Super Video Golf Cheat Codes

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Super Video Golf Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Super Video Golf Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Super Video Golf Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Making Your Best Shot:
Written by Mostly Hairless

How to pick the best club and take the optimal shot when playing.

This guide assumes you have completed the in game tutorial for playing
Super Video Golf. If you haven’t then you can access it from the main
game menu by choosing 19th Hole and then Tutorial.

Once you have a basic understanding of how the game works then this guide
will provide more detail about the clubs you can choose, and why it matters
which one you use based on the current state of play.

-=Picking Your Club=-
When you play the tutorial in Super Video Golf you are introduced to the UI
display which indicates the current distance to the hole, and the rating of
your selected club. Note also that in the top right of the display the
current terrain is shown. This will be important.

At the most basic level you will need to choose a club whose rating is as
close as possible to that of the distance to the pin. If the pin is further
than the maximum selectable club then you’ll need to plan your shot so that
it lies in a reasonable position to reach the green on your next turn. The
power bar, used when hitting the ball, is designed to be proportional to that
of the maximum distance of the selected club. That is, if the Driver is
selected, which has a maximum range of 220 metres, then using 50% of the power
bar for your shot will hit the ball 50% of the distance – ie 110 metres.

During play Super Video Golf will attempt to automatically select a club for
you based on your current position on the course – unless you are on the
Driving Range, where you need to select your club manually. However there
are other factors which contribute to your shot that should be considered
before accepting your given club.

The first factor is the terrain. This affects your shot, and therefore your
decision as to which club to use, in two ways. The first depends on the
current lie of the ball. If you are in the rough or in a bunker then some
power will be lost when you take your shot. This means that even if you hit
the ball with 100% power it will not travel the maximum distance of the
club’s rating. When your ball lies in a bunker you will also have your club
selection limited to wedges – so the maximum rated club available is only 70
metres. In other words, try to avoid the bunkers!

The terrain also affects how far the ball bounces when it lands – a factor
not accounted for by the club’s rating! If you hit the ball with the Driver
at maximum power it will hit the ground at approximately 220 metres from
your location – however, unless you land in a bunker, the ball will bounce
a lot further. The ball will bounce furthest when hitting the fairway or
the green, followed by hitting the rough, where the ball only bounces a
small amount. As mentioned, landing in the bunker will not cause the ball
to bounce at all. With this in mind it’s worth planning to hit your shot
some amount shorter than the distance to the target. Allow the ball to
bounce to its destination rather than hit the target directly.

The amount of bounce is also dependent on how hard you hit the ball –
driving it a long way can cause it to bounce a good 20 metres further,
whereas using a wedge will likely mean the ball only bounces a short distance.

When playing the Tutorial you will be introduced to the Wind Indicator, and
learning how to read it is vital to taking a good shot.

The Wind Indicator points in the direction in which the wind is blowing,
relative to the active camera. That is, the ball will be pushed in that
direction as it is carried along by the wind. How far the ball is carried
depends on the wind’s strength – a value of 0.2 – 0.5 is quite low and won’t
have much effect, however higher values will make a very noticeable difference.
As the wind strength increases the Wind Indicator will spin faster and the
text beneath it will turn from white to yellow, then orange, to indicate just
how much you should account for its effect.

Strong cross winds will not affect the total distance of your shot too much,
although they will very much change the ball’s direction. If the wind is
blowing left or right across your shot then you should aim into the wind.
It may seem counter-intuitive to at first be aiming towards the trees,
however a strong cross wind will make sure the ball stays on the course.

Tail winds (where the wind is blowing from behind you) have the potential
to carry the ball much further, both in flight and when it bounces. Head
winds (the wind is blowing towards you) will cause the ball to fall short.
Make sure to account for this when picking your club. For example the game
might automatically select a club with a range of 140 metres if the target
is 105 metres away. However a strong tail wind might mean that choosing a
club with a range of 100 metres would be a better option. The effect of
the wind coupled with the bounce distance means that the ball will likely
cover the 105 metre distance easily.

When the ball lies on the green you’ll be automatically given the putter.
This means that terrain effects don’t apply – if the ball bounces when you
putt then something is wrong! However the wind still has a non-negligible
effect on the ball, particularly cross winds. If you find yourself needing
to make a relatively long putt then bear in mind that, as the ball slows,
the wind will have more effect on it. Aiming slightly either side of the
hole can counter strong cross winds, effectively having them blow the ball
into the cup. The slope of the green will affect the ball slightly, but
no where near as much as the wind will.

Remember to think about which club you use and how hard you should hit
the ball. The terrain and wind are both variables which affect your shot
and, much like real golf, do need to be accounted for. If you are having
difficulty at first then practice your shots on the driving range.

It’ll help you to get a feel for the effects of the wind and how far the
ball will bounce, eventually making your choices instinctive. You may
also get a high score on the leaderboards too!

View: 1086 times
Updated: 2023.01.08

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