Name of the file: Enemy Territory - Quake Wars Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Enemy Territory - Quake Wars - Guide Tips and Tricks: --------------- Submitted by: Arindam sarkar Updated by: N/A * For the Controls see Options. * To Pause the game in Single Player press L for the Limbo menu or press Esc. * There are 4 Campaigns, each with 3 maps: * Africa campaign: Refinery, Slipgate, Island * North America campaign: Valley, Outskirts, Area 22 * Northern Europe campaign: Quarry, The Ark, Salvage * Pacific campaign: Canyon, Sewer, Volcano * Campaign: All your unlock rewards (proficiencies) reset after the third map and the game starts from the first map again. * GDF attack on 7 of the maps – Canyon, Island, Outskirts, Refinery, Sewer, Slipgate and Valley while Strogg defend and Strogg attack on 5 of the maps – Area 22, The Ark, Quarry, Salvage and Volcano while GDF defend. * Objective mode: Play a single map. * Stopwatch mode: If attacking try to set the fastest time to complete all objectives on a map and then the teams swap sides. If you were attacking you are now defending and have to last the time you just set. * MCP missions (GDF): Canyon, Outskirts, Refinery, Slipgate and Valley maps. * 7 or B – Select Binoculars/Trinoculars – Field Ops/Oppressor selects the Targeting Tool instead. * F11 – Take a screenshot, F12 – Toggle demo recording on/off. -=Ranking up=- You rank up offline every 20 XP. You start as a Conscript. There are 38 ranks. The first rank is Private (20 XP) and the last rank is Supreme Commander (760 XP). -=Unlock reward bar=- The white line below your XP is the proficiency reward bar for your current class. When it gets to the right you will unlock a reward for the class you are using. * Underneath the mini map, in the top-right corner, is the Time and Respawn timer (reinforcement wave) to the left of Time. The respawn timer is also shown above your body when you are downed and on the limbo menu (press L) at the bottom-left (above Deploy). If you are downed, when the respawn timer reaches zero you will respawn, unless revived by a Medic/Technician, or you can press C to wait for a Medic/Technician, otherwise press the Space bar to respawn. The time and respawn timer arent shown during warmup because you can respawn instantly during warmup. Under these is the Primary objective bar for explosives – Soldier/Aggressor, constructing – Engineer/Constructor and hacking – Covert Ops/Infiltrator. The number at the bottom-left of the mini map is the zoom – zoom in/out with , and . < > * The Primary objective bar goes down (empties) after 1 minute (for constructing and hacking) if you havent attempted it again. The same with secondary objectives for guard towers, mg nests and the assault ramp (Refinery) but not when hacking deployables or capturing/liberating forward spawns. * On the limbo menu, when attacking, the class that can do the objective has a gold asterisk in the class square on either Soldier/Aggressor – destroy, Engineer/Constructor – construct or Covert Ops/Infiltrator – hack. If defending the gold asterisk is on the Engineer/Constructor class square. Exceptions to this are: Island – any class is suggested (no gold asterisk) for Strogg on the first objective, defend the generator, although you can still be the Constructor if you wish. On Island, any class is suggested (no gold asterisk) for GDF on the last objective, transmit the data disc. On Outskirts, Medic is recommended for GDF on the last objective, transmit the data brain. On Quarry, Oppressor is recommended for Strogg on the last objective, capture the energy cells. On Sewer, Technician is suggested for Strogg on the last objective, defend the sewer controls, although you can still be the Constructor if you want. GDF Field Ops doesnt have a suggestion for any objective on any map, but they can offer fire support. * The respawn timer for attackers goes down by 5 seconds after 5 minutes if the objective has not been completed, so youll respawn faster. * Defending: If youre defending the Defend time and XP is shown at the top of the Mission select (press M) at the top-left. If you last 4 minutes while defending, you receive 10 XP. If you last an extra eight minutes on the same objective you receive 20 XP. If you last the whole game defending the same objective you receive 30 XP. If you last less than 4 minutes defending and the game ends you receive 10 XP. If you last longer than 4 minutes defending, and the game ends, you receive 20 XP. * More than one of the same class can do the same objective and it completes it faster – destroy, construct, hack, repair, (except transmitting the data disc on Island, data brain on Outskirts or capturing the 3 energy cells on Quarry – you can only carry one at a time). More than one Engineer/Constructor can disarm the same explosive, it disarms it faster. You can arm other players charges (Soldier/Aggressor) if they have placed it on an objective but not armed it, and the credit will go to you when it detonates. More than one player (any class) can capture/liberate a forward spawn and it will capture/liberate it quicker. * If you select a secondary mission on the Mission select (repair vehicle, deployable, construct guard tower/mg nest/assault ramp, destroy barricades/hatches/wall breaches/ service door, etc.) you will receive more XP and Proficiency (reward). If you select capture/liberate forward spawn on the Mission select and the player who is capturing/ liberating it has it selected as well (they will have a white arrow on screen at the forward spawn) you will receive XP and Proficiency (reward) in the class you are in instead of Battlesense when they capture/liberate it. It shows you on Match in Progress (hold Tab or F4) which Current Mission players have selected. * You get more XP if a deployable is destroyed by a charge or fire supports artillery, if it has full health when its destroyed (after selecting it on the Mission select first – press M). * Capturing/liberating forward spawns, transmitting the data disc on Island and data brain on Outskirts maps and capturing energy cells on the Quarry map goes to your Battlesense proficiency reward. * It takes 5 seconds to capture your teams forward spawn and 10 seconds to liberate the enemies forward spawn, unless more than 1 are capturing/liberating it then it is faster. * You run faster with knife/spikes equipped. * If you sprint and jump at the top of steps, ramps, slopes/hills (with knife/spikes equipped) youll jump higher. * On the limbo menu you can select another class and/or weapon and click on deploy (and a spawn point if you wish), or if you are Strogg select them and click on Deploy before selecting a spawn host, and when you die you will automatically respawn with that class and/or weapon. You wont deploy with another class and/or weapon if you are revived, though. Strogg Technicians create spawn hosts from downed GDF players. Strogg can only use 1 spawn host at a time. Alternatively, you can use the mouse cursor to select a spawn point on the limbo menu map at the bottom-right. You can also respawn at the spawn host by selecting it on the limbo menu and respawn without waiting to die . * If you have up to 4 GDF Medics you spawn with an extra 5 HP for each Medic you have (up to 20 HP per player). All GDF classes start with 100 health (except Soldier which starts with 120 health) so if you have 4 Medics all classes will start with 120 health (Soldier will start with 140 health). If a Medic changes class you will lose 5 health if you respawn or change class. If you dont have the extra health for the number of Medics you have then respawn. If you are downed and revived, you receive 2.5 HP per Medic (up to 4). If you have 1 Medic – revived with 52.5 HP, 2 Medics – revived with 55 HP, 3 Medics – revived with 57.5 HP, 4 Medics – revived with 60 HP (it ignores the half). Soldier is revived with 10 HP more than the other classes. You must respawn to get the extra 5 HP per Medic, being revived wont do it. It doesnt do this with Stroggs Technicians. Strogg are revived with 50 HP (60 HP for Strogg Aggressors). If you unlock the Health bonus for Strogg then they are revived with 62 HP (72 HP for Aggressor). If you have unlocked Full health revives for Medic/Technician they are revived with full health. If a player is downed it says Unconscious above them. * If you dont want to be revived by a Medic/Technician go on the Limbo menu and select Respawn. * GDF Medic's medpacks give you 25 health. Strogg Technician's stroyent cells give you 18 health and 40 ammo. GDF Field Op's ammo packs vary between weapons. MedPacks and Ammo Packs stay on the ground for 30 seconds when dropped. Stroyent Cells only stay on the ground for 15 seconds when dropped. -=Strogg stroyent=- * Stroyent -> Health press - (Transfers Ammo to Health – transfers 8 at a time unless Health is full) Health -> Stroyent press + (Transfers Health to Ammo – transfers 10 at time unless Ammo is full) * This is best used by Strogg Aggressors arming a charge, Strogg Constructors constructing the mining laser or repairing vehicles and deployables, Strogg Infiltrators hacking the security controls on Volcano or hacking deployables, Strogg Technicians reviving team- mates and creating spawn hosts, and when capturing/liberating forward spawns. Use - to transfer Ammo to Health so you will last a few seconds longer while doing an objective, if being shot at. Press - rapidly to transfer Ammo to Health. * Transfer Health and Stroyent (Ammo) – Strogg. You can transfer health/stroyent (ammo) on foot and while in a vehicle. * The Strogg Constructor can also transfer health to ammo to replenish plasma grenades for the Plasma launcher (10 from health for each grenade), it doesnt transfer rockets to the Aggressors Obliterator, though, you have to ask for stroyent from a Technician or respawn for them. * If you are Strogg and unlock Stroyent regeneration it is the ammo that regenerates and not the health although you can ask for stroyent from a Technician or transfer ammo to health with the - key. + transfers health to ammo. * If Strogg have a radar they will also see the GDF Medic's Supply Crate and the Vampire (airstrike jet) on the map. * Unconscious players are not shown on the map or radar and dont set off mines. * If your team-mates triangles appear white on the screen it means they have the same objective selected as you, including the primary objective if it is selected. Hold Tab or F4 for the Match in Progress screen to see which player is doing which mission. If the triangle on the screen is green, they have not selected your mission. * If you unlock Faster Repair and Disarm it repairs vehicles even faster than Faster Repair but not deployables. * If Bots Complete Objectives is off they wont do any primary objectives (except repair the MCP to half) but they will still capture/liberate forward spawns, repair vehicles/deployables and Engineers may do secondary objectives – construct guard towers, mg