Name of the file: Stalcraft Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Tips for Seekers and Stalkers Alike: ------------------------------------ Writen by Calza This will be a list of tips, some of which the game does not tell you, and some of which may be considered spoilers. If you like to learn things the hard way, go play the game instead. * The tutorial teaches you some basics, but a bad lesson it teaches is that you get guns off of enemies. You dont. Its to let you try out some various guns. You can even mess with all available attachments too if you modify the gun before you take it off a body. * Every zone has sets of resources needed for progression. In the swamps, they are Green Mold, and Swamp Stones. There are “packed” variants too that you can unpack for 20 units of the respective resource. One is tied to mutants, one is tied to people. * If you die, you only lose whats not bound to you. If its bound, it will say so in the item popup. Progression items, here forward referred to as “barter items,” will also drop, but in the form of a lost backpack. Mold, Stones, Seeds, Wire, Roots, and so on are barter items. * You cannot loot other peoples lost backpacks. You have to earn these resources through events, looting containers, or quests. You can also buy them from a merchant in the Cordon, if desired. However, you can sell the backpacks to the fence, or auction them off, or mail them back to the player. * Anything equipped to your person cannot be dropped on death. However, dont forget to get ammo and meds before you head back out after a death. Pouches are heavier, but are bound items, and provide multiples of the above resources. * In the barter menu, where you see the paths of progression for gear, you can change what you want to see at the top left. You can check what attachments are compatible with weapons if you modify them within the barter menu. Armor, weapons, attachments, devices, backpacks, and so on. * You will come to hate black holes, otherwise known as whirligigs – I promise you. * Some armor sets come with plate bags that you can put an armor plate into. Steel lasts longer but protects you less. Ceramic protects you completely but breaks fast. Composite is a mix of the two but is expensive. Armor is the health of the plate and Damage Reduction is what itll take away from an incoming round. * If youre moving through an unfamiliar space, dont be afraid to spam your bolts to detect anomalies early. If you see moving air, heat waves, or some disturbance, check it with a bolt and avoid it. * Vortexes can be escaped if you sprint away in a single direction. Supposedly, if you type /suicide after being caught in a black hole, you will drop your backpack instead of getting your items scattered in a meaty shower. * Bandits control the north portions of the Swamps and Cordon, while Stalkers control the southern portions. Be cautious when traversing in enemy territory, and dont be afraid to kill if the opportunity arises. If you see someone, but cant kill them quickly, dont take the shot. * Grenades are your friends. Use them to flush an enemy out of cover or to punish someone for camping. * Safe zones like Shamans camp (otherwise known as Machine Yard) are often camped by folks who abuse the safe zone radius. Be careful on approach and when leaving. * If youve played the stalker series of games, a lot of locations will be familiar to you. The people have changed, but the areas havent been messed with too much. A lot of mechanics are faithfully recreated too. * The number on the top left of your minimap tells you how many PDAs, IE players are within 50m of your position, regardless of affiliation. Your PDA will beep to notify you when players leave or enter this radius. * The green bar on the bottom left of your minimap tells you when youre making noise. * Some sounds are ambient, and dont really indicate anything, but gunfire ALWAYS originates from players or NPCs fighting. Be cautious of nearby gunfire. Also be cautious of starting a gunfight – if you can hear it, others can too. * Give the borders and walls a wide berth. If theyre not surrounded in landmines, they have NATO patrolmen guarding, and those bastards are accurate. * Quests will frequently provide you items that you wouldve otherwise bought, like AKs, armor, metal detectors, and so on. * Every 100 units of Protection: be it radiation, bioinfection, or thermal, will grant you immunity to progressing tiers of intensity. Tier 1 radiation is blocked by 100 Radiation Protection, but Tier 2 will still affect you, just not as quickly. Later areas require higher tiers of protection to survive more than a few minutes at a time. * You can find Shreks house in the Swamps, due east of the bandit Boathouse. You can get achievements for bouncing a bolt between two anomalies, or bouncing twice on a trampoline (springboard). Theres one for leaving the game during an emission. * Study your weapons stats carefully. Things that boost damage are always good. Spread, Recoil, Damage over Range, Magazine Size, Reload Speed – all of these dictate how well your gun will serve you in combat. * Use shotguns or pistols for mutants and weak enemies. Use automatic weapons or marksman rifles for strong enemies and other players. Aim for the head if possible. * Keep an alternative suit of armor, or weapon on you in case a situation changes. Its a little extra weight, but that can be remedied by being