Slime Rancher 2 Cheat Codes

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Slime Rancher 2 Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Slime Rancher 2 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Slime Rancher 2 Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Make Money Very Fast:
Written by PhantasmaAsma

To make slimy money very fast you need to follow these 3 simple steps.

1.Have a corral with your favourite kind of slimy slime.

2.Have a garden with whatever your favourite slimy slime likes to eat.

3.Sleep. Just sleep. You skip time, your slimy slimeboys and slimy slimegirls
get hungy and your gardens will be full of healty food (If they’re not full,
just sleep again.).

Repeat those steps for infinite slimy slime money!

How to Befriend a Ringtail Slime:
Written by silly

This is how to befriend a Ringtail Slime. This guide is very easy and simple
and will only take a few minutes.

You have to make sure it is the right time/stuff you need to do this.

* It needs to be night.
* You need Jetpack.
* You need to unlock Starlight Strand.
* Ember Valley is not in here because it is harder.

1. For step one, go to Starlight Strand.
2. Now, go up to the Hunter Slime place.
3. Great job! Now go to Flutter Slime place.
4. Now, you have to go the spawners. No Ringtails? Move to the next area
(Remember, Largos matter!).
5. (If found Largo Ringtail)

If you find a Largo Ringtail, bring it to the ranch! Put it in a corral, and
feed it! Enjoy your new friend!

(If find a normal Ringtail)

If you find a normal one, and theres time to find another one, look for another
one! There is always time for a new friend. Now put it in a corral, and feed it!
Enjoy your new friend!Why Did I Make This?
I made this for no reason. I just like Ringtails.
Their just the criminals for Slime Rancher, I love it.

View: 4002 times
Updated: 2022.10.02

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