LonaRPG Cheat Codes

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LonaRPG Cheat Codes
Name of the file: LonaRPG Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

LonaRPG Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Cheats Guide (All Console Commands):
Here is a full guide on how to cheat in LonaRPG.
Version: Beta

-=How to Enable Cheat=-
Press "F10" to enter the console and type the cheats in, copy/paste
is not possible (replace 9999 with the value you desire).

Adding " >z" to the end of the command allows you to input it multiple times, it
will give an error sound but should work.

Note: if you want to add a cheat menu, please use this mod [f95zone.to].

-=All Console Commands List=-
- Replenish HP

- Replenish Stamina

- Replenish Food

- Replenish Mood

- Heal Injury
$game_player.actor.heal_wound >z

Info: This command heals 1 wound at a time but can be inputted multiple times
by pressing space bar multiple times, ignore the "invalid input" sound as it still

- Give Birth

- Add P (Bartering Points)

- Add Trait Points

- Set Exp (Level)
$game_player.actor.change_exp(9999, false)
WARNING: This changes your exp to that value, not increase by that amount

- Add/Remove Traits
Add Trait: $game_player.actor.add_state(TraitNumber)
Remove Trait: $game_player.actor.remove_state(TraitNumber)

- Trait Number
Nymphomaniac = 115
Tough = 116
Timid = 117

Prostitute = 131
Exhibitionist = 129
BloodLust = 125
Alchemy = 136
Weapons Expert = 135
Hunter Training = 130
Mana Knowledge = 134
Improve Throw = 137
Omnivores = 132
Succubus = 138
Cum Eater = 133
Cannibal = 127
Hitchhiker = 140
Masochist = 126
Bloody Mess = 128
Whore of Babylon = 139

- Give Item
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)
Info: Using ' >z' at the end is highly recommended so changing item ID is easier as
it executes the command without exiting the console.

Format: “Item_Name: ItemID”
Note that quest items and traits have been removed from this list.

- Normal Food
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

Raw Food:
| > Apple $data_items[1]
| > Mushroom: $data_items[4]
| > Grapes: $data_items[6]
| > Orange: $data_items[7]
| > Onion: $data_items[9]
| > Pepper: $data_items[10]
| > Blue Berry: $data_items[11]
| > Raw Fish: $data_items[12]
| > Carrot: $data_items[13]
| > Tomato: $data_items[15]
| > Cherry: $data_items[16]
| > Milk: $data_items[17]
| > Potato: $data_items[18]
| > Raw Meat: $data_items[46]
| > Golden Milk: $data_items[140]

Processed/Unspoilable Food:
| > Bread: $data_items[2]
| > Cheese: $data_items[3]
| > Sausage: $data_items[5]
| > Nuts: $data_items[8]
| > Smoked Meat: $data_items[19]
| > Dry Food: $data_items[20]
| > Fruit Wine: $data_items[33]
| > Meat Soup: $data_items[42]
| > Vegetable Soup: $data_items[47]
| > Good Soup: $data_items[49]
| > Beer: $data_items[56]
| > Bottled Beer: $data_items[57]

- "Trash" Food
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Rat: $data_items[14]
| > Insect: $data_items[48]

| > Unknown Semen: $data_items[34]
| > Human Semen: $data_items[35]
| > Orcish Semen: $data_items[36]
| > Abomination Semen: $data_items[37]
| > Fishkind Semen: $data_items[38]
| > Troll Semen: $data_items[39]

| > Poo: $data_items[40]
| > Vomit: $data_items[41]
| > Bottled Pee*: $data_items[58]

Undesirable Meat:
| > Mutant Flesh: $data_items[43]
| > Humanoid Flesh: $data_items[45]
| > Humanoid Brain: $data_items[134]
| > Human Flesh: $data_items[136]
| > Human Meat Soup: $data_items[137]
| > Human Good Soup: $data_items[138]
| > Smoked Human Meat: $data_items[139]
| > Mystery Meat Soup: $data_items[141]
| > Mystery Good Soup: $data_items[142]
| > Smoked Mystery Meat (Human): $data_items[143]

- Medicine

$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

Processed Medicine:
| > Red Potion: $data_items[21]
| > Blue Potion: $data_items[22]
| > Contraceptive Pills: $data_items[23]
| > Joy Water: $data_items[24]
| > Witch Juice: $data_items[25]

Raw Medicine:
| > Dragon Root: $data_items[26]
| > White Dragon Grass: $data_items[27]
| > Tung Flower: $data_items[28]
| > Parasitic Flower: $data_items[29]
| > Repellent Herb: $data_items[30]
| > Bug Repellent: $data_items[31]
| > Troll Semen: $data_items[39]
| > Mutated Mushroom: $data_items[44]

- Money
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Small Copper Coin: $data_items[50]
| > Large Copper Coin: $data_items[51]
| > Gold Coin: $data_items[52]