nests and the assault ramp (on Refinery) but Soldiers/Aggressors wont destroy barricades, hatches, wall breaches, forward bunker door, service door or sewer grates. On Volcano if you hack the Security controls, Strogg Aggressor bots wont destroy the Seawall breach, East bunker breach or Forward Bunker door and will take the long way round to get to the Transformer objective. On Salvage, on the last objective, Strogg Aggressor bots wont destroy the wall breaches. If you are attacking and carrying the data disc on Island, data brain on Outskirts or energy cell on Quarry and drop it a bot will pick it up and try to deliver it, but they wont pick them up from their collection points though if Bots Complete Objectives is off. If you are defending and a player in the attacking team drops the data disc, data brain or energy cell defending bots will return it. This means disarming charges as well if youre defending. If it is off bots wont disarm charges! If you were attacking and switch to defending the bots on the attacking side will attempt the objective, unless there are still human players in the team. If you are spectating in Single Player bots will do the objectives, unless there are human players in the team. -=Scoreboard:=- * Match in Progress screen (hold Tab or F4). Bots have an orange head/upper body symbol with a green square to the right of it, to the left of their name. You may have a rank to the left of your name. When a bot/player is carrying the data disc on Island, the data brain on Outskirts or an energy cell on Quarry the bot symbol/ rank is replaced by a briefcase. The top-right of the Match in Progress screen is the time elapsed (if the Time Limit is set to O – unlimited time, it will display 00). The eye symbol near the bottom-left means players spectating or joining in. Players with an eye symbol to the left of their name are spectating. Bottom-right is the game mode – Campaign, Objective or Stopwatch. F. T. to the left of Name is Fireteam, if there are any: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc. -=Fireteams=- * Press Enter (far bottom-right of keyboard). FIRETEAM – 1. Join, 2 Create. * Press 1 to join a fireteam – Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc. or a name they have used for their fireteam. * Press 2 to Create a fireteam. Pressing Enter again exits the fireteam menu. * If you create a fireteam press: 1. Invite (other players – select from list). 2. Kick (player in your fireteam). 3. Disband fireteam – if you created it all other players will exit it. 4. Leave fireteam. 5. Promote. 6. Make Public/Private – set if you want your fireteam to be public or private on the Match in Progress screen and on the screen. 7. Rename – rename your fireteam. * If you are the leader of a fireteam you can select missions on the Mission select for any class in your team to carry out such as repair the vehicle/deployable, plant mines, deploy supplies, deploy a defense turret/fire support/radar or destroy/hack deployable. Fireteam members appear as a grey icon on the map and when using the GPMG on the guard tower/mg nest, the grey icon disappears when they get in a vehicle. * If you created the fireteam you can select the middle Context menu order – Waypoint: Attack here!/Waypoint: Regroup here! A green circle with a chequered flag in it appears on the screen and on the map for 60 seconds. -=Spectating=- * On the limbo menu click on Spectator at the top, then Spectate at the bottom. Keep pressing the left mouse button to spectate on different players, it cycles through one team first then the other. Press the right mouse button for Free Fly Mode. While spectating in Free Fly Mode the health bars on players, vehicles, deployables and the GPMG on guard towers/mg nests are shown as grey. You can still bring up the map (N), Scoreboard (hold Tab or F4), Global Chat (T), Team Chat (Y), Fire Team Chat (U), adjust the mini map size < >. On the Match in Progress screen (hold Tab or F4) the eye symbol near the bottom-left means players spectating or joining in. Players with an eye symbol to the left of their name are spectating. If their name is on the left side of the Scoreboard, they are spectating on GDF, if their name is on the right side, they are spectating on Strogg F. T. to the left of Name is Fireteam, if there are any: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc. If you enter net_allowcheats 1 on the console window and then pm_thirdperson 1 you can spectate on players from behind. pm_thirdperson 0 disables third person view. pm_thirdpersonheight adjusts the camera height from above and pm_thirdpersonrange adjusts the camera range from behind. You cant spectate a player in 3rd person, with pm_thirdperson 1, when they are in a vehicle, only 1st person. -=Unlock Status=- * Above a player/bot is their rank, name, unlock status and their class. The unlock status is how many rewards they have unlocked. If they are a Rookie, they havent unlocked anything for that class yet. If they are Proficient, they have unlocked the first reward for their class, Experienced is the second reward, Senior is the third reward and Expert is the last reward for a class. If they have unlocked all of Battlesense, Light weapons and/or Vehicle rewards, each one counts as an unlock status, depending on which one out of these you have completed (any order), after Expert, the next unlock status is Veteran, then Master, then Elite. If a player/bot has the Elite unlock status it means he has unlocked at least all the rewards for one or more classes plus all of the Battlesense, Light weapons and Vehicle rewards unlocks. Should you unlock all of the rewards for Battlesense, Light weapons and/or Vehicle rewards first, or any combination of them, before unlocking all of a classes unlocks, it will still say their current class unlock status above their head – Rookie, Proficient, Experienced, Senior or Expert. When you reach Expert for that class and have already unlocked all the rewards for Battlesense, Light weapons and/or Vehicle rewards unlocks then it will say Veteran, Master or Elite, depending if you have completed Battlesense, Light weapons and/or Vehicle rewards (any order). If you change class to another class with no unlocks it will say Rookie. If you change class to another class with 1-4 unlocks it will say that unlock status – Proficient, Experienced, Senior or Expert, depending how many rewards you have unlocked for that class. All of Battlesense counts as one unlock status, all of Light weapons counts as another unlock status and all of Vehicle rewards counts as an unlock status as opposed to the unlock status of unlocking all 4 rewards of a classes unlocks. It doesnt show the unlock status if a player is in a vehicle unless they are an exposed gunner (GDF team) or on a Husky or Icarus. -=Map tips=- * Hacking objectives: Covert Ops can take a dead Stroggs disguise (hold F over the dead Strogg body) to get to the shield generator on Canyon, Outskirts, Refinery and Valley. He can also use a disguise to get to the slipgate on Slipgate map and the sewer controls on Sewer map. Strogg Infiltrators can take a disguise to get to the security controls on Volcano map. Enemy mines arent set off and enemy APTs wont fire at you while in disguise. As soon as they start hacking the objective, they lose the disguise. They dont lose the disguise until after theyve captured/ liberated a forward spawn. * If a map has the Bumblebee, Anansi or Tormentor, they take 30 seconds to spawn at the base after the game starts, or after an objective has been completed. * Tormentor: After Strogg destroy the generator on Area 22 or The Ark, you can spawn at Stroggs base and get in the Tormentor and fly to the mining laser as the Constructor, ready to construct it (the mining laser takes 25 seconds to arrive after the generator is destroyed). A Tormentor spawns at the generator on The Ark after it is destroyed but it doesnt appear until 30 seconds after the generator is destroyed. Or you can get in a Hog that spawns near the generator building on Area 22 or The Ark, as the Constructor, after the generator is destroyed. Strogg can spawn at the base on Quarry to get in a Tormentor, but the first energy cell takes 55 seconds to arrive after the generator is destroyed. * Anansi: If you can fly the Anansi, you can use the Anansi on the second objective of the Island (vault door) to try to keep Strogg players pinned down at the observatory spawn point so a charge can be planted on the vault door. You can do this on Valley on the third and fourth objectives as Strogg spawn from the same place for both objectives, behind the shield generator. You can also do this on Canyon and Slipgate. * GDFs forward spawn on Area 22 and GDFs forward spawn on Volcano are the only forward spawns in the game that are already captured, apart from Stroggs forward spawn on Canyon (which can be captured at the start of the game), these are the only forward spawns that defending teams have. * GDFs last forward spawn on Outskirts and Valley become permanently captured after the shield generator is hacked (they cant be liberated). GDF will still spawn at these forward spawns instead of spawning forward of them. The last GDF forward spawn on Sewer isnt permanently captured after destroying a sewer grate, so can be liberated by Strogg. * GDF vehicles and deployables on The Ark and Salvage maps are painted in the arctic paint. GDF vehicles and deployables on the Antarctica side of the Slipgate map are painted in normal paint. * Salvage map only has 4 Huskys and Volcano map only has 4 Platypus (2 at rear) but if you have unlocked vehicle drops GDF can request a Husky and Strogg can request an Icarus. * Area 22, last objective: Near the end of the corridor with the service door, there is a hole in the ceiling. Strogg Aggressor can get on an Icarus and boost up the hole and plant a charge on the rear of the Service door. * Area 22, last objective: The Hog can get to the slipgate core between the large black boxes at the rear but its tricky. The Desecrator can get into the slipgate core if he uses the Hog as a stepping stone (parked against the side of one of the black boxes), the Desecrator can hover up and over it. * Area 22, last objective: The Titan can be used to guard the entrance of the tunnel on the last objective – select GDFs base to spawn at. Place an APT or AVT outside the West GDF Base Gate first, facing Stroggs forward spawn. Drive the Titan halfway down the tunnel, facing the entrance (disable/destroy any Strogg APTs/AVTs first). Repair it at the rear of the tank if there arent any enemies, if there are then repair it round the corner, at the bottom of the tunnel. Watch out for the Desecrator and Hog with its ram, though. * Area 22, last objective: Icarus can be used to set off mines around the slipgate core with its stroybombs; go through the service door, once destroyed, and up the stairs. Armadillo and Husky can drive to the slipgate core. The Anansi can fly down the