

Guarden toads …. guard crops from bugs

Scarecrows …. Scare Crows

Bird Houses….. feed birds! so they don’t eat your crops or flowers

The Watermill needs to be charged with mana linking

Wild roses are a natural bug repellent! in a radius of 5 around the flower

Sunfire Flowers provide an innate boost to the growth of those planted around
them in a radius of 8 around them!

Breathing Rocks can be mana linked to speed up resource spawns!!

Bombs can be gained from goblin drops, crafted or bought from the goblin shop
which can be opened using a special walkway that is hidden inside the town and
unlocking its mini obelisk by paying its toll – bombs are also awesome as you don’t
need to have the resource tier lvl unlocked in the skill tree – you can blow up all
nodes from the start…. if you have enough bombs that is!!

Nurture will help crops grow and Enrich will increase harvest yield!
(and not only of crops! try it out on some resource nodes or trees!! :D)

The Harvest spell can be used to great effect outside your home garden!

Crops like to have room to grow! so don’t crowd them! rows of 2 work great ??

Use the Sawmill and Furnace that can be found in the world till you can craft your
own on your farm!!

Snoozle bin reduces sleepiness of the chimera it is placed in the pen with for
faster re-equip time as chimera needs to rest unless they have the trait that allows
them not to aka ‘Hyper’

Chimera need to be happy as the more unhappy or tired they are the less their
attacks do damage or hit their target

Mana linking is your best friend – you can activate obelisks with it, speed up
crafting and crops and also while capturing chimera and they’re in the orb being
caught, if you mana link with them in that phase, the longer you do the higher
the chance of capture is

If you have stone or wood in your Hotbar you can place them in your home garden as
paths – you walk faster on paths – you can also ‘cook’ stone in the furnace to make
hard stone, which can also be used as pathways but has many more uses in potions i.e.
making more rune stones. rune stones i.e. El, Noone, Null – El can be cooked in a
furnace to make Noone, Noone to make Null, Null for a chance of an elemental runic

You can ‘cook’ dirt in the furnace to make the yellow dry dirt if you dig too
deep in your garden

If you’re looking for something soggy, try fishing without bait!
Carrion Prey also rarely drop it!

-=Starter Tips & Tricks Part 2=-
Use Brood – fill him with fish, crops, honey brittle, eggs, extra ore crumbles you
have – gems/shards give massive amounts of exp but be careful as generally harder
to come by early game and need for staffs firstly! and much more – he will return
Ash for unliked items!

Fish can also be used to feed chimera along with chimera food, and most have their
own effects. for chimera food, buy it early game from the general day store till
you can farm the needed wheat.

Monster bones of all types can be planted in your garden for a quick mana boost,
they can also be used in some potions

Crunchy grass will give grass seeds you can place on your home garden to grow grass
for fibre (or just to look nice), but beware! as it’s very loud and can spawn monsters!

Bat Cages are Bat-teries XD they recharge a percent of your mana pool depending on
the colour of the bat!

* Red Bat = 33%, insect wings
* Blue Bat = 66%, monster blood with a chance of 2 blue capes,
* Yellow Bat = 100%, 5 void bars and a chance of 5? monster souls.

Pen or Barn chimera instead of selling them, especially at the start as when penned
they give pearls overtime vs. a single pearl when sold as well as other resources.

Pens can be boosted with an elemental runic stone to increase the chimera resource
production if it matches the runic alignment of the penned chimera.

Chimera breed when they’re happy, have a nest in the pen with them and the female or
hybrid has been fed it’s favourite treat/snack. To make them happy feed them and keep
crows away from them – playing games with them also helps but in general you don’t need
to as long as you feed them and they’ve got a scarecrow – to scare away crows.

– F+M, M+H, F+H, H+H are the possible combinations of genders needed.
F = Female, M = Male, H = Hybrid

Chimera and some plants react negatively to sound!!

The fisherman will also give you a very useful spell if you bring him a Moonling

Woodcut/mine spells only vary in strength (speed), not the ability to cut or mine
higher tiers. To do that you need the corresponding perks from the tech tree.

Crows have a chance to drop items when scared

Eating petals restores a small amount of mana

Mushrooms of all types can be found all over the world as well as grown in the dark.
If some unique conditions are met, some very rare ones can be found!

To get hard wood you need to defeat the Stumpets in the forest or have the woodcut
II perk unlocked in the skill tree and cut down oak trees

Iron wood comes from beach trees, Magic wood from magic trees

Chimera can have different special traits – noted by a diamond shape next to their
elemental affinity strength on their profile.

Chimera can have a highest possible elemental rating of 999, this will effect it s
tat growth – so the higher the better!

There are extremely rare chimera that trail gold sparkles

The higher the elemental strength of the chimera, the better its stats can grow
when levelled

There are a Shovel and Rope located in the world that will be very useful

There are tech tree perks to increase mana link strength and reduce the amount of mana
taken per click. also, there’s a capture chance increases perk and also one called
lucky that ups spawn rate chance of chimera.

For general chimera catching, the closer to the chimera you are when you cast capture,
the higher chance you have. chimera will spook at loud sounds and also when you get to
close, so stay out of the grass and watch your noise metre or cast the Moonwalk spell
once obtained, to sneak up on them better. chimera potions made in the cauldron also
increase the spawn rate of chimera

Ignite – is brilliant for clearing bamboo, grass and trees – provides mountains of ash!
‘WARNING’ stay clear of anything flammable when casting unless you want to die.

Beehives speed up the production of bee boxes but they are not needed to produce honey.

Follow the lights at night in the forest ??

To enter the Dark Maze one needs a magic source of Light (not a torch)

Cutting grass is a great way to recharge your chimera AP, alongside attacking enemies
with your weapon

Potions are your best friends, so don’t forget to use the recipes from your notebook
in your Cauldron!!

Your notebook will also tell you what recipes or potions an item can be used in!

Your Key Items can be used in the world once selected from the Key Items inventory!

Talk to people to learn their interests! people gifted things of interest will start
to build up a friendship with you!

You should never forget to call your friends if you find yourself stuck! by using
their Artifact in your Key Items! Only once they have been given to you by building
up your relationship with them first though!

View: 1914 times
Updated: 2022.04.16

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