careful of what you pick up. * To that point, dont carry a bunch of ? on you. Carry as much as you need for a skirmish, and nothing more. Also, when looting enemies, dont take all their medkits, ammunition, grenades, or armor plates if you dont need them. Being able to sprint is what keeps you alive – if you cant sprint, youre as good as dead. * Emissions, or blowouts, are the red storm that comes every 3 hours across every server. If its incoming, you have a minute to get underground and shield yourself from the psy emissions that will turn your brain into mush. A house is not always sufficient. * Quests can sometimes be context sensitive. They will ask you to keep track of particular information that you relay later. Some quests are also puzzles, asking you to investigate an area, or apply critical thinking. Its a good change of pace from nothing but fetch and kill quests. Dont hesitate to take notes. The game is not afraid to say that you ? up a quest and give you a pitiful reward. * If youre trying to group up with a friend, make sure youre on the same mega- server (NA, EU, etc.) and that you have eachother added in the PDA. The names are case sensitive. * Armor and weapon paints are only applied once. Once applied, they are consumed. If you trade in the armor for barter, you get the paint back. * You can create collection tasks for barter items you want to create. It will help you track them, and tell you where to get the resources. You can delete them too if accidentally made. * Some areas are heavily anomalous, and are very risky to explore without proper gear. They are the best place to go after an emission, however, since emissions respawn artifacts. * Holding the quick item, reload, or quick grenade button will open up a wheel that lets you select whatever youve hotkeyed. You hotkey them by pressing your number keys while hovering over the item in your inventory. You can hotkey consumables and weapons. * The PDA has a lot of sections that can help an aspiring stalker. Dont be afraid to explore the tabs and click on buttons to see what they do. Theres a guide too. * Food is needed for some quests, but is not actively used by the player for sustenance. You dont need to carry it if you dont want to. Keep mutant parts. * Quests you do early on can have knock on effects with quests in the future. A quest with Gnostic will check to see if youve completed certain quests in the Swamps, and reward you accordingly, for example. * Agroprom and Dark Valley (bandit and stalker respectively) are easier to farm Seeds in compared to the Cordon. There are less players of the opposing faction present. * The early game combat armors are a noob trap. If it doesnt have 100 Radiation Protection, you wont be able to go into areas beyond the Cordon and progress. * The Ghillie Suit gets an 8% movement speed bonus. Some armors come with integrated night vision. * The last quest involving Shaman will give you Shamans Boomstick. its basically a free full length Mosin. Because of its high damage and two times headshot multiplier expect to be killed by this fairly often. The only way to prevent a one tap is to wear ceramic armor plates. * Half the game, honestly, is teamwork. Cooperation. It would be rather difficult to get through this game solo, so dont be afraid to use chat, squad up, and make friends. Walkthroughs + Crafting and Secrets: ------------------------------------ Written by Calza This list will contain hints that the game leaves out as well as some that could be considered spoilers. If you would rather learn things quickly and painfully, play the game instead. Ill add more details as I learn more about them or as they develop. We welcome any feedback or ideas for informational additions. -=1-10=- 1. Although the tutorial covers some basics, it also teaches you how to get guns off your enemies. You dont. This tutorial is to allow you to try different guns. If you want to modify the gun, you can also play with all attachments. 2. Each zone has its own set of resources that are required for progress. They are Green Mold and Swamp Stones in the swamps. You can also find “packed” versions that you can buy for 20 units of each resource. One is for mutants, the other is for people. 3. You only lose what is not bound to you if you die. It will indicate in the item popup if it is bound. Progression items, also known as “barter items” in this context, will also drop but in the form a lost backpack. Mold, Stones, Seeds, Wire, Roots Barter items include,, and so forth. 4. You can loot backpacks that have been lost by others cannot. These resources can be earned through looting containers, quests, and events. If you wish, you can also purchase them from a merchant in Cordon. You can also sell them to the fence, auction them off or return them to the player. 5. You cannot drop anything that is attached to your body. After a death, make sure you have enough ammo and medication. Pouches are more heavy, but they are bound items and provide multiples. 6. You can change what you see in the barter menu. If you modify the barter menu, you can see which attachments are compatible. You can find armor, weapons, attachments and devices, as well as backpacks. 7. I guarantee you that you will hate black holes, also known as whirligigs. 