Shovel Knight Dig Cheat Codes

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Shovel Knight Dig Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Shovel Knight Dig Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Shovel Knight Dig Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

True Ending Guide:
Written by jwmiddle13
This guide aims to help anyone who is stuck figuring out how to achieve
the true ending.

-=First Step: The Owl and the Well=-
1st Step: You may find some NPCs talking about Altius, Shield Knight’s pet owl,
whom you’ll find on the sign next to the Well’s entrance.
use your shovel to hit him, o that he starts flying around. Shovel drop on him
when he’s directly above the Well. Dropping him low enough will make him fly
downward into the Well. Doing this once will make him automatically go down anytime
you start a new run.

-=Second Step: Finding the Owl=-
2nd Step: Find him in one of the Mushroom Mine’s side areas, where he will be
standing on a chest. Hit him to make him get off the chest and give you some gold.
After beating the first boss, you will meet up with Shield Knight AND Altius.

-=Third Step: The Cog on a String=-
3rd Step: You can either do this in Smeltworks or Secret Fountain first. You must
find Chester in one of the side areas. Altius will be flying above the chest.
Chester will have an item called the “Cog on a String.” Buy it (assuming you have
enough gold), and ALSO remember to collect the three gears in the first level of
the world you’re currently in. When you reach the first checkpoint, assuming you
have all three gears and the Cog on a String, Altius will jam it into the Drill
Capsule, preventing you from using it for the duration of your time spent in that
Once you beat the boss, you will meet up with Shield Knight and Altius again.

-=Fourth Step: The Sacrifice Shrines=-
4th Step: You can either do this in Smeltworks or Secret Fountain, depending on
what area you did first. In one of the side areas of each level, you will come
across a Griffoth Statue. You will need to sacrifice one of your passive items to
unlock the doors, allowing Shield Knight to drop down them. Upon unlocking all
three shrines, Shield Knight will gift you a Skeleton Key after you beat the boss.

-=Fifth Step: The Skeleton Key=-
5th Step: You can do this in either Magic Landfill or Grub Pit first. Take the
key to a skull door that matches its color.
Upon unlocking it, you will find the Omega Driver, which is necessary for dismantling
Drill Knight’s tech. Altius will hold onto it until you reach Drill Knight’s Castle.
After beating the boss, you will meet up with Shield Knight again.

-=Sixth Step: Bomb=-
6th Step: You can either do this in Magic Landfill or Grub Pit, depending on what
area you did first. Shield Knight will give you a bomb that must be placed in front
of an explosive wall. Blowing it up before the bomb goes off will lead you to a
room with a pipe that leads to Drill Knight’s Castle. Altius will take the Driver
down with him.

-=Seventh Step: Using the Omega Driver=-
7th Step: Once you reach Drill Knight’s castle, Altius will give you the Omega
Driver. DO NOT use the Omega Driver or trade it out for another relic.
Once you reach Drill Knight, fight him as normal, but once he’s at three health,
he will activate the Omega Saw. Use the Omega Driver to destroy the Saw, and it
will trigger a new cutscene.

You will have unlocked a new area, the Crystal Core. Beat it and you will unlock
the achievement.

Thanks to jwmiddle13 for his excellent guide, all credit to his effort. if this
guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.

View: 2267 times
Updated: 2022.10.02

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