Snowdrop Escape Cheat Codes

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Snowdrop Escape Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Snowdrop Escape Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Snowdrop Escape Cheat Codes

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Snowdrop Escape

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Console Commands:
There are two ways to activate the developer console, and both are simple.

* In-Game:
Options -> Keyboard -> Advanced -> Check box for Developer console
* From Library:
Right-click the game in Library -> Properties > in Launch Options
type: -console

-=Achievement: Cheeke-Breeke=-
map sde_a05_sewer_a;wait 50;ent_fire achivka fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Silent and Fast=-
map sde_a06_industrial_a;wait 50;ent_fire achivka fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Familiar Tool=-
map sde_a06_industrial_a;wait 50;ent_fire achivka2 fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Big Iron=-
map sde_a07_tube_a;wait 50;ent_fire achivka fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Blue Room=-
map sde_dream;wait 50;ent_fire achivka fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Sister of Gnome-Astronaut=-
map sde_a10_liferoom_a;wait 50;ent_fire achivka fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Brain Dissolver=-
map sde_a12_escape_a;wait 50;ent_fire achivka fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Good Work=-
map sde_a15_final_a;wait 50;ent_fire achivka fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Flawless Work=-
map sde_a15_final_a;wