Lost Light Cheat Codes

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Lost Light Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Lost Light Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Lost Light Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Money, Material & Market guide:
Written by ?øL¡?l?? ????

Basic info about Money, Material & Market in Lost Light.

* The game does not tell you the real value of an item.
* All items can be broken down or crafted into something else. As a
result, make an item's value directly related to its component.

Scrap the most basic component, which should be very cheap. However, it is
used in almost everything, and you can never have enough of it. As a result,
it is highly sought after and can be sold at exorbitant prices, ranging from
5000 to 8000g per piece!

This means that everything made from scrap and those further down the line
are significantly more expensive than the in-game price.

-=Some of those are=-
* Screws
* Nuts
* Hammer
* Broken Knife
* Toolbox

* However, as I previously stated, all items can be broken down.
* Extinguishers, for example, can be purchased for around 70,000-100,000g
but dismantled into 30 scraps worth around 200,000!

That is, if you dismantle instead of buying scrap, you will save 50% every
time. Furthermore, if you use your sellable scrap instead of selling it, you
lose 3,500g for each piece.

-=On the other side=-
Plastic is cheap, but many of the things you can make with it are worth a lot
of money and can easily earn you 10k-30k per piece. My secret item costs less
than 10,000g, but can be sold for 100,000g at specific times of day!

-=The CPU crafting line is also noteworthy=-
* Glue Gun (200k-250k)
* Soldering Iron (700k-850k)
* CPU (1.5m-2m)

If you looted any of them, don't sell it to Heidi!
That's it. Have fun crafting and trading, guys!

View: 2281 times
Updated: 2023.01.08

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