Name of the file: Master Magistrate Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Perfect Scores in Trials Guide: ------------------------------- Written by By GoldenRadiance There are four achievements for getting a perfect score in a chapter by not making any mistakes, now that all four chapters are out. This guide is a list of choices you need to make and evidence you need to present in order to achieve a perfect score in every trial, and thus unlock all of the rewards in the Extras menu. -=CHAPTER 1 DAY 1=- Question all four suspects to advance to the next part. Question Mai Yamanobe, at "I saw the clock", present Info -- Position of the Windows Counter "Like moving the clock, or turning back the hands?!" with Info -- Condition of the Scene * Choose "Hina Kahoku" * Click the yellow circle highlighting the Mirror * Present Items -- Obanazawa's Dagger * Choose "Oishida couldn't unsheathe that sword" Question Hina Kahoku, at "I didn't have any reason to!", present Items -- Flashy Hairpin * Choose "Hina Kahoku" Present Items -- Flashy Hairpin * Choose "Yamanobe went to Obanazawa's home in the middle of the night" * Choose "She was told to deliver it immediately" * Choose "She had work the next day" * Choose "Because Kawai and Kahoku had never even met" * Choose "Yamanobe thought Kawai did it" Present Items -- Obanazawa's Dagger * Choose "It's hard to unsheathe this when you're left-handed" * Choose "Obanazawa wasn't on guard against Yamanobe" Present Info -- Condition of the Body -=CHAPTER 2 DAY 1=- Question Yuza Sakata, at "I got along well with Shojiro", present Info -- The Sakatas' Marriage Counter "Hahaha, that's rich! I didn't have anything on me to set a fire. Ridiculous" with Items -- Tobacco Case Question Iidenosuke Okitama, at "The townhouse suddenly went up in flames while I was looking for something", present Info -- Iidenosuke's Statement -=CHAPTER 2 DAY 2=- Question all four suspects to advance to the next part Counter "Over a drink?! How can you even spew such bold lies!" with Info -- The Sushi Order * Choose "Continue the trial with those two suspects" Present Items -- Letter from the Sakatas Question Tasuke Ookura, at "If you had something that would burn instantly", present Items -- Petroleum Counter "This is ludicrous! Then how did I manage to set the fire if I wasn't even there?!" with Items -- Tenkasu Present Info -- The Sakatas' Use of Oil Present Items -- Shojiro's Body Present Info -- Shojiro's Last Moments * Choose "Hear from Iidenosuke-san" * Choose "Battera" Present Info -- Tasuke and the Townhouse Present People -- Atsumi Tsuruoka Present Items -- Anti-Mosquito Incense * Choose "Because of the motor" * Choose "Because you fought with Shojiro-san" * Choose "Shojiro Sakata" * Choose "Shojiro-san was murdered" Present Items -- Book of Ghost Stories -=CHAPTER 3 DAY 1=- Question Nezumi Kozo, at "I stole his short sword", present Items -- Zao Itsukigouri's Body * Choose "Ask Tsuki Ideha" Question Nezumi Kozo, at "I used those to open the door", present "Keys to the Basement" * Choose "Only she can open the basement" Present Info -- Color-Blindness * Choose "Someone else was there" Counter "With no evidence to back you up, just shouting that she didn't do it won't be enough" with Info -- Zao's Last Day * Choose "Nezumi Kozo is covering for someone" -=CHAPTER 3 DAY 3 (No trial on Day 2)=- Question Ryu Ootaki, at "Zao-sama came", present Info -- Zao's Time of Death Present Info -- Zao's Last Day * Choose "You entered the basement before the party" * Choose "Because there is proof" Present Items -- Ootaki's Ledger * Choose "Ootaki was manipulated" * Choose "The Nakamachi Magistrate was attacked" Question Youri Takahata, at "overseas to study", present Items -- Foreign Document * Choose "You shouldn't have known where Ideha was going to live" Counter "After that she could do what she wanted. I didn't know in whose home she would stay" with Info -- Europe and Preservation * Choose "It had to do with Tsuki Ideha's life" * Choose "Your shop isn't doing well" Present Items -- Shichikashuku Invoice * Choose "Foreign trade" * Choose "Zao's plans for a silk plant" * Choose "The preservation rumors" Present Items -- Formalin -=CHAPTER 3 DAY 4=- Question Nezumi Kozo * Click on Sakura Toyama's room (room with picture of blonde woman with a sword) Present Items -- Scattered Coins * Choose "He'd been locked up for 16 years" * Choose "Tsuki Ideha" Present Items -- Blood Pact -=BONUS CHAPTER=- Question all four women * Choose "Shino Okita" Present Items -- Okita's Clothes * Choose "Koume Kawai" Present Items -- Koume's Clothes * Choose "Rimu Hiraga" Present