tunnel and around the slipgate core. * The Ark – fast plant: Be the Aggressor and get in the Hog in Stroggs base as soon as the game starts and boost (hold left Shift) to the generator. You may be able to plant the charge and take GDF by surprise. You have a better chance if you have a gunner with you (press V for the Context menu and request a gunner – bottom order). If you have unlocked Vehicle Drops Request an Icarus immediately after planting the charge (Context menu – bottom order), so it gets in the way of any GDF Engineers that try to disarm it, or lands on them. Ask for covering fire on the way to the generator as well and when you get there (Context menu – top order). * Try the fast plant on Canyon – Engineers in Armadillo, Outskirts – Soldiers in Husky/ Armadillo – go the left side between the concrete barriers, and Sewer – Engineers in Armadillo. * The Ark, last objective: The Titan and Armadillo can fit under the shutter inside the rear of the biodome near Stroggs forward spawn. You can spawn at GDFs base and get in the Titan and drive to the dome. If you are the Engineer you may want to place an APT or AVT outside the dome before you go inside. You can repair the Titan inside, from the rear of it for cover (behind the shutter) if it gets damaged and try to liberate Stroggs forward spawn and plant mines near it. * Island: You can get in a Trojan at the start and go through the side GDF base gate, through the water, to the beach opposite and block the rear entrance to the generator room where Strogg enter from their spawn point. You can also run them over at their spawn point and keep them pinned down. * Island: Destroy the Bunker hatch, above the first objective, with the GDF Soldiers HE charge. You can then change to Engineer and go through the bunker hatch and throw grenades and Self-arming mines (if unlocked) over the railing to clear mines and kill enemies. * Island: If you are GDF after the generator has been repaired, from the second forward spawn you can get in a Husky or Armadillo (maybe ask for a gunner/covering fire) and drive along the beach and turn left into the tunnel and to the end, get out and go up the steps and into the vault room. Or you can run along the beach and turn left into the tunnel or spawn at the GDF base as the Soldier with the GPMG or rocket launcher and get in the Platypus (you could ask for a gunner/covering fire) and enter the vault room from the rear, through the tunnel, to plant a charge on the vault door. This way is a bit quicker than running from the forward spawn. * Island: If the Covert Ops is in disguise when he picks up the data disc, he will lose the disguise. He cant take a disguise while carrying the data disc either. Defending Infiltrators wont lose their disguise if they return the data disc, though. * Island: Titan can drive up the side of the hill, near the last objective, and drive onto the roof of the building facing the observatory, then drop off onto the ground and destroy the APT if there is one. * The data disc on Island and data brain on Outskirts take 6 seconds to transmit. * If the data disc on Island, data brain on Outskirts or energy cells on Quarry are dropped they will automatically return to their spawn points after 35 seconds if nobody collects them. * Defenders can see the briefcase on screen, above an enemys head, if they are carrying the data disc on Island, data brain on Outskirts or energy cell on Quarry up to 50 meters away, if on foot, in a vehicle or using the GPMG on the guard tower on Island, unless behind cover. Attackers can see the briefcase anywhere on screen, if their team- mate is carrying it on foot, in a vehicle or using the GPMG on the guard tower on Island, at any distance, even behind cover. The player carrying the data disc can also be seen by a GDF player using the GPMG on the guard tower on Island. If a GDF player is using the GPMG on the guard tower on Quarry they can only see the energy cell briefcase when the Strogg carrier comes within 50 meters of them. * If you are Strogg on Island or Outskirts or GDF on Quarry for the last objective (defending), if you dont have a radar you will not be able to track the data disc on Island, data brain on Outskirts or energy cells on Quarry if they are picked up. You will only see them on the map at their spawn points or if they are dropped. If you are carrying one (attackers) a briefcase is shown to the left of your ammo bar and to the left of your name on the Match in Progress screen (hold Tab or F4). The briefcase replaces your rank (or bot symbol if a bot is carrying it) on the Match in Progress screen, when picked up. Defenders can see the briefcase with a radar even if it is underground (vault area – Island) or inside buildings. * Outskirts: If the Covert Ops is in disguise when he picks up the data brain, he will lose the disguise. He cant take a disguise while carrying the data brain either. Defending Infiltrators wont lose their disguise if they return the data brain, though. * Quarry: If you are Strogg, you can be the Aggressor with the hyperblaster/obliterator or Oppressor. From their forward spawn go to the side of the hut in front and up the hill to the left, overlooking the generator. If you are Aggressor use your hyperblaster/ obliterator and grenades on the generator to clear mines and enemies. If you are the Oppressor throw the violator beacon at the generator (the violator beacon can set off mines but the violator itself cant) or target the generator with artillery. You can get on an Icarus first, if you want, and fire stroybombs from the top of the hill, at the generator (aim high while standing on top of the hill or buildings). * Quarry: After the generator is destroyed the first Strogg drop pod, containing energy cell 1, arrives after 55 seconds, the second drop pod, containing energy cell 2, arrives 30 seconds later and the third drop pod, containing energy cell 3, arrives 30 seconds after that. * Quarry: If you are the Infiltrator and teleport while carrying an energy cell you will drop the energy cell. If the Infiltrator is in disguise when he picks up an energy cell, he will lose the disguise. He cant take a disguise while carrying an energy cell either. Defending Covert Ops wont lose their disguise if they return an energy cell, though. * Quarry: You can get in the Hog with an energy cell, go down the left side of the map and down the slope at the end, to the right, behind the GDF AVT. You can ram the AVT from behind or shoot at it up close, in the gunners seat, to disable it, and drive to the ship ramp and get out and try to run to the back of the ship and capture the energy cell or get out of the Hog when youre behind the GDF AVT and run into the ship. If you are the Oppressor, you could attach Tactical shields to the front and rear of the Hog first (they last 40 seconds) as AVTs dont fire at these. Tactical shields will also set off GDF mines (not tripmines or unarmed mines) in the rear of the ship. * Quarry: If you are in a Tormentor and carrying an energy cell theres a crater near the 2nd energy cell building that is about 320m away from the crashed Strogg ship. If you hover above it, or just in front of it, you can fire strockets into the rear of the ship, setting off mines and maybe killing enemies. Youll know if youve set off any mines as therell be a faint red flash (cursor) and your XP will go up. Tap or hold left Ctrl (reverse) or tap left Shift (boost) to stay in position. Maybe target a GDF AVT and/or APT if there are any near the ship – if you are the Aggressor or Oppressor or a Fireteam leader in the Tormentor you can select them on the Mission select and a purple/black square with a white skull in it will appear above the AVT/ APT giving you a point of reference. Fire below the skull square and you should hit the deployable – theyll be out of lock on range but theres no need to lock on as deployables dont move, just fire below the skull. You might need to spot them first with the middle Context menu order. You can then fly towards the ships ramp (just to the right of it) and bail out the aircraft (the pilot/gunner exit to the rear left side of the Tormentor) when you are near the ramp (on the mini map) and be propelled into the rear of the ship, capturing the energy cell. Boost in bursts or release boost three quarters of the way to the ship or youll fly too fast and probably overshoot the landing zone when you bail out or kill yourself from the impact. Takes practice. * Salvage: At the start of the game, or after the generator is destroyed, Strogg Aggressors can plant a plasma charge on the East GDF Base Pillbox Breach and/or West GDF Base Bunker Breach. This will save time later on, as you wont have to plant charges on them after the mining laser is constructed. * Salvage: Strogg Infiltrator can hack GDFs depot yard gates on Salvage to capture the forward spawn (after the mining laser destroys the doors) or walk through them, if in disguise, without hacking them or use the Teleporter to teleport over the wall. * Salvage: After the mining laser destroys the doors to GDFs base, GDF will be able to select the rear of the base to spawn at, on the spawn select on the limbo menu, and go through the hole that the laser made. If you have unlocked vehicle drops you can request a Husky – press V for the Context menu and select the bottom order, get on the Husky when it arrives (takes 14 secs.), and drive through the hole (avoiding Strogg APTs) to Stroggs forward spawn to liberate it. You can also use the Supply crate trick at the rear of GDFs base if you want to change to another class beside Medic. * Salvage: Alternative routes for Strogg to enter GDFs base. To the left of the East GDF Base Pillbox Breach, and in front of a hill, are three trees. Behind the middle tree is a route Strogg can take up the hill (an indent in the hill) and around into the base. Equip spikes and keep running and jumping up the hill to get up it. To the right of the West GDF Base Bunker Breach is another route that Strogg can take to get into GDFs base. * Salvage: After the mining laser destroys the doors, if Strogg Aggressor is having trouble getting to the salvage objective you can enter the main door and go right then turn left at the end and up the ramp and follow it all the way around to the salvage objective. It takes longer but there are less obstacles to overcome. * Sewer: Engineers can get on the roof, next to the emp disruptor, from stairs inside the building or ladders at the side of it and throw hand grenades or bounce grenades from their grenade launcher at enemies and mines around the emp disruptor. Or you can be the Soldier with his rocket launcher. Theres a building on the waterway, just to the West of the emp disruptor, with a ladder going up inside it. Engineers with grenade launchers or Soldiers with rocket launchers can also enter this building, go up the ladder and fire grenade/rockets over the wall at enemies and mines near the emp disruptor. * Sewer: GDF