Name of the file: Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Naval Invasion Guide (Beta): ---------------------------- Written by Aries This guide shows what has worked for me when using your naval to invade an enemy country. It seems most players are almost there when it comes to them, they are just missing a few details that are not obvious or explained in the game guide itself. -=Invasion Preface=- I will try to explain what has worked for me along with answering a few questions I have seen. Most players are doing what they should be doing, I believe people are missing the actual Combat notifications. When your Invasion is underway, you will get a progress or combat report pop-up. The Special Operations Report shows the results of the combat. The numbers I was seeing are far far less than a land (AI) invasion. Only a couple of thousand KIA. -=Naval Invasion - Basics=- How to invade. Steps that worked for me. * Must be at War with Major Nation holding the territory. You cannot invade a minor country at this time as far as I know. * Direct TFs (Task Forces) totaling 100k tons to the Sea Region of the Province you wish to invade. eg: East Philippine Sea Region is the Philippine Sea. * Following turn / month you should see the option for “Sea Invasion” under Actions in the Politics Screen for the Nation you are planning to invade. * Select “Sea Invasion”. * Choose your invasion point (Region name if I remember) and then Yes = Invade. * Next turn / month you should receive a Mission List notice of a Naval Invasion on the world map. * Select the Mission List > Naval Invasion, you are brought to and zoomed in on the “invasion point”. This is where you should move your TFs to. Somewhere in this general area. I moved close to the port and that seems to work. * The next turn / month a Special Operations pop up (window) will show the invasion underway with combat results. -=Thoughts and Suggestions=- Additional information and strategies that worked for me for a successful Invasion. I found that multiple TFs are preferable. This is because you might get attacked and your TF could return to its base of operations. I believe you should have Sea Control, a higher Power Projection for the Area you are in. Wiping out the enemy TFs from the area worked for me in the successful invasions. The Invasions last for a few months (5-7 ?). Youll have to maintain a large force around the target and defend those forces. In a failed invasion of mine I believe it was because I did not have enough tonnage close to the Invasion Point during the whole 5-7 months. I was attacked by several small TFs and my big TFs returned to the close ports (China vs Japan). Realizing this, the next time I would try and put up a screen of single TFs around my invasion TFs. Fast DD or TB to intercept. Also have one of two TFs with strictly combat ships to assist in taking out the enemy TFs that may appear. Remember, you probably have the invasion setup correctly. Just watch for that Special Operations Report to see how well you are doing. Top tips: --------- Written by scorryuk Some useful tips and game mechanics that are easily missed in the early stages of play. -=Tricks & tips=- Just some tricks, tips and shared learning to help new players. Cruise speed gives an accuracy bonus for all ships that should not be ignored. You will start at flank speed, drop to full once enemy engaged. Sharp turns also reduce accuracy. At the start of any engagement it`s good practice to change all default ship settings- Select "avoid torps" , select "save" or "off" as the firing option for any torp firing ships otherwise they will launch with a less than good chance of hit. Sometimes torps don`t launch as expected on an attack run. It seems a buggy unpredictable system. Sometimes reducing speed, selecting aggressive fire mode and reclicking on target can resolve this. When new technology is developed you can update an old design. The new design will then appear with a year next to it. Select this new design and then select "refit option" on bottom right. You can then select ships to send in for upgrade / refit. Much cheaper and more efficient than scrapping. Be wary of some of the early 1890 designs and AI designing your ship for you. In my early battles my conning tower was constantly getting knocked out at a very early stage. Turned out the armour on this section was set at zero! If during design stage a ship is badly unbalanced you can add/subtract from fore and aft armour to shift weight about and make your ship more balanced. Sometimes you will just have to drag your front and rear towers as close to centre as you can. Increasing main deck armour will drop the roll Choice of tower can really affect balance as the better ones normally heavier. Resist the urge to always add latest development / version. The weight of tower can have big negative impact on smaller ships such as DD. Some of the BB towers have gun mounts for small calibre guns -normally 2" & 3". Don`t miss opportunity to mount these. Next to no additional weight but can hurt TBs & DDs. As tech advances some towers have a circular turret slot or hidden gun port. Easy to miss. Gun barrels can be lengthened or shortened. You can sacrifice muzzle velocity and range for greater rate of fire. Worth experimenting with. In the early stages of game accuracy and visibility of ships beyond 8 - 10 km is poor so perhaps worth exchanging range for better ROF. Sometimes worth adding extra .2 on your calibre if you can`t mount bigger gun. Can make difference if enemy armour matches calibre. Facing multiple enemy ships? If 2 ships ever line up in your line of fire switch fire to furthest away and shells will pass though closest one. I`ve sunk quite a few ships this way. Very effective. During campaign if you look at the fleet screen there`s a "add crew" box at the bottom left hand side of screen that needs ticked and is easy missed. Some people have been complaining about lack of crew. If a ship comes up as low crew go to fleet screen and select set crew option to replenish. This is subject to how much you have invested in training and how many manpower hungry BBs you have in fleet. Spacious quarters mean ship holds higher number of crew. Under finances you have option to upgrade your shipyards. You should be doing this at all times if you want to win arms race. You will not get a any notification to say a stage is completed so do check regularly. Although hull designs can often lag behind. Best breakthough techs for me were level 5 hull strengthening for Dreadnought hull, big guns, better armour and the shell & explosive upgrades. Good upgrades on last 2 make lower calibre guns more destructive across the fleet. Krupp armour is a game changer as it gives you so much more protection but frees up weight. And switching to oil boiler gives alot of benefits. I tend to run 100% tech whenever possible. Not selecting a research focus means everything progresses evenly. But some techs worth much more to gain an edge in early stages. If you are on focus and a tech shows 1 month to go try unselecting. If it still says one month (and often does) then put that focus elsewhere effectively squeezing max research. In campaign mode your opponent does not play by the historical rules. I got attacked 5 times between 1890 & 1914. I won and made them pay dearly in reparations by taking their best ships. This seemed to drive a change in their ship design - less BB`s & a high proportion of lighter cruisers. I countered this with a lighter armed Dreadnought which I designed as a cruiser killer. 10" main guns and a selection of 6" & 4" down the sides. And with weight savings I was able to get my belt armour above 15". The enemy ships could not penetrate and I ended up taking 10 or them out with this one ship. History would say don`t put smaller guns on big ship but you need to design your ships to meet the threat of your opponent so keep checking in on them. I needed a greater rate of fire for smaller ships. It helps that the game seems to let you put insane belt & deck armour on ships. I was easily going beyond Yamato level of protection by 1910 by focusing my research and 100% research. In earlier years of campaign you can affort to not add torp belt armour or citadel. Saves a lot of weight which can be put into belt and deck armour. Later, as AI fleets advance those torps and bigger guns will start to hurt you. Also in campaign those random battles with enemy take a selection of any sea ready ships from any port unless you have mothballed them. A quality over quantity approach does well and your super battleship can easy demolish a multitude of enemy ships if built properly. Upgrade or bin inferior vessels. As of last update the AI is getting much better at upgrading! |
View: 4564 times |
Updated: 2023.01.08 |
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