Items -- Rimu's Clothes * Choose "They weren't there" * Choose "Ayaka Yamanami" * Choose "You're the one woman who wasn't a victim" * Choose "They'd wake her up" -=CHAPTER 4 DAY 1=- Question Mai Yamanobe. At "Her hairpin and glasses. I'd never mistake her looks.", present Items--Accessories * Select "Tojo-san?" Question Ainosuke Tojo. At "Yesterday Saotome and I spent the day at my place.", present Info--Akabashi That Day * Select "Tell them nothing." Counter "Maybe 10 years ago, but I couldn't take these guys today." with Info--Ainosuke Tojo * Select "The guard's bodies." Present Items--Shinsegumi Roster * Select "Megumi Saotome." Present Items--Accessories * Select "Megumi Saotome." Present Items--Alley Present Info--Shimei's Hooded Attacker * Select "The horizontal thrust." * Select "Shino Okita." Present Items--Nagai Clan Cloth -=CHAPTER 4 DAY 2 =- (Spoiler alert, major plot reveals here) SPOILER WARNING: There were major plot reveals in Chapter 4 Day 1, and this walkthrough will spoil some of those details. There are also major plot reveals in this trial as well. For example, the victim in this trial is a major side character. Question Iroha Saito. At "I waited for a while. Yamanami arrived late, and suddenly attacked me.", present Items--Dirty Tatami Present Items--White Sheath * Select "Because she betrayed you?" Present Items--Kitamachi Warrant * Select "Ainosuke Tojo." Present Items--Accessories * Select "A call to start the operation." Counter "That...? Stop beating around the bush, Kondo. Come at me head-on." with Info--Ayaka Yamanami Present Info--The Shogun's Bloodline Question Iroha Saito. At "I was watching her, but I got distracted for a moment by the fireworks, and lost sight of her", present Info--Odd Yamanami Sighting * Select "I have evidence." Present Info--Shimei's Hooded Attacker * Select "That I'm an illegitimate child." * Select "Noritaka-sama's movements" Present People--Shino Okita Counter "They used that technique so they could kill many people. To be sure of the kills." with Info--Horizontal Thrust Question Kagetora Toyama. At "Obviously, around the infirmary. During the night.", present Items--Yudono's Note to Sakura * Select "It can kill with just one hand." * Select "Avoided me." * Select "I'm not playing your games." ("I'll put my life on the line" is also a valid choice, but choosing this will mean that any wrong choice after this point will result in an instant loss, though that instant loss will also give you an achievement so you might do it once.) * Select "A planned death." * Select "The failure to recruit me." * Select "To make me think she was an enemy." * Select "To muddle the incident." Present Items--Yamanami's Room * Select "Because I arrested Nagai." * Select "Noritoki Aoi." * Click on the right-hand side alley on the map. * Select "Toshikaze Hijikata." * Select "Discontentment with the world." * Select "Koume Kawai's existence." Present Items--Kondo's Note to Kagetora * Select "The fire in the row houses." * Select "To gain the favor of the people." * Select "To keep the investigation away from you." * Select "I was arrested by Kitamachi." * Select "Yamanami-san went out of control." Present Info--The Shogun's Attacker * Click on Okita on the map Present Info--Ayaka Yamanami's Death Present Items--Folding Fan Additional note: To access the "character routes", first beat chapter 4, then click Chapter Select from the Main Menu, then click "Epilogue", and you'll play through an epilogue that takes place after chapter 4, and the protagonist will think about getting closer to the girls, and then a choice of characters will come up Additional note 2: However, this will only unlock the first 3 out of 5 routes: Rimu's route, Koume's route, and Sakura's route. To unlock the 4th route, first beat chapter 4, then click Chapter Select from the Main Menu, then click "Okita 1", and when you get a choice, choose "Oppose Kagetora-sama's request." You'll then unlock the route. (However, I do recommend choosing to obey Kagetora-sama's request once. You only get a normal ending then, but it answers a couple of questions that were left unsolved in chapter 4, for example who cut a certain person's arm.) To unlock the 5th route, first beat chapter 4, then click Chapter Select from the Main Menu, then click Chapter 4, then click "Day 3: Case" and play through, and you'll get three choices during a part where there were only two the first time you played. Click the extra choice, "Run away with Yamanami-san". You'll then unlock the route. |
View: 1130 times |
Updated: 2023.01.08 |
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