Engineer can hide behind the building materials of the emp disruptor on Sewer to construct it (crouch down) and you wont be able to be run over by players in the Strogg Desecrator. Throw a grenade to detonate enemy mines and if youve got time, place a mine down first. Throw another grenade at enemies if necessary once youre behind the construction materials. * Sewer: GDF Soldier can use his rocket launcher, stand on the walkway above, opposite the Overflow hatch, and fire a rocket or two at the hatch to destroy any mines. You can then jump over the railing and up the ladder to the Overflow hatch and plant a charge on it. Defend the charge from here, or if you can, from the opposite walkway again. After the hatch is destroyed go through and plant a charge on the Maintenance hatch or the rear of a Sewer grate (place it on the front of the bar at the bottom, facing you). The charge can only be disarmed from this side. If you place it on the rear of the grate itself sometimes bots can disarm it from the front. After the grate or hatch is destroyed you could then Respawn with the powerful GPMG. * Slipgate: On the limbo menu you can select between the North Africa and Antarctica side of the map at the top of the map. It also selects the correct map automatically depending on what side of the slipgate you are on. * Slipgate: GDF Covert Ops can get in an Armadillo at the start, drive through the base gates and over the hill, to the left of the East Barricade, down the road and straight to the slipgate. You might take Strogg by surprise and hack a third to a half of the slipgate if youre fast enough. * Slipgate: After the slipgate is hacked GDF Engineer can place an AVT where the Strogg APT was, at the slipgate. * Slipgate: You can be team killed on Slipgate if you are just on the other side of the slipgate in a vehicle (Antarctica side) and the MCP goes through (telefragged). If a vehicle or MCP is just on the other side of the slipgate (Antarctica side) and you go through in a vehicle (North Africa side) you can also be team killed, even if Team damage is off. You cant be telefragged in the MCP. The message, File a complaint for being team killed? Vote: f1 - 0 Yes / f2 0 - no is displayed on screen. * Valley: Strogg can spawn at the Outpost, get in the Hog, and drive down the tunnel and boost (hold left Shift) over the bridge to the other side (only before its half constructed). Stroggs base on Valley is not near any objectives but you can still select the Strogg base spawn on the limbo menu and spawn there for extra vehicles, such as a Desecrator and the Tormentor. * Volcano is the only map where GDF have no base defense turrets or an artillery interceptor turret. * Volcano: GDFs hangar spawn isnt used for an objective in the game although you can spawn there to gain access to the 2 Platypus at the rear. Covert Ops can place a radar there for the last objective. Its better if enhanced radar is unlocked first although its range only extends to the left (west) vent (where the flyer drones go through to destroy the energy core) on the last objective. * Volcano: If you are Strogg, instead of planting a charge on the Seawall breach, East bunker breach or Forward bunker door as Aggressor, you can start as the Infiltrator, go up against the wall to the right of the forward bunker door and use his teleporter to teleport over the wall. You could then go up the steps and liberate GDFs forward spawn (GDF bots wont capture it if its liberated, a human GDF player has to), go down the stairs to the first objective and hack the Security controls straight away. * Volcano: You dont have to destroy the Seawall breach, East bunker breach or Forward bunker door as Aggressor, at the start, if you dont want to. You can go up a slope to the left, on the beach, and follow it round to get inside the compound or go around the Platypus, to the right, around the corner and up the hill to get inside. * Volcano: GDF Engineers can place a deployable (APT recommended) by looking through the opening of the Centre bunker or West bunker (with the mg nests) without going over the wall. You can also jump onto the Centre bunker roof, without climbing the ladder, by running and jumping onto it (works better with knife/spikes drawn). * Volcano: If there are Strogg bots on the map get in a Platypus and drive to near Stroggs Beach forward spawn, change to the gunner seat, and shoot the bots to keep them distracted for the 1st and 2nd objective. * Volcano: You can jump then hold crouch to go through the opening of the Forward bunker MG Nest to disarm plasma charges planted on the Forward bunker door. * Volcano – trick jump: Stand on the crates around the corner from the 1st objective, then jump, turn and crouch into shaft near the first objective or order a Husky, drive it down the steps to the shaft, up to the wall, get off then jump onto it, then jump and crouch into the shaft. Strogg can do this with an Icarus but its a lot harder to get to the shaft in one piece. Strogg Infiltrator can just use his teleporter to teleport into the shaft. * Volcano: For the 2nd objective GDF Engineers can place an APT opposite the side opening to the transformer building. There is usually a bot radar there or bot AIT, but you can destroy it. * Volcano: It takes 5 hits with the Infiltrators flyer drone to destroy the geothermal energy core on Volcano – 20-100%. * Volcano: On the last objective, energy core, if theres no mines near the 2 vents to destroy the Strogg Infiltrators flyer drone, GDF Engineers can fire grenades from their grenade launcher (if unlocked) into the vent to destroy the flyer drone if a flyer drone has just entered one, or GDF Covert Ops can throw his camera into the vent and detonate it. If you run out of grenades for the grenade launcher you can ask the Field Ops for more ammo (Context menu – press V select – I Need Ammo). If there isnt a Field Ops or they dont come, select Respawn on the limbo menu. Field Ops also provide rockets for the Soldiers rocket launcher. The Soldiers rocket launcher can lock onto the flyer drone. If a flyer drone enters a vent the Soldier can fire a dumb rocket (without lock on) into the vent to try and destroy it. The Soldier can also use his GPMG. * Volcano: If you are the Covert Ops on the last objective, you can take a disguise and go around the area hunting down Strogg Infiltrators guiding their flyer drone to the energy core. Infiltrators are vulnerable while using the flyer drone because they must stay still while guiding the flyer drone, in first person. The Covert Ops can backstab them from behind and take them out in one hit. Half of the time the Infiltrators will be guiding their flyer drone for this last objective. If you have unlocked enhanced radar and have placed a radar outside the hangar, near the 2 Platypus, look on the map/ mini map, red arrows that are not moving could be Infiltrators guiding their flyer drone. * Volcano: Stroggs Oppressor can use his tactical shield to set off mines around the 1st and 2nd objectives and on the last objective, in the room with the 2 vents so the Infiltrators can guide their flyer drones through the vents to the energy core. The tactical shield should protect the Oppressor from the blast of the mines. The flyer drone, vehicles and players can pass through tactical shields. -=MCP Objectives=- * The MCP's radar has a sweep range of 50 meters radius on the map but it's actual range appears to be 100 meters radius. * If an AVT is around a corner you can drive straight towards it while using decoys and drive round the side of it and it shouldnt turn and fire at you. On MCP missions you can distract AVTs with the Titan or Trojan, so it fires at them first, and drive the MCP past the AVTs. Drive straight into them and around them. AVT diversion – take cover just behind a building, wall or fence when an AVT starts firing at you. It will still fire at you if you are behind cover allowing another vehicle to slip past it. It stops firing if youre out of its lock on range or your vehicle is destroyed. * If attacking and youre the Covert Ops/Infiltrator, you can throw emp/scrambler grenades at APTs/AVTs near the objective (Covert Ops can use his camera as well), or at AVTs on the MCP route, to disable them for 30 seconds, then change to the class that can do the objective if you want. If you want to change class, its best to use the emp/scrambler grenades and camera on APTs/AVTs just before the respawn timer reaches zero so you have more time for the APTs/AVTs to be disabled. * If the MCP is disabled (3/4 damaged) the drivers MG wont function until the MCP is at least ½ repaired. The gunners minigun will still work, though. -=MCP unofficial shortcuts (you only have 30 seconds to do the shortcut)=- * Outskirts: After the barricade is destroyed and you go through it in the MCP and turn right, you then turn left. Ahead is where the shortcut is, at the bend. If you go up the slight slope at the end, instead of turning right, follow it round to the right and you will come out near an enemy AVT (if its there). Drive up to it from behind and go around it and capture the Outpost. * Refinery: After coming out the GDF base gates, go forward then cut across the map to the right between the 2 MCP routes (drive diagonal right). Get back on the route then at the end, instead of turning left and going down the slope, drive over the edge, at the side of the building, and capture the Outpost. * Valley: After exiting the tunnel, immediately turn left (sometimes there is a supply crate there) and drive between the building and the tunnel and down the slope. Drive forward, past the left side of the fence, and turn right to the Outpost and capture it. -=Vehicles=- * When you are in a vehicle there are 2 white bars to the left. The top bar is the vehicles armour and the bar below is the decoy bar. If you press 1 a decoy is ejected and the decoy bar goes down. Decoys are used to counter Anti Vehicle Turrets, GDF Soldiers rocket launcher, Strogg Aggressors obliterator, GDF Trojans AA missile, GDF Anansis LAW, Strogg Tormentors Strocket, GDF Field Ops rocket artillery and Strogg Oppressors plasma mortar. When they lock onto you the message, Warning: Missile Lock is shown on screen in red. You can unlock Better Decoys for the Vehicle Proficiency reward so the decoy bar only goes down to about a half. Only the driver can launch decoys. If you are in an Icarus there is a third bar at the bottom for the boost. When you are in a vehicle your position is also indicated by a blue circle on the 2d vehicle to the left, green circles are other players – gunner/passenger, grey circles are empty seats. When you get in a vehicle (or another player does) or change seats the players names in the vehicle are shown for 3 seconds under the 2d vehicle, unless they are human players then they are displayed permanently. * If you are the driver in a vehicle and have a gunner, anything the gunner earns also goes to the driver's XP and Proficiency unlock