Soundfall Cheat Codes

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Soundfall Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Soundfall Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Soundfall Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

How to Turn On the Metronome:
Written by Faun

A short and simple guide on how to turn on the metronome, for everyone
who has problems with keeping the beat.

-=What Is a Metronome and Why Do I Want It?=-
A metronome is a device that produces regular, metrical ticks. It’s a great tool
for those who start making music or anyone who has problems with keeping the beat.
Especially when a song is very calm with no clear beat, a metronome is a very big

-=How to Turn On the Metronome=-
Soundfall has a built in metronome, which comes in three different settings.
You just go to the audio options menu and choose what helps you the most.

Never - That’s the default setting.
Always - The metronome is always active, from the start to the finish of the song.
After no recent on-beat input - The metronome will just activate when you miss beats.

How to Kill 5 Enemies with One on Beat Bow Attack:
Written by Green.Sliche

-=Having trouble with this one?=-
Read here short guide with advices and explanation.

IIRC fully charged bow attack.

It becomes much easier as you level up and your gear becomes really strong.

Also last levels of each biome feature a huge wave attack pack so you can
practice kill achievements there.

View: 1139 times
Updated: 2022.05.29

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