Vecter Cheat Codes

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Vecter Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Vecter Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Vecter Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Getting a high altitude:
Written By Liebelts

With this guide you'll learn a millenar maya gods trick to get more
altitude than the spring gives (about double). So you can relax for
double the time.

This is a millenar trick which is probably going to save your life
turn back. In this guide you'll learn it, if you haven't seen the title.

It's pretty simple
All you need is:

* Dash knowledge
* A skyway (the more inclined the better)
* Good fps

-=Ok let's do it=-
In steps for acessibility:

1. Get on the skyway
2. Wait till you reach almost the end of it (or do it in the middle if youre
in danger any place is good)
3. Use your dash skills to dash to the side headed towards the sky
4. Profit

It works by steering to the side too but dash is more effective!

-="wtf happend here this must be a glitch"=-
Yeah i'm not the dev so who knows.

Maybe it's the rotational transition, it takes about 0.5 seconds to transition
to normal rotation after you get out of the skyway, maybe.

Thank you for reading this guide i'm happy you read it.

View: 1090 times
Updated: 2023.01.28

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