Trepang2 Cheat Codes

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Trepang2 Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Trepang2 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Trepang2 Cheat Codes

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Trepang 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips to Use Cloak Efficiently:
Cloak is full invisibility and the main things that break it are your
attacks, melee or guns doesn’t matter. It’ll then immediately go to 0
and start recharging. Doing cloak in front of an enemy is the same as
behind cover.

Enemies in the game work off the “Last Position” rule when shooting
and moving around, wherever they last saw you, they’ll shoot at and
take cover against. This involves cloaking and even just running behind
a wall, they’ll shoot at the corner you passed and until they see you
emerge from the other side, completely ignore the other exit you have
full access to. When using cloak be aware of where the enemies last saw
you, if it was at the corner you just turned for instance, they’ll keep
firing and unless you slide past it, you’ll risk getting shot when you
go by.

So the best cloak methods are for repositioning, escapes and popping
into enemy squads for cheeky kills. Basically play fast hide n seek
with cloak, you don’t need 100% cloak to start it, it lets you start
it at like 30-40% and even if it’s shorter lived that’s still atleast
a second or so of almost risk free movement to rush up to someone and
slam their face or at the very least find cover to hide.

TLDR for others: Cloak good even if used literally in front of enemies,
abuse for repositioning and cheeky kills.

Oh right, hostages die quick and you lose protection from them near-
immediately once starting any of the animations, they’re extremely risky
but if you get a hostage at the start of any encounter you haven’t
taken a hostage in, enemies will actually NOT shoot you until you shoot
back or kill the hostage. That all being said, hostage grenades are an
invaluable tool to produce quick explosives and take care of groups, if
you can manage to snag someone at the back of a group without being
spotted, you can effectively nuke that group of enemies and slide out
by the time they realize.

View: 1555 times
Updated: 2023.07.01

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