$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Orc Baby: $data_items[68]
| > Goblin Baby: $data_items[69]
| > Fishkind Baby: $data_items[70]
| > Abomination Baby: $data_items[71]
| > Human Baby: $data_items[72]
| > Moot Baby: $data_items[73]
| > Troll Baby*: $data_items[74]
| > Troll Child*: $data_items[75]
| > Orc Child: $data_items[76]
| > Ogre Child: $data_items[77]

- Other
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Mineral: $data_items[53]
| > Rock: $data_items[54]
| > Holy Water: $data_items[135]

| > ID Paper: $data_items[104]
| > Fake ID Paper: $data_items[105]
| > Slope Temporary Visa: $data_items[113]

Inn Keys:
| > Buring Keg Room Key (Noer): $data_items[106]
| > Bane Room Key (Pirates Bane): $data_items[114]
| > Doom Inn Room Key (Doom Fortress): $data_items[116]

- Bombs
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Timed Frag Bomb: $data_items[181]
| > Frag Bomb: $data_items[182]
| > Frag Mine: $data_items[183]

| > Timed Shock Bomb: $data_items[184]
| > Shock Bomb: $data_items[185]
| > Shock Mine: $data_items[186]

- Main-Hand
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Short Sword: $data_weapons[1]
| > Wooden Club: $data_weapons[2]
| > Wooden Spear: $data_weapons[3]
| > Restraint Pole: $data_weapons[5]
| > Sickle: $data_weapons[10]
| > Pickaxe: $data_weapons[11]
| > Pitchfork: $data_weapons[12]

Weapons Expert:
| > Longbow: $data_weapons[4]
| > Halberd: $data_weapons[6]
| > Whip: $data_weapons[7]
| > Metal Spear: $data_weapons[9]
| > Saber: $data_weapons[15]

Mana Knowledge:
| > Filthy Staff: $data_weapons[8]
| > Fire Wand: $data_weapons[13]
| > Water Staff: $data_weapons[14]

| > Metal Harness: $data_weapons[20]
| > Full Metal Harness: $data_weapons[21]

- Off-Hand
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Dagger: $data_armors[37]
| > Wooden Shield: $data_armors[39]
| > Lantern: $data_armors[40]
| > Bone Shield: $data_armors[41]

Weapons Expert:
| > Throwing Knives: $data_armors[38]
| > Metal Shield: $data_armors[43]
Mana Knowledge:
| > Abomination Totem: $data_armors[42]
| > Fire Spell Book: $data_armors[44]
| > Water Spell Book: $data_armors[45]

- Armour
$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Red Cape: $data_armors[2]
| > Civilian Top: $data_armors[7]
| > Civilian Pants: $data_armors[15]
| > Leather Bag: $data_armors[18]
| > Glasses: $data_armors[33]

| > Dirty Shawl: $data_armors[3]
| > Dirty Rags: $data_armors[8]
| > Dirty Underwear: $data_armors[14]
| > Torn Apron: $data_armors[19]

| > Golden Harness: $data_armors[9]
| > Golden Pants: $data_armors[13]
| > Golden Headdress: $data_armors[32]

| > Metal Collar: $data_armors[21]
| > Chained Collar: $data_armors[22]

| > Double Braid: $data_armors[28]
| > Ponytail: $data_armors[29]

| > Light Iron Armor*: $data_armors[11]
| > Sunglasses(Dev Item): $data_armors[34]

*Items that are currently not used in-game

Beginner Tips:
* If you are low on food, you can buy a ‘Buring Keg Room Key’ in Noer Inn
from Boss Mama for 550p which allows you to sleep there without being
kicked out. This also replenishes all your food and cleans you. You can buy
3 keys and a beer for 1 large copper coin. The room you sleep in is up the
stairs to your West and is the room next to the stairs to the second floor.
Press enter/Z on the bed to sleep. This passes one day/night cycle.

* Sprinting during combat (the 2 swords clashing icon below your food) costs
stamina but sprinting outside of combat costs nothing extra. However,
sprinting in the world map costs more stamina in return for less time lost
(not worth it in my opinion).

* Attacking random non-hostile people (civilians, guards, etc) is a surefire
way to lower your morality and cause people to become hostile on sight, so
don’t do that unless you want an extra challenge.

* Set the keybindings for your skills, particularly ‘Basic Needs’, to make the
game more enjoyable. This is done entering the ‘Skills’ tab in the menu,
selecting the skill you want to add, then pressing the key you want it bound to
(‘A’, ‘S’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘Q’, ‘W’, ‘E’, ‘R’, & ‘Space’)

* Invest 3 points into Scoutcraft as that unlocks sneaking and makes the main
quests much easier.

* !IMPORTANT! Taking the ‘Nymphomaniac’ trait locks out the ‘Mana Knowledge’
and ‘Weapons Expert’ trait, both of which are great for combat. The Nymph path
is significantly harder so be warned.

View: 153525 times
Updated: 2022.11.13

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