My Waifu Guild Cheat Codes

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My Waifu Guild Cheat Codes
Name of the file: My Waifu Guild Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

My Waifu Guild Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips for Endless Mode and Beating the game:
Written by RobDeLaMorte

This guide will explain the different game mechanics and give
tips for clearing the game.

-=General Tips=-
* Grinding is necessary, don’t get discouraged if you get beaten in a level!
Just go back to a previous one and farm a bit of exp up.

* Remember to spend your skill points! There’s no reason to hoard them, so
spend them all after every run!

* Most levels are straightforward and can be beaten by upgrading largely what
you want. I’d recommend against Warrior attack though; it’s her lowest stat.

* The final boss is significantly tougher than anything else in the regular
game, so expect to grind.

* When spending skill points, you should focus on one or two specific things,
at least until you’re able to beat the final boss handily. Spreading skills
too much will leave you weak.

* Don’t be afraid to ignore upgrading specific characters during a level.
If you’ve got enough damage, you won’t need to level Dryad and Priest for

* Having said that, getting everyone to L5 to unlock their aura spells
is usually a good idea. Fairy, Priest, and Dryad combined will beef your
force up, and Demon’s aura will push back enemies when you hit them.

* However, once you power up your Aura Card skill you should skip getting
the Demon’s aura because it’ll keep pushing enemies out of your range…
It’s especially annoying for boss fights.

* The hearts will let you see artwork and wiggling animations of the girls,
but they won’t power you up in any way.

* If you’re achievement hunting you don’t need to play Endless Mode at
all, just clear the main game and fill everyone’s hearts.

* For some weird reason, Warrior has a unique ability where she’ll gain
the ability to crit after you unlock her Aura Card at L5, and her crit
rate scales off her maximum HP upgrade.

-=Upgrades/Skills Information=-
The most important part of the game is your progression by earning level
ups and skill points. You need to spend the skill points upgrading your
characters or the upgrade cards that appear in levels or you’ll never beat
the game. Here’s a basic rundown on what each Skill does:

Empowered Auras: Powers up the Aura cards you get for upgrading a girl
5 times. Low priority, but can make you quite beefy later on with Fairy/
Priest/Dryad. Be aware Demon’s wind can be upgraded to +100% pushback and
make battles take much longer, so don’t get that card!

Empowered Spells: Powers up the Spell cards you get from a girl reaching
L10. Very low priority upgrade because the only spells you really need
are Fairy’s magic shield and maybe Priest’s heal.

Stamina: Gives more starting health. An utter waste of skill points, as
Warrior can increase your max health with her upgrade card. Only get if
you’re getting annihilated at the start of a map repeatedly.

Defender Cards: Powers up all upgrade cards for the Warrior and Fairy.
Extremely high priority, as it means you can beef your max HP up with
Warrior, and get obscene Armour to block all damage from her and Fairy.
My personal best skill in the game.

Spirit: Increases the base healing from Dryad and Priest. Another waste
of skill points unless you’re repeatedly dying at the start of a level
and even then.

Healer Cards: Powers up all upgrade cards for Priest and Dryad. Low
priority, you’re usually better off just powering up your Armour to
block damage to begin with instead of healing it, especially if max HP
is low. Becomes more important later on in Endless Mode when enemies
start doing real damage early.

Critical Boost: Obviously increases damage from critical hits. Low
priority initially as it only affects the attacking characters and
your critrate is low, but will become useful as you level Damage Dealer
cards for higher crit chances per upgrade card.

Upgraded Weapons: It’s a flat increase to all attacking characters
base damage. That’s it. Low priority because your base stats always
start low every level anyway.

Damage Dealer Cards: Powers up all upgrade cards for Demon, Thief,
Elf, Mage and Vampire. High priority, becoming more important later
on in Endless Mode. Note that it increases damage dealt, Distance
for Demon upgrades AND crit chance gain.

In a nutshell, you’ll want Stamina and Upgraded Weapons in the early
game if you’re struggling, but what you really want to do is funnel
levels into the “Cards” family depending on playstyle, with Empowered
Auras if you feel cheeky. For Endless Mode you’ll want hundreds of levels
in “Cards”, Empowered

Auras and Critical Boost, slapping some points into Spirit and Stamina
whenever you’re struggling in the first wave.

-=Stats Breakdown=-
It’s a bit confusing trying to figure out what the stats mean ingame
without a guide, but I’ve worked it all out now so here’s my findings.
God I love bullet points.

-=On character mouseover=-
Level: The character’s level. It increases as you upgrade that character
and unlocks Aura cards at L5 and Spell cards at L10 per character.
Has no other effect.