reward. The gunner doesn't earn anything from what the driver earns, though. * If you bring up the Context menu (press V) and select the middle order on a vehicle, I Need/Require a pickup, and a bot is driving it, it will stop and wait for 10 seconds for you to get in. It wont stop if its full or if its a 1 seater vehicle, though (Husky, Icarus, Cyclops). You have to be quick if its an aircraft, before it takes off. If the vehicle is damaged it will say, Repair that vehicle on the Context menu – middle order, instead. You can get in vehicles with bots in them, even if it is full but not if its full of human players, unless 1 exits the vehicle. * The Anansis LAW (cockpit view), Tormentors Strocket (cockpit view), Trojan AA Missile (cockpit view), the Soldiers rocket launcher and Aggressors obliterator have a lock on range of 210 meters. The Anansi, Tormentor and Trojan can fire them further without locking onto a target though and the rocket launcher and obliterator can fire in dumb mode (non aim). * The Soldiers rocket launcher, Anansis LAW and Field Ops rocket artillery can lock onto the Strogg Icarus but the Trojans AA missile cannot. * The Aggressors obliterator, Oppressors Plasma mortar and Tormentors Strockets can also lock onto the GDF Medics supply crate. * If you are in an Armadillo or Bumblebee you can use your weapons and grenades in the passenger seats. The Soldier can also use his GPMG or rocket launcher, the Engineer can use his grenade launcher and the Covert Ops can also use his sniper rifle in passenger seats. Covert Ops can also use his emp grenades and smoke grenade in the passenger seats. * You can zoom in/out the Field Ops Targeting tool, Covert Ops Sniper rifle and Camera, Oppressors Targeting tool, Infiltrators Railgun, the Binoculars/Trinoculars (press 7 or B) when aiming by pressing F or using the mouse scroll wheel (mouse 4). You can use the Sniper rifle in the passenger seats of the Armadillo and Bumblebee but F changes seats in vehicles so youll have to use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom the Sniper rifle in and out. * Cyclops – stomp – press Space bar. The Cyclops can flip over the MCP from the side when its disabled, by walking into it. You can also knock it off course when its disabled. * You can use the Hogs ram shield by holding boost (left Shift) and driving into a vehicle or deployable. Sometimes it will destroy them in one go. * If you place tactical shields on the Hog it will survive 1 hit from the Titans tank gun, so you should be able to ram it (hold left Shift) and destroy it before it destroys you. * Handbrake turn: This only works with fast vehicles: Hog, Armadillo and Husky. Hold boost (left Shift) and forward to go full speed then start to turn left or right and press brake (left Ctrl) to do a U-turn (180 degrees). You need a bit of a run up for it, though. It is hard to do because of the position of left Ctrl but it is good for running over players. You can also do this in the Platypus just by turning left or right as brake (left Ctrl) has no effect on the Platypus (or the Desecrator, Cyclops and Icarus). * If a vehicle stops over your spawn host you will not be able to spawn there, you will spawn at the frontline or selected spawn point instead. If a vehicle stops over the Infiltrator's teleport beacon he will not be able to teleport there. * Amphibious vehicles: GDF Trojan APC, Strogg Desecrator and Strogg Icarus (sinks if you get off it in water) can travel on land and water. The GDF Platypus is a boat. The Cyclops can go in water up to its knees, any further and it will begin to take damage from the water. * The GDF MCP and Strogg Cyclops cannot boost (left Shift). The GDF Trojan APC doesnt boost in water like the GDF Platypus and Strogg Desecrator. The Strogg Icarus has a boost bar to fly. * Vehicles with horns (press H): Husky, Armadillo, Trojan, Titan, MCP and Hog. * You cant run over your own team-mates if they are on foot, even if Team damage is on. You cant kill team-mates with the MG, Minigun and Hyperblaster but you can if the vehicle has explosive weapons. You can kill team-mates with the GPMG in guard towers and mg nests, though. * Aircraft cockpit view: You can look around inside an aircrafts cockpit (Bumblebee, Anansi, Tormentor) by holding down Caps Lock and moving the mouse. The minigun in the cockpit of the Bumblebee can be directed while holding down Caps Lock. You can also look around the aircraft in 3rd person view with Caps Lock and the mouse and with the Husky, Armadillo, Platypus and Hog while in the drivers seat. * If you dont know how to fly and want to be a gunner in an aircraft (Bumblebee, Anansi, Tormentor) get in the aircraft and change to the gunner seat with F then press V for the Context menu and select the bottom order – I need/require a driver and a bot should get in. You can also do it if youre in the drivers seat, select the bottom order on the Context menu – I need/require a gunner and a bot should get in the gunners seat. You can then change seats with F so the bot becomes the driver. * Learn to fly the Anansi – Boost (hold left Shift) to fly forward. Airbrake (hold left Ctrl) and practice encircling targets. Watch videos on youtube. Try the Anansi on the MCP mission (2nd objective) on Valley (spawn vehicle_anansi) as this MCP objective doesnt have an aircraft. To practice flying type god for god mode in the console window after typing net_allowcheats 1 so you arent shot down. * Learn to fly the Tormentor – Boost (hold left Shift) to fly forward. Brake/reverse (hold left Ctrl). To practice flying type god for god mode in the console window after typing net_allowcheats 1 so you arent shot down. -=Deployables=- * AVTs lock on range is 100 meters. It's rockets can follow vehicles up to 550 meters. APTs and Base Defense turrets lock on range is 75 meters. AITs artillery intercept range is 100 meters. If you have a radar the enemies defense turrets range is shown as red on the map. * If your deployable is hacked for 60 seconds (by Covert Ops/Infiltrator) it might be best to replace it with another one as they only take 20-25 seconds to arrive (except AITs (AATs) which take 50-55 seconds to arrive). * If a deployable is too damaged instead of taking time to repair it, replace it with another one instead, unless a few players are repairing it (except AATs (AITs) as these take 50-55 seconds to arrive). * Base Defense turrets, APTs, AVTs and bots dont shoot at medpacks, ammo packs, stroyent cells, teleport beacons, smoke grenades, airstrike markers, violator beacons, charges, mines, tactical shields, cameras or supply crates but mines, tactical shields, cameras and supply crates can be destroyed, though. * GDF Base Defense turrets fire at the Infiltrators flyer drone and the Constructors repair flyer drone if in range – 75m. * If an enemy deployable isnt on the Mission select you can place your weapon cursor over the deployable, press V for the Context menu then select the middle order. The message, New missions are available will appear on screen. You can now select it on the Mission select. * If an enemy deployable is in range of your radar it will automatically be added to the Mission select for Soldier/Aggressor, Field Ops/Oppressor and Covert Ops/Infiltrator (unless the radar is disabled). The message, New missions are available will appear on screen. You can now select it on the Mission select. If a vehicle or deployable is selected on the Mission select, to repair or destroy, and it is replaced or destroyed the message, Mission removed is displayed on screen. If you are the Engineer/Constructor and have it selected on the Mission select when it is repaired, or if you are the Soldier/ Aggressor or the Field Ops/Oppressor and have it selected when it is replaced or destroyed, youll receive XP and Proficiency reward. If you are the same class as a team-mate and they have the same mission selected as you have and they are doing the mission, when its completed it will say Mission completed! on screen and you may still receive XP and reward for it even though they completed it. -=Grenades=- * You can cook grenades by holding down mouse button 1 (long throw) or mouse button 2 (short throw), for up to 4 seconds, and then release it. If you hold down the mouse button for 5 seconds it will explode in your hand! * Strogg can attach their grenades to vehicles, deployables, GDF Medics supply crate, objectives, walls, doors, building materials, GPMGs on guard towers & mg nests with alternate fire – mouse 2 (short throw), GDF can only throw their grenades with alternate fire – mouse 2 (short throw). You cant attach anything to the Icarus. -=Mines and Explosives=- * Grenades blast radius is up to 10m away (emp/scrambler grenades effective disable range is up to 8m away). Grenade launcher/plasma launcher grenades blast radius is up to 8m away. Rocket launcher/obliterator blast radius is up to 12m away. Mines blast radius is up to 12m away (the red/green dot in the middle isnt shown over 12m). Charges blast radius is up to 12m away. Cameras blast radius is up to 10m away (its built-in radar has a 50m radius). Flyer drones blast radius is up to 5m away (it has no built in radar). * If you have unlocked Battlesense – Mine Detection you can see enemy mines on the map, as a red x, up to 12m away, even behind walls. Your teams mines are a green x on the map. Unarmed mines arent shown on the map. * The Engineer/Constructor can place Tripmines with alternate fire – mouse 2, on open doorways and across narrow corridors. Tripmines detonate instantaneously once the beam is touched. Proximity mines take 1.5 seconds to go off. Friendly Tripmines have a green beam, enemy Tripmines have a red beam. The Field Ops/Oppressor use a targeting tool to mark targets with a laser. Friendly targeting lasers are green, enemy targeting lasers are red. * Detonating mines do not set off other nearby mines (proximity mines or tripmines). Exploding GDF mines do not set off Strogg mines, either and vice-versa. Neither do they set off unarmed mines. Proximity mines are detonated if you go within 3 meters of them. Exploding unarmed mines (set off by explosive weapons) can still kill enemies. Unconscious (downed) players dont set off mines. * Dont place mines upright facing flat at waist height, such as on GDFs forward spawns on top of the box with the green monitor on it or on top of the supply crate or they wont go off when enemies go near them (unless they jump). * Disarming mines: You can disarm mines up to 2 meters away. Mines (proximity mines and tripmines) take 2.5 seconds to disarm, but you can unlock Faster disarm. Enemy tripmines have a red beam, across doorways and narrow corridors, so can be easily disarmed, as long as you dont touch the beam. Enemy proximity mines are detonated when you approach them within 3 meters. You can only really disarm these if they are on the inside of doorways or just around corners/doorways or objects or if they overlap a corner and you