World Seed Cheat Codes

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World Seed Cheat Codes
Name of the file: World Seed Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

World Seed Cheat Codes

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Submitted by: David K.

How to Clarify Gearscore vs Item Tier:
Written by SCPantera

Or, cutting down the entire early game learning curve.

This is just a quick guide to clarify a few things that are pretty poorly
explained that make the game much simpler to understand once you have a
grasp of them, as well as some thoughts on putting everything together.

Fair warning: though I’ve spent some time doing a little research on these
basics, I’ve only played the free version for about an hour or so as of
writing so if the basics go off in a different direction at higher level
that’s something you’ll have to discover for yourself.

-=Gearscore vs Item Tier=-
Gearscore is an item’s base level that influences its stats, and those stats
can increase rapidly as gearscore gets higher. Gearscore is probably the most
important thing to know about your items at a glance, which is unfortunate
because the game does a really poor job of communicating it.

The numbers directly next to each piece of equipment is it’s gearscore.
You can also see it on the item tooltips.

Put simply: an item’s power is most influenced by gearscore first, and then
modified marginally by item tier second. You can think of it as though the
item level is something like 2.I or 3.IV or 6.VI, etc. Enemy power increases i
n a manner similar to gearscore versus item tier as ring # increases as well.

-=Increasing Gearscore=-
Gearscore correlates to loot dropped by ring. So the first ring you start in,
1, drops gearscore 1 items, the next ring (2) drops gearscore 2 items and so on.

With this in mind, you can sort of simplify your goal in progressing: to inch
your equipment’s item tier higher until you can safely defeat enemies in the
next ring in order to begin collecting that ring’s gearscore in loot. Once you
get a few items from the new ring, getting more items from that ring should
get easier and then let you once again begin the process of increasing your
items’ tiers for that ring/gearscore.

Also keep in mind that disassembling gear of a higher gearscore increases
the base crafted gear to that gearscore for everything in that equipment
category (ie one-handed weapons, accessories, gloves, etc.), which makes
those first pieces you get from each ring that much more important.

-=Item Tier Nuances=-
The game’s explanations for disassembling and item crafting with regards to
item tier and gear score seem especially convoluted so let’s try to straighten
that out:

* Basic crafting ingredients also have tiers! When crafting an item you can
use materials of a particular tier to make an item of that tier (so say 2
tier II iron and 1 tier II wood let you directly craft a tier II sword).
* Despite each tier taking up different inventory slots, crafting ingredient
tiers seem to transcend gearscore, so for example you can use tier II iron/
wood/etc. gathered from ring 1 to craft a gearscore 3 tier II item.
* Despite what the game’s help messages seem to imply, disassembling a tier
II item does not give you a recipe to craft a tier II item, it simply gives
you the base recipe (plus tier II ingredients). So, to get a disassembled
tier II item back you would need to recraft it using tier II materials.
This is instead referring to gearscore.
* As item tiers increase you gain access to additional item perks, which
incrementally boost the item’s stats (generally to a degree that’s much
less than a change in gearscore).

And of course, you can combine identical items of the same tier to create a
copy of the next highest tier.

View: 1637 times
Updated: 2022.06.13

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