Sword icon: Attack power. This is how much damage your character does
every attack. Healer types can’t attack.

Cross icon: Healing power. This shows how much health that character
will replenish when the cooldown’s done.

Clock icon: Cooldown timer. Shows how long in seconds it takes for that
character to attack, heal or shield you.

Hook icon: Critical hit chance. Shows the % chance you have for an attack
to critically hit and deal extra damage. No heal crits, sadly.

Dis: Attack distance. Only Demon can upgrade this, and it makes her attack
trigger from further away the higher it is.

Shield icon (Fighter): Armour value. Directly reduces all incoming damage
by this amount. If your Armour is above their damage, you don’t take any
damage at all.

Shield icon (Fairy): Shield value. When her cooldown is ready, Fairy buffs
you with a shield that absorbs a set amount of damage. If enemies deal
more damage before her next cast, you’ll take damage as normal but if they
can’t outdamage it she’ll refresh it and you’ll be invincible.

-=On upgrade cards=-
Clock icon: Cooldown timer. Choosing this card lowers the time between attacks,
healing and shielding. Note that it’s a fixed amount unaffected by any Upgrades.

Heart icon: Maximum health. Choosing this card from Warrior will increase
your max health for the rest of the level. The other upgrades are straightforward
and directly linked to the girls stats. Remember that the “Cards” skill upgrades
directly power up all of these stats, depending on the character, with the sole
exception of Cooldown which is always fixed.

Here’s a simple example: If I upgrade Defender Cards skill, then Warrior
upgrades will give more max HP, more attack, more armour and more crit rate.
Fairy will be able to shield more damage with each recast, but her -1.1
cooldown upgrade will stay the same. None of the other characters upgrades
will change.

-=Ultimate Farming=-
Beating the final boss is difficult, but moving from him to Endless Mode is
a leap in difficulty and then some. Endless Mode ramps up VERY quickly with
each level, so you’re going to need to be cheeky and find a good way to grind.

Some of you already know, but the best place in the game to grind by FAR is
the final boss at the graveyard. This is because while you fight him, the
game sends a constant stream of monsters at you too. Unlike the slime boss
though, these monsters give full gold and exp!

It might be slower, but the most effective way to grind is the same as the
most effective way of beating the boss; focus entirely on levelling up your
defences with the Fairy shield and Warrior armour, and some focus on healing
too. You want to keep your attack low because you’ll be able to farm monsters
off the final boss more before killing him.

Doing it this way will take a good 10 minutes to beat the level, but when
you’re sure you’re tanky enough you can just afk and go do something.
Watch Vtubers on the internet or whatever; the game will keep going even
if it’s not the active window.

Special Tip: If you can, try to get to Endless Mode L10 first; it’ll unlock
the ability for Exp booster cards to appear in both modes! They’re pricey at
60-70-80 gold each, but each one adds a +100% exp multiplier after you finish
the level. If you get +300% and farm the graveyard, you’re looking at a sweet
+200 skill points per run!

-=Endless Mode Game Mechanics=-
Endless Mode isn’t quite what I thought it would be, but I still think it’s a
pretty cool mode. It’s substantially different from regular Adventure mode though,
and requires different strategies. First of all the base difficulty is far harder,
and it scales harder for every level you pass through. As in “You will struggle
past L20 Endless Mode even if you are over L1000”.

You pick a level, and you start with the Archer, Priest and Warrior. If you want
the other girls, you have to wait for RNG to make them appear and save up the gold
for them. This immediately makes Endless Mode more brutal, because you’re going to
want Fairy for shielding ASAP. Unlike in Aventure mode, you can absolutely get
mauled in the 1st wave by poor RNG or not upgrading your healing enough.

Apart from that, it’s like a normal level. You go through waves, beat a random
boss at the end and the level’s done. Once you beat a level, going back to previous
ones gives you less exp but the exp is so poor I don’t know why you would anyway.

One important thing to note is the cards on the right. As you hit Endless Mode L10,
L20 and L30 you’ll permenantly unlock special cards that will appear in both game
modes randomly. The Exp card gives you +100/200/300% gained experience after a
level ends and unlocks at L10. The L20 unlock is for +20/40/60% gained gold during
the level and is kind of a noob trap because you’ll want it earlier for more money
but you’re also not gaining upgrades and characters then. And the L30 unlock…
I dunno what it is. ?? I’m only at L22 Endless Mode right now, but I’ll update it
later when I get there.

View: 3235 times
Updated: 2022.06.06

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