can see the rear of the mine. It is best to run past proximity mines around the corner to set them off or use explosives. * If a mine is near a corner or doorway run past the mines around the corner to set them off. If an enemy is near an enemy proximity mine run past the mine(s) or throw a grenade to set them off, killing the enemy. * The Field Ops Vampire airstrike and Oppressors Violator dont set off mines but the airstrike marker the Field Ops throws and the violator beacon the Oppressor throws can set them off. * Vehicles can set off tripmines if you drive through the beam or drive towards the beam on a vehicle such as a Husky or Armadillo and then get off before the vehicle passes through the beam. * The Infiltrators flyer drone sets off GDF proximity mines but not tripmines. It doesnt set off unarmed mines and it cant destroy the Strogg Constructors mines if Team damage is on. * Engineers/Constructors can place 1-3 mines on enemy deployable or vehicles and throw a grenade at them to receive lots of Engineer/Constructor class reward and some Light weapons reward. -=XP and Class Rewards=- * GDFs Medic and Stroggs Technician receive XP and class reward for kills with their Defibrillators/Stroyent Tool. Medic receives XP and class reward for reviving GDF players, destroying spawn hosts, giving out Medpacks and the Supply crate. Technician receives XP and class reward for reviving Strogg players and giving out Stroyent cells. You dont get any XP and class reward for creating spawn hosts or if someone claims them, only if you or another player spawns from them. Covert Ops/Infiltrator dont receive XP and class reward for taking a disguise or for using the smoke grenade/teleporter. If they are in disguise and use a backstab it goes to their Class reward. If they are not in disguise and use a backstab it goes to the Light weapons reward, same with knife/spikes kills. Strogg Oppressors dont receive XP and class reward for using tactical shields. You dont receive any XP or reward for requesting a vehicle (Husky/Icarus) even if another player in your team uses it. * The Soldiers HE Charge, GPMG and Rocket launcher go to the Soldiers class reward. * The Aggressors Plasma Charge, Hyperblaster and Obliterator go to the Aggressors class reward. The GPMG that the Soldier can use is also on the Armadillo, Trojan, Platypus, MCP, guard towers and mg nests. The Hyperblaster that the Aggressor can use is also on the Hog, Desecrator and Tormentor. The Covert Ops Camera, Sniper rifle and emp grenades go to the Covert Ops class reward. The Infiltrators Flyer drone, Railgun and scrambler grenade go to the Infiltrators class reward. All other handheld weapons and grenades go to Light weapons reward. Engineers/Constructors mines, APT and AVT kills go to their class reward. When an Engineers/Constructors AAT intercepts artillery it goes to their class reward (3 XP). Field Ops/Oppressors airstrike/ violator go to their class rewards. Kills from the airstrike marker/violator beacon go to the Light weapons reward. Field Ops Ammo packs go to his class reward. You also receive a class reward when your deployable or supply crate lands. * If you use the GPMG on the guard tower or mg nest the Proficiency reward goes to your Soldier class no matter which class is using the GPMG. -=Covert Ops/Infiltrator disguise=- * Covert Ops and Infiltrators are the only class that can backstab enemies from behind (press F). They can do it with or without a disguise. It kills enemies in one hit. The backstab prompt isnt displayed on the back of enemies disguised as your team. * Covert Ops/Infiltrator bots in disguise sometimes move towards you and back away repeatedly if facing you from the front or they approach you directly from the front up close and encircling you, to backstab you. * Covert Ops/Infiltrators in disguise (hold F over a dead enemys body to take their disguise) can pass enemy APTs and mines (proximity and tripmines) without being harmed. Covert Ops can pass through Strogg energy shields and not be harmed by base defense turrets, and the slipgate (before its hacked) on Slipgate map without being harmed (you dont need a disguise to go back through the slipgate). Infiltrators can pass through GDF gates and not be harmed by base defense turrets and pass through the hangar doors (or hack them if not in disguise) on Volcano. If they get in a vehicle, mounted gun on guard towers and mg nests (GDF Covert Ops) or hack a deployable or fire their weapon they lose their disguise. They dont lose their disguise until after they capture/ liberate forward spawns but as soon as they start hacking an objective or deployable they lose their disguise. When theyre in disguise they appear as friendly (green) on both teams map, even if the enemy has a radar. If you die you lose your disguise. If you are not sure if a player is in disguise shoot their foot, it wont cause much damage, if it is an enemy in disguise the cross hair will turn red indicating it is an enemy. If in disguise you can only select between the Assault rifle/Knife (Infiltrator) and Lacerator/Spikes (Covert Ops). A Strogg Infiltrator in disguise will have heavier breathing when running than GDF. While in disguise you dont see enemy mines on the map or orange arrows/targeting rings or the wireframe outline of deployables landing. A disguised Infiltrator wont see the Covert Ops camera radar, either. * If you are defending you could disguise yourself as a Soldier/Aggressor for destroy objectives, Engineer/Constructor for construct objectives and a Covert Ops/Infiltrator for hacking objectives. * If an enemy is disguised as 1 of your team, there will be more players in your team. There will be extra team triangle markers (white and/or green), than usual, on screen. There may also be extra green circles with a white class icon in them if Game Settings – Simple – HUD – Always draw fireteam list, is enabled. * If youre a Covert Ops/Infiltrator in disguise you can still ask for medpacks, ammo and stroyent. Strogg Infiltrator can even transfer health and ammo stroyent while in disguise and claim spawn hosts that the Strogg Technician has created (from GDF bodies). Covert Ops can also use supply crates while in disguise. You can use the other orders as well such as asking for covering fire and asking players in vehicles for a pickup (middle order – Context menu). If a Covert Ops in disguise jumps off high up his parachute will show on his Strogg disguise. Similarly if an Infiltrator in disguise jumps off high up his energy brake air shield will show on his GDF disguise. * If you are in disguise and you pick up the data disc on Island, data brain on Outskirts or energy cell on Quarry you will lose your disguise. You wont be able to take a disguise if carrying the data disc, data brain or energy cell either. Defenders wont lose their disguise when they return the data disc, data brain or energy cell, though. * If the Infiltrator tries to teleport while carrying an energy cell on Quarry, he will drop the energy cell. * The Strogg Infiltrator can hack GDFs base gates (and hangar doors on Volcano) for 30 seconds, unless a GDF player passes through them then they have to be hacked again. If youre in disguise Covert Ops can pass through Strogg energy shields and the slipgate on Slipgate map (you dont need a disguise to go back through) and Infiltrator can pass through GDF base gates and the GDF hangar doors on Volcano without hacking them. * The Infiltrators scrambler grenade (and Covert Ops emp grenade) doesnt disable the GPMG on guard towers and mg nests like it disables vehicle weapons for 5 seconds (2 seconds for MCP) and vehicles and deployables for 30 seconds (5 seconds for MCP). * The Covert Ops third eye camera can destroy the Strogg Hog and Tormentor (and GDF Husky, Armadillo and Anansi) in one go. It cant be attached to the Icarus. * If you are Covert Ops or Infiltrator place a radar in your base if defending for the last objective (except on Valley). If Covert Ops places a radar outside the hangar base door (near the 2 rear Platypus) on Volcano, along the wall, and they have unlocked enhanced radar it will only cover up to the left (west) ventilation shaft to reveal enemies. Flyer drones dont show up on the radar. -=Strogg Infiltrator: Places to use his teleporter and flyer drone=- * You can also place the teleporter at objectives or at yours or the enemies forward spawns, to capture/liberate them if they have been captured or liberated. * Area 22: On the roof of the first objective building there is a vent that is slightly open. The Infiltrator can guide his flyer drone down it into the room below, over the handrail to the generator, and set off mines and/or kill enemies. * On the last objective, down the corridor to the left of the Service door, there is a hole in the ceiling. The Infiltrator can use his teleporter to teleport up there, although it isnt necessary if the Service door has been destroyed. Strogg can get up there on an Icarus. * The Ark: On the last objective there are 2 square holes that the Infiltrator can use. After the mining laser has destroyed the doors to the biodome, from Stroggs forward spawn, go forward and up a few steps to the doorway in the right corner and turn left into a room with stairs. In one of the shorter walls opposite, on the floor above, there is a small hole in the wall near an ELLKTEK sign. Use the flyer drone in this hole. * For the other hole turn right, at Stroggs forward spawn, and through the wide doorway then through a doorway opposite and turn left up the stairs and through the opposite doorway into a room with 5 mainframe computers surrounded by a glass handrail. Opposite one of these end mainframe computers is a small hole in the bottom of the wall. Crouch or go prone in front of it and fire the teleporter through it and teleport. This hole isnt worth the hassle, though. * Refinery: Any player from any team can use this route. After the SSM destroys the entrance to the last objective a shaft is exposed above it. There are two ladders to get to it; one is right around the corner to the left, and the other is at the end of the building to the right. There is enough room to stand up in the shaft. Strogg Infiltrator can also teleport into the shaft from below. * Salvage: At the first objective the Infiltrator can teleport through the upper floor open side window of the building nearest to Stroggs forward spawn, from near the box below. He can also teleport onto the roofs. * After the mining laser destroys the doors and the orange hut there are 2 places the Infiltrator can use his flyer drone and teleporter. If you drop down the hole in the destroyed orange hut and turn the corner to the left, there is a doorway on the left to a locker room. An open panel is on the wall that the Infiltrator can launch his flyer drone into. * The other place is through the main destroyed doors and turn right. The room at the end has a reddish hole in the wall. The Infiltrator can teleport into