Name of the file: Lab Rats Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheats: ------- Submitted by: David K. All Cheat Codes & How to Debug: ------------------------------- Here is a simple guide on how to turn on debug with a list of all work cheat codes, enjoy the game. -=How to Enable the Debug & Console Mode (By Purgy)=- * Go to * Lab_Rats(Folder)-renpy(Folder)-common(Folder) * Then look for "00console.rpy" * Edit it with notepad++ or something similar (Make sure its 00console.rpy and not 00console.rpyc) After opening "00console.rpy2 press CTRL+F on your keyboard and type in False, click find next twice and you should see # If true, the console is enabled despite config.developer being False. config.console = False Change False to True. Save and open the game. To open the console in-game after enabling it, press SHIFT+O (The letter, not the number) For cash type player_money = ### (Replace the hashtags with desired amount) Into the Console Theres probably a way to change relationship points or how much control you have over a character but I havent figured out the variable name yet, Sorry. -=Lab Rats All Cheat Codes (By Developer)=- player_money = (amount) player_blue_serum player_purple_serum player_red_serum player_serum_supplies day (day = 1 would set it to day 1, day 43 would set it to day 43 etc) dayTime (0, 1, 2 for morning/afternoon/night) momO.slut_score sisO.slut_score stephO.slut_score noraO.slut_score alexO.slut_score momO.resist_score sisO.resist_score noraO.resist_score stephO.resist_score alexO.resist_score if you want the pregnant momO.preg_score = 100 sisO.preg_score = 100 noraO.preg_score = 100 stephO.preg_score = 100 alexO.preg_score = 100 Thats all. I hope this guide will help you a lot. |
View: 3642 times |
Updated: 2022.06.05 |
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