Dragon Ball: The Breakers Cheat Codes

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Dragon Ball: The Breakers Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Dragon Ball: The Breakers Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Dragon Ball: The Breakers Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Become True Vegeta (Hidden Easter Egg):
Written by CowaFlyer

How to unlock the hidden content bandai doesnt want us open beta'ers
to know about.

-=Step One=-
Unlock dragon change Vegeta using the ticket given for free and chose him as
your 3rd dragon change and with your character fully naked( you can wear gloves
if you wish to save your dignity)

-=Step Two=-
Start a game with You as a normal survivor and Frieza being the villain, with
high land river as the map (can’t be practice mod or trial match).

-=Step Three=-
As a survivor find two pairs of Vegeta gloves.

-=Step 3.5=-
Climb the highest tower in the game (tall rock ones).

-=Step Four=-
Wait for one person to fully die in your party (more can die if you would like).

-=Step Five=-
Call the pod and enter it.

-=Vegeta’n Time=-
Result: a cut scene should occur with you flying out of screen into space and
coming back down in the same position with True Vegeta being found.

-=Step 6=-
Enjoy the true powers of an elite and beat the ???? out of Frieza as the first
unlockable hero.

View: 4188 times
Updated: 2022.10.01

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