this and climb a ladder into another hole which comes out into a room overlooking the salvage objective. * Volcano: After the Forward bunker door is destroyed the Infiltrator can go through it and through the doorway at the end and turn right. There is an open panel in the wall that he can teleport into. If you want to get out the same way, youll have to wait until the teleport bar recharges but you can crouch into the shaft next to the bottom-right of the ladder and drop down a hole to get out. You can also go up the ladder, crouch in the upper shaft, and follow it round to an opening where you can see the security controls below, to the right. * The other place is from GDFs forward spawn. Go down three flight of stairs and at the top of the fourth flight of stairs you will see a square hole above some pipes in the top-right corner. Crouch and teleport into this hole. -=Tactical shields=- * Strogg Oppressors Tactical shields last 40 seconds, unless destroyed. You can attach them to vehicles (except Icarus) and deployables for extra protection. Tactical shields set off GDF proximity mines but not tripmines or unarmed mines. GDFs base defense turrets dont fire at Tactical shields. You can attach them to the front and rear of a Hog and enter GDFs base. They can also be placed over GDF base defense turrets to stop them firing. If a Tactical shield is placed over GDFs base artillery interceptor turret it still fires at artillery, even if artillery lands behind it, even though it doesnt turn with a Tactical shield over it. Knife, spikes, Medics defibrillators and Technicians stroyent tool cant damage tactical shields. * Tactical shield will also protect you from the GDF Field Ops Hammer and the Strogg Oppressors Dark Matter Cannon. You can also place them on the front of APTs and AVTs to stop them firing but they dont stop radars from working or stop AITs from intercepting artillery. * Tactical shields can be used for cover and protection. They can be placed anywhere, even in doorways, but you cant shoot through them. You can also use them to shield Strogg Constructors constructing the mining laser on The Ark, Salvage and Area 22 and protect them when disarming explosives and arming mines, repairing deployables and vehicles, protect Aggressors planting charges on explosive objectives and deployables, protect Strogg Infiltrators when taking disguises, hacking deployables or the security controls on Volcano, protect Technicians reviving players and creating spawn hosts (from GDF bodies) and protect players capturing/liberating forward spawns. * Tactical shield: The Infiltrators flyer drone, the Engineers/Constructors tripmine beam, the Field Ops/Oppressors targeting tool – laser and vehicles are the only thing that can pass through the Oppressors tactical shields. Grenades (including emp/scrambler, grenades from grenade launcher/plasma launcher), medpacks, supply crate marker, ammo packs, airstrike marker, third eye camera, smoke grenade, mines, stroyent cells, violator beacon and teleport beacon, bounce off them when thrown at them. They all bounce off the Strogg energy shield as well, except the flyer drone. The Engineers/Constructors tripmine beam and the Field Ops/Oppressors targeting tool laser can also pass through Stroggs energy shields. You cant repair, construct, hack, arm/disarm charges or mines through tactical shields. * If you place a tactical shield in front of a charge (not too close), mine or camera and they go off the tactical shield will be destroyed but you will survive. Youll survive the flyer drone, 1 grenade or 1 grenade from the grenade launcher as well, but the tactical shield will be destroyed. * To stop the Vampire airstrike, Violator and Supply crate from arriving you can use the Strogg Oppressors Tactical Shield (throw them over the marker) or explosives on the airstrike marker, violator beacon or supply crate marker. You can also drive over them or stand on them to stop them arriving although youll take damage from the airstrike marker and violator beacon when they go off and youll die if standing over them. The GDF Medics supply crate marker and Covert Ops smoke grenade dont cause any damage once thrown. -=Trick plants (plant charges – Soldier/Aggressor)=- * Area 22: On the last objective, if you are a Strogg Aggressor, fly to the slipgate core on an Icarus, through the service door if its destroyed. Directly face one of the 4 sides of the slipgate core, in the middle of it, touching it. Press boost (left Shift) for 1 second, press G to get off in mid-air, then 1 second after getting off the Icarus press W to go forward. You should land on the Icarus and be able to plant a charge high up where it cant be disarmed. Its difficult though. Theres a box at the side you can land on and then drop onto the Icarus to plant the charge high up but that is also difficult. * Area 22: Strogg Aggressor can plant a charge on the rear of the Service door on the last objective. * The Ark: On the last objective, Strogg Aggressor can jump onto the handrail (equip spikes first) that is near the bioscanner (up the steps – laboratory window end), and then jump on top of the bioscanner and plant a charge (crouch and plant it). He can also jump on the console terminal next to the bioscanner at the opposite end and jump onto this bioscanner to plant a charge. * Island: On the second objective, GDF Soldier can plant a charge on the right side of the right handrail, along the top bar. Position the cursor on the bottom vault door hinge, just to the right of the handrail and then place the charge and arm it. If done correctly only half the charge will be exposed, the other half will be embedded in the vault door. Its hard to notice first time. If bots are in the game half the time they get in each others way trying to disarm it, jumping over the handrail. * Outskirts: For the first objective GDF Soldier can drive to the barricade in an Armadillo, right up to the barricade, get out, jump on the front of the Armadillo and plant a charge high up on the barricade spike. He can also plant a charge on the rear of the barricade, up on the spike, by jumping on the cables at either end. * Refinery: This one it too hard to do really. On the last objective, GDF Soldier can stand in front of the South Stroyent Converter and look up. There are two round hubs protruding from the top. If you stand under one and keep jumping while looking up, you can plant your charge above one. Keep jumping to arm it. This one is hard as it takes a while to arm the charge. * Sewer: GDF Soldier can jump onto the trash box to the left of the barricade, jump onto the wall, then plant his charge on top of a barricade spike and arm it. He can also jump on the front of an Armadillo in front of the barricade and place a charge on top of a spike and arm it. * Sewer: For the second objective, GDF Soldier can plant a charge on the Overflow hatch and when its destroyed go through. He can now plant a charge on the rear of either sewer grate. Plant it on the bottom bar, at the front, facing you. The charge can only be disarmed from this side. If you plant it on the rear of the sewer grate itself, above the bar at the bottom, sometimes bots still disarm it from the front, through the grate. You can shoot at enemies through the grate, but grenades wont fit through. * Slipgate: GDF Soldiers can drive right up to any of the 3 barricades in an Armadillo, get out, jump on the front of the Armadillo, and plant a charge on top of the barricade spike, although bots dont disarm charges on these barricades, human players might (online). * Valley: GDF Soldier can plant a charge on the rear of the sewer grate by going down any of the manholes in the building facing the last objective, but it takes a while to get to it. * Volcano: For the second objective, Strogg Aggressors can plant a charge on the rear of the transformer. Stand either side of the transformer and slightly back, to the side of the girder. You should be able to see the rear end of the transformer (black). Position the cursor to the right of the rear, on the black part, place your charge and arm it. -=Other Tips=- * Rewards: When you unlock some rewards you may need to respawn for them to become active such as the Covert Ops Personal Jammer. * You cant use the Soldiers rocket launcher or Aggressors obliterator while prone. * Supply crate trick: If the GDF Medic throws the supply crate marker, when the respawn timer is under 10 seconds, and changes class, the supply crate will still arrive and if any of GDF use it you will still receive XP and Proficiency reward for the Medic. If you unlock Additional Supply Crate and have 2 crates on the ground when you change class the first crate will disappear. The crate will also disappear if you change class again. A supply crate icon is shown to the left of the ammo bar. * You can use the Medics supply crate as a step on the Refinery map, 2nd objective, and place one at the end wall next to the fence (to the left of the left open shutter entrance) and jump on it to jump onto the roof to get to the shield generator objective. You can also use the supply crate on Refinery to block the rear door next to the Strogg base, at the rear, to slow down the bots on the 3rd objective as bots dont destroy supply crates. It can also be used to look over fences so you can shoot at enemies. If you are behind a supply crate that is near an enemy APT the APT will not fire at you. * If you have thrown an emp grenade and a violator beacon is thrown near it or if you have thrown a scrambler grenade and the airstrike marker is thrown near it, it will prevent the violator/airstrike from arriving. This rarely happens, though. Emp grenades wont stop the Airstrike and Scrambler grenades wont stop the Violator, though. * If you use the GDF Field Ops rocket artillery or the Strogg Oppressors plasma mortar you can re-target the shells by moving the target cursor rings around, over other enemies, but you only get 6 shells. It is easier to do with the plasma mortar as it has a slower rate of fire. * When the Hammer reloads the launch tube goes down for 50 seconds. You can place a mine, charge or camera in the end of the tube and it will go up with it when it rises when its reloaded. The tactical shield falls off. When the hammer fires and they are still in the tube, it will destroy itself. If you can place a tactical shield at the top of the hammer, when it launches it will destroy itself, or fly a flyer drone over it. You can also place a tactical shield over the DMC and if it fires it will destroy itself. * If you are targeting near an enemy AIT, make sure you target the orange targeting rings at least 25 meters outside of the AITs range of 100 meters (125 meters or more) so the AIT doesnt intercept the artillery. Your team will need a radar so you can see the AITs range on the map (a red circle). * You can place a Charge and arm it, drop Medpacks, Ammo packs, Stroyent Cells, place a Tactical shield, throw the airstrike