8. Many armor sets include plate bags that can be used to store an armor plate. Steel is more durable but less protective than steel. Ceramic is more durable but also breaks down quickly. Composite is a mixture of both, but it is more expensive. Damage Reduction refers to the amount of damage it will take away from an incoming round. Armor is the plates health. 9. You should not be afraid to use your bolts to spot anomalies in unfamiliar areas. You can avoid moving air, heat waves or any disturbance by checking it with a bolt. 10. You can escape vortexes by running in one direction. If you type /suicide when you are caught in a vortex, your backpack will be dropped and your items will be scattered in a hot shower. -=11-20=- 11. Bandits control the Swamps and Cordons north, while Stalkers have control of the south. Avoid crossing enemy territory and dont be afraid of getting killed if you have to. Dont shoot someone if you cant kill them immediately. 12. Grenades can be your friend. You can use them to exterminate someone camping or to flush out an enemy. 13. People who abuse safe zones such as Shamans camp (, also known as Machine Yard), often camp in safe zones. Be cautious when approaching and leaving. 14. Many locations will be familiar to anyone who has played the stalker series. While the people have changed, the areas have not been altered too much. Many mechanics are faithfully reproduced. 15. The number at the top left of your minimap shows you how many PDAs, IE users are within 50m of you, regardless of affiliation. Your PDA will sound an alarm when players enter or leave this area. 16. The green bar at the bottom left of your minimap indicates when you are making noise. 17. Some sounds are just ambient and dont indicate anything. Gunfire is always generated by players or NPCs fighting. Be aware of nearby gunfire. Be cautious about starting a gunfight. 18. Give the walls and borders a wide berth. They have NATO patrolmen protecting them, and those bastards can be accurate if they arent surrounded by landmines. 19. Quests often provide items you wouldnt otherwise buy, such as AKs, armor, and metal detectors. 20. Every 100 units of Protection, be it radiation, bioinfection or thermal, will grant immunity to the next tiers. 100 Radiation Protection blocks Tier 1 radiation, but Tier 2 will still impact you, although not as fast. To survive for more than a few seconds, you will need higher levels of protection in later areas. -=21-30=- 21. Shreks home can be found in the Swamps east of the bandit Boathouse. Achievements can be earned for bouncing between two anomalies or twice on a trampoline springboard (). One achievement is for leaving the game during emissions. 22. Pay attention to the stats of your weapon. It is always a good idea to boost damage. Spread, Recoil and Damage over Range, Magazine Size, Reload speed – these are all factors that determine how well your gun will perform in combat. 23. For mutants and weak enemies, you can use shotguns or pistols. For strong enemies and other players, you can use automatic weapons or marksman rifles. If possible, aim for the head. 24. In case of emergency, keep an alternate suit of armor or weapon with you. Although it may add a little weight, you can reduce that by being careful about what you buy. 25. Dont take too many. Only carry what you need for a skirmish. If you dont have to, dont take their medkits or ammunition. You are only as good as your ability to sprint if you dont have the ability. 26. Emissions or blowouts are the red-hot storms that hits every 3 hours across every server. If its incoming you have a minute for the underground to protect your brain from the psy emissions. Sometimes a house is not enough. 27. Sometimes, quests can be context-sensitive. They may ask you to keep track and relay specific information later. Some quests may also be puzzles. They require you to research an area or use critical thinking. This is a refreshing change from the usual fetch-and-kill quests. Do not hesitate to take notes. 28. If you want to group up with a friend make sure you are on the same mega-server (NA or EU.) and that each other is added to the PDA. You must use capital letters. 29. Only one coat of armor and weapon paints can be applied. They are no longer useful after they have been applied. You can trade the armor for barter to get the paint back. 30. You can create collection tasks to barter the items you want. It will help you keep track of them and show you where to find the resources. If they are accidentally created, you can delete them. -=31-40=- 31. Some areas are extremely anomalous and can be dangerous to explore without the right gear. These are the best places to pursue an emission. However, emissions can respawn artifacts. 32. Holding the quick item or reload button will open a wheel that allows you to select what you hotkeyed. Hotkey them by hovering over an item in your inventory and pressing your number keys. Hotkey consumables or weapons. 33. There are many sections on the PDA that can be helpful to aspiring stalkers. Explore the tabs and click on the buttons to find out what they do. There is also a guide. 34. While food is necessary for certain quests, it is not essential for daily sustenance. If you dont wish to, you dont have to carry it. Keep mutant parts. 35. Early on, you can have knock-on effects on future quests by completing Quests. Gnostic will reward you with a quest to check if you have completed certain Swamps quests. |
View: 11558 times |
Updated: 2022.12.18 |
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