Labyrinthine Cheat Codes

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Labyrinthine Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Labyrinthine Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Labyrinthine Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Survive the Sea Dog Monster (Chapter 5):
Written by sea dog Slayer

In the chapter 5, the Sea Dog will be spawning in when you reach the
Swamp. The Sea Dog is a very very scary monster. In The Swamp you
will see it and when it see you, it will try to kill you. If you
and up getting killed, you will lose one (1) life (if you’r playing
with freinds).

The Sea Dog is very fast also, it can kill all you and youre freinds
quickly, so watch out. If you see the See Dog, you best run immediately,
as it killing your friends is no problem within (5 second).

-=How to Counter the Sea Dog=-
In The game Lore you will hear that the Sea Dog has bad hearing, The
Sea Dog is practially deaf and will not hear you’re foot steps. So
therefore stand still so he cannot see you, his bad hearing has
impaired him from seeing, make sure to stay quiet if he approaches you..

To get rid of the sea monster you will need to exit the Swamp.

P.S And if you see the Mosqito, activate VOIP and say Gary 3 X (three
times), Sponge Bob will now spawn If you do the steps right.

View: 7435 times
Updated: 2022.04.24

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