marker or violator beacon, launch the hammer or dark matter (cannon), throw a grenade or the smoke grenade, create a spawn host and change class/ team and they will still be there/go off. * If you are the Soldier/Aggressor or Field Ops/Oppressor and are in a vehicle, if a deployable is far away you can select it on the Mission select and a purple/black square with a white skull in it will appear above the deployable with the range to it in meters. You can then shoot below the skull and disable/destroy the deployable. Youll get a reward for Vehicle rewards and Soldier/Aggressor or Field Ops/Oppressor rewards. You can also select the deployable and destroy it with weapons and receive rewards in Soldier/Aggressor or Field Ops/Oppressor rewards and Light weapons rewards. If you do it with the Covert Ops/Infiltrator the skull disappears when the deployable is disabled. * If you are the Soldier/Aggressor or Field Ops/Oppressor and in the Anansi or Tormentor aircraft and a deployable is out of lock on range (210 meters) you can select the deployable on the Mission select (press M) and a purple/black square with a white skull in it will appear above the deployable with the range to it in meters. You might need to spot them first with the middle Context menu order. Fire the Anansis Law or the Tormentors Strocket below the skull square and you should hit the deployable – theyll be out of lock on range but theres no need to lock on as deployables dont move, just fire below the skull. Youll know if youve hit it as therell be a faint red flash (cursor) and your XP will go up. Hold left Ctrl (airbrake) for the Anansi to stay in place. Tap or hold left Ctrl (reverse) or tap left Shift (boost) to stay in position for the Tormentor. The Anansis LAW range is about 475 meters (cockpit view) and its rockets range is about 825 meters (cockpit view). The Tormentors Strocket range is about 380 meters (cockpit view) but its plasma cannons range is only about 180 meters (cockpit view). The Tormentor can fire Strockets into the rear of the ship, on Quarry, to try and clear the mines and kill enemies. * Request vehicle Icarus – If you have unlocked vehicle drops and you are the Strogg, use the Infiltrator and throw a scrambler grenade at a GDF vehicle (outside), such as the Titan, to disable it for 30 seconds, jump on it and press V for the Context menu and select the bottom order – Request Icarus. When the Icarus arrives (Icarus drops take 12 secs to arrive) it will land on the vehicle, destroying it in one go. The scrambler grenade only disables the MCP for 5 seconds. If a Requested Icarus lands on the MCP it completely damages it but it is difficult to do. It wont kill the driver of the MCP but if the Icarus lands directly on the gunner of the MCP it will kill them. If you have god mode on and are in a vehicle and a requested Icarus lands on it, it wont damage the vehicle and the Icarus will still be intact. * If you are the Strogg Aggressor, and have unlocked Vehicle Drops, after planting a charge on a generator (on Quarry, The Ark, Salvage) request an Icarus, in case GDF Engineers try to disarm it, so it lands on them giving you more time to defend the charge. Icarus drops take 12 seconds to arrive. * Barricades: You can jump over barricades from the rear to disarm charges on the Sewer barricade and Slipgate barricades – East and West barricade, the South barricade on Slipgate can only be jumped over from the right half of the ramp at the rear of it. Its best to equip knife/spikes to sprint and jump over them when you near the top of the ramp. You cant do it on Outskirts and Refinery. * Jump pads: There are Strogg launch pads on Outskirts map (1 in the last objective building) and on Slipgate map (at GDFs 2nd forward spawn and the last objective building – Nexus core, on the Antarctica side after you go through the slipgate). If you are on a Husky or Icarus you can drive onto them and be propelled upwards. * Area 22: Strogg can place a deployable on the roof of their first forward spawn (Warehouse). * In GDF's base on Area 22 there are 2 Armadillos under a roof canopy but only 1 can be seen. When you get in the Armadillo that is there and drive off the other one will spawn. * If a bot is kicked they are replaced by another bot and a number is added to a class box on the limbo menu when the respawn timer reaches 0. If you want more bots of the same class keep kicking a bot from the other classes that you have more than 1 of – hold Tab or F4 to show the Match in Progress screen (Scores) to see the bots name, beside their class symbol, that you dont want. Select the bot on Admin – Players – with the left mouse button then click the right mouse button and left mouse click on Kick halfway down (names are listed in alphabetical order). Keep kicking the bot classes you dont need until a bot for the class you want is added (hold Tab or F4 to see if the bot class you want has appeared on the Match in Progress screen). * On the Kill text if a weapon/vehicle/deployable name is in red it means it is a team kill. * The GDF Engineers grenade launcher has 5 grenades and the Strogg Constructors plasma launcher has 10. These grenades do more damage than hand grenades. The grenades bounce once then explode on impact. Youll unlock Light weapons rewards faster using these and hand grenades on deployables and vehicles. Toggle between the grenade launcher/plasma launcher or bullets with mouse 2. They can be fired up to 150m. * How to use the grenade launcher/plasma launcher: The grenade launcher/plasma launcher has a range of about 150 meters optimum. Practice using it on Volcano. Start the game (F3). Kick all the Bots if you want – Limbo (press L) – Admin – Kick all bots. Check Team damage as well so you can damage your own deployable. You can also change the Time Limit to 60, 100 or 0 (unlimited time). Start as Strogg Aggressor and plant a plasma charge (takes 40 secs to go off) on the Forward Bunker door to gain access to GDFs compound. Change to GDF Engineer and construct 2 MG Nests to unlock the grenade launcher (select them on the Mission select first (press M) so you can see the wrench icon when you are next to one). Now change to Strogg Constructor and spawn with the plasma launcher. Place a deployable (APT or AVT) behind Stroggs forward spawn (Strogg Base side) on the beach (dont capture it). When it arrives damage it to half with grenades and it appears on the Mission select. Now stand on top of the highest MG Bunker – Front Bunker – theres a ladder at the rear. Press mouse 2 to use the launcher. Select your damaged deployable on the Mission select (press M) and it will tell you the distance above it from anywhere on the map. Aim quite high and press mouse 1 to fire at the deployable. You can also select Stroggs Forward Spawn on the Beach on the Mission select – Capture forward spawn, and it will tell you the distance above it. This makes it easier to gauge the distance to objectives and targets. Practice firing grenades/ plasma at your deployable/forward spawn. After firing look down at the deployable to check its health. Aim the launcher slightly higher or lower each time after firing to see how close to the target it is and you should be proficient with the launcher in no time. You can also stand up to 150 meters away from primary objectives (yellow diamond) and fire grenades/plasma at it, unless its concealed. Vehicles usually have the distance above them up to 100 meters. Cheats: Open the console window with Ctrl, Alt and ~ or Ctrl, Alt and ` (under Esc), type net_allowcheats 1 to activate cheat mode. You can then spawn a deployable instantly for your side (See the other guide for Enemy Territory - Quake Wars for console command cheats on Cheat Book - 'Spawn Deployables'). You can place as many as you like at different distances. You can place them anywhere on the ground, not just on the normal deployable squares, even in the enemies territory. If you damage them enough you can select them on the Mission select to show the distance to them. If youre low on ammo or health type give ammo, give health, give all (ammo and health) or god (makes you invincible) in the console window. -=Deployable squares with AVTs on them that fire at vehicles at spawn points=- * Area 22: GDF can place an AVT at the front of their first forward spawn, directly behind the small building in front, facing Stroggs first forward spawn and it will fire at Stroggs Icarus, when the forward spawn is captured. * Island: When GDF capture their first forward spawn, Strogg can place an AVT on the beach (the third or fourth deployable square from GDFs forward spawn) and it will fire at the Huskys that spawn there. * Refinery: At the last objective, behind the entrance to the last objective building, is a small square opened window building. Strogg can place an AVT either side of this building to fire at the Armadillo that spawns at the shield generator spawn. * Slipgate: After GDF drive the MCP through the slipgate and the GDFs (2nd) forward spawn is captured, Strogg can place an AVT on the hill in front of GDFs 2nd forward spawn to fire at the Husky and Armadillo that spawn there. * Valley: 1) Strogg can place an AVT at the side of the river to fire at the Platypus. 2) After the bridge is constructed and GDF capture the Tunnel forward spawn, Strogg can place an AVT just to the side of the building, on the other side of the tunnel, to fire at the Armadillo that spawns in the tunnel. 3) When the MCP is deployed and GDF capture the Reservoir forward spawn, Strogg can place an AVT next to it, or on the mound opposite, to fire at the vehicles that spawn there. 4) Strogg can place an AVT above the sewer grate to fire at the Platypus on the other side of the river. -=Things to try=- * Icarus skiing: If you are at the top of a hill, ramp or slope and walk off, holding down the Space bar on its own (without holding forward) will cause you to ski. You will be sliding on your feet if it has worked right. You can press boost for a split second (left Shift) to gain more speed. While skiing you can press A or D for a split second to strafe or S to ski backwards. Press W for a split second to ski forward again. Press C to stop. * You can attach charges, mines (and tripmines if the cameras on a wall and rotated towards it), another camera and tactical shields to the Covert Ops camera and then rotate the camera so they spin around like a disco ball! * On the end screen when the last objective has been completed, if you were standing near it and didnt die you can select respawn on the limbo menu and your body will respawn in front of it. If it shows the end screen outside you can hover above in an aircraft and respawn and your body will fall to the ground. Or order a deployable to land in the last 20 seconds or throw the airstrike marker, violator beacon, supply crate marker or launch artillery at the end screen. |
View: 1035 times |
Updated: 2023.04.10 |
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