Wandering Sword Cheat Codes

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Wandering Sword Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Wandering Sword Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Wandering Sword Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Facing Challenges Guide:
Guide to Facing Challenges

When wanderers face a challenge – be that combat or some other obstacle
- they roll two dice against a relevant ability threshold. If the combined
total of the dice is under the threshold, the challenge is within their
capabilities and they succeed. If the combined total is over the threshold,
it is outside their capabilities – they fail and take a consequence
determined by the guide or by the behaviour of foes in combat. If the result
equals the threshold, it is a critical success, and the outcome is amplified
(in combat they deal double the normal hits).

The threshold of a challenge is equal to the wanderer’s ability score in
the relevant area. For instance, if a wanderer has 6 dexterity and is
attacking with a finesse weapon, they must roll under 6 to succeed.
The higher the ability, the greater the chance of success.

Certain contexts may affect this threshold, such as when resisting effects.
Items may add a bonus to a particular threshold when avoiding unpleasant
consequences, such as armour granting a bonus to a wanderer’s strength
threshold when resisting being knocked down.

The two dice rolled to face a challenge are a condition dice and a context
dice. Condition represents the current state of the wanderer, and context
reflects the situation and resources to hand (often being the quality of
the item they are using to attempt the challenge). The outcomes of the
dice are added together to provide the final result.

The condition dice is 1d6 in normal circumstances. If the wanderer has
taken hits, or they are suffering from other effects, their condition
may worsen and they roll a higher dice (1d8 winded, or 1d10 bloodied).

The context dice is 1d6 if the wanderer has applicable gear for the
challenge (such as a weapon when fighting) or in a situation which is
not disadvantageous. The dice is 1d8 when using unbalanced or improvised
gear or when the situation is disadvantageous, or 1d4 when using
masterwork gear or in an advantageous situation.

How to Display City Names on the World Map:
Written by SpiralUpGames

View all the city names with just 1 click!

If you ever get lost on the World Map, simply click on the leftmost icon
in the upper-right menu (or press M) to display locations you can visit.

View: 2951 times
Updated: 2023.02.13

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