Bounty of One Cheat Codes

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Bounty of One Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Bounty of One Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Bounty of One Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips and Stuff:
Written by Cock Goblin

1. When starting out, get to 30 gold and buy the damage upgrade in the shop.
This will make normal enemies at the start of the round die in one hit (50
damage). Otherwise, try to get to 50 damage through leveling to kill normal
enemies in one hit.

2. Getting gold: raise your infamy through normal play then play the 2nd
game mode (nightmare escape). You'll earn a lot more gold here for the time
invested. Higher infamy = more gold. Infamy 9 is a good start as it is still
1 heart damage from enemies (it goes up to 2 hearts at level 10 and 3 at 15).
Dailies are also a good way to get gold if you find an easy one which you
can complete at high infamy.

3. Easier achievements: play the dailies, they do not block achievements and
can be repeated if you find one that is easy. This makes hunting them much
easier (like the Legend one) due to the static seed and thus consistent

4. Master "tap moving". This is where you move, stop briefly to fire once,
then move again. At later difficulties, this becomes very useful for managing
large groups of enemies without becoming surrounded.

5. To manage groups of enemies and avoid being surrounded, run in large
circles, using tap movement to pick off enemies following you. This will
also allow you to collect exp and chests as you loop around. A benefit of
this strategy is that chargers and shooter special enemies will have a hard
time hitting you.

6. There is only a 0.5s invincibility when hit (at higher infamy levels),
which means you can easily die if surrounded by enemies or standing on a
boss. Enemy damage goes up at infamy 10 and 15, so adjust your max hp
accordingly so you don't die in 1 hit. (I aim for 5-7 hp at infamy 10-14
and 7-10 hp at infamy 15+)

7. Prioritize damage first (because many chest upgrades rely on base damage),
then attack speed. Movement speed and cooldown are good too. Radius and dash
are useful with specific builds. Crit chance has a few nice chest upgrades
but I wouldn't plan a build around it unless you get one of those upgrades
early on. I wouldn't invest in more than 1 bounce and/or 2 pierce (since
you cannot manually aim, most bullets will leave the screen with bounce/
pierce counters remaining) UNLESS you get the "bullets bounce off side of
screen" chest upgrade, then get as much bounce/pierce as you can. Always
get the "extra choice" upgrade if it appears.

8. Hit boxes are weird. Avoid standing above bosses (especially the 2nd
boss). Projectiles can damage you if they are close to your feet (without
touching them). Dynamite won't damage you if the center of your character
is outside the explosion radius (ie. your feet can be inside / overlapping).

9. When playing the 2nd game mode (nightmare escape), at level 1 and 10,
ranged specials won't spawn, so if you have good damage and attack speed
then you can stand still and "afk farm" normal enemies for a while, then
grab the exp to gain multiple levels quickly.

10. At higher infamy, I suggest getting the items that slow nearby enemies
and create two shields that block projectiles (both are normal rarity).
These items add a lot of survivability. The projectile blocking item can
be used on both bosses, but the 2nd boss it is very useful against dynamite
when you stand below and slightly to the left or right of the boss.

11. As far as I can tell, there is nothing interesting on the map. It goes
on endlessly and eventually becomes all desert tiles. ie. try steamboots
with high dash count and cooldown, then just spam dash in one direction.

12. For the character/item that causes your weapon to return to you:
radius increases the distance of the attack.

A few item synergies that work for most characters/dailies.

1. (Items: steamboots + dynamite on dash + dash damage / cooldown) +
(Upgrades: large radius + low cooldown + more dashes + damage) =
overpowered invincible dashing machine. Add the lightning movement and
ground smash abilities for more fun. Avoid the other dash items (damage
at start/end of dash) as they have knockback that scales with radius and
will push enemies away from your dynamite. Try dashing in a line, back
and forth, overlapping your dynamites.

2. (Items: screen bounce + any pierce/bounce items) + (Upgrades: bounce
+ pierce + damage + attack speed) = overpowered killing machine. Add
abilities that increase your projectile count to help lower your FPS
(works wonders in endless).

3. (Items: lightning movement + any damage increasing item) + (Upgrades:
as much damage as you can get + move speed) = run around and kill stuff.
You don't even need to fire your weapon! Lightning does the same damage
as you, so with high damage and move speed (and dashing), you will kill
things very quickly. Steamboots work well too with this item. Don't worry
about items that lower your attack speed or other penalties since you will
be rarely shooting. The ground stomp item is useful as well, but you'll
need radius upgrades to make it useful. Watch out for gluttony if you
don't have enough move speed to offset the slow debuff, which might end
your run.

4. (Items: the big cactus projectile (play Ollin or find it in a chest)
and/or the big bullet projectile + triple shot and/or 3 projectiles on
hit) = lots of high damage projectiles. This synergy is really noticeable
with the big bullet item.

5. (Items: projectiles return to you (play Nigel or find it in a chest)
+ slow projectile speed + slow nearby projectiles + big bullet) +
(Upgrades: move speed + dash) = endless big bullet. The big bullet has
infinite pierce and will only expire when it returns to you, so with
slow projectile speed, you can kite the bullet(s) to follow you while
dashing through enemies to cause the bullet to hit them.

Tips for harder achievements.

1. Achievements can be obtained via dailies. This makes some of them really
easy if the daily has ideal modifiers (like 10 object/item rerolls or
increased experience gain).

2. Legend (Have a win streak of 3 with an infamy level of 15 or more): find
an easy daily and repeat it 3 times at infamy 15.

3. Loner (Win a game): prepare some chicken tendies and an energy drink; wear
a wizard robe and pray to warlizard (try his gaming forums); set your phone/
friends list to do not disturb; don't stream on twitch; make a vague tweet
like "I have a huge obstacle in front of me that will be hard to overcome. I
hope ???? Goblin will help me through this difficult time."; then load up
cheatengine and set your max hp to 999.

4. Burning Feet (Use steamboots with 8 dashes): this is rng because steamboots
are purple rarity, making it harder to find. Try using Roger on infamy 0 to
make it easier to find the item, while also getting items/upgrades that increase
your dash count. Or try a daily that gives you lots of object rerolls.

5. Fearless (Use reckless rush 20 times in a single run): similar to steamboots,
purple rarity, so use Roger/dailies to make easier to get item. Play low
infamy and "farm" heart drops from enemies. Then dash and collect a heart 20
times. Don't get the healing boots as it will make the cooldown longer and
you might not get 20 dashes before killing the 2nd boss.

6. Hero (Win a game with an infamy level of 15): find an easy daily.

View: 1284 times
Updated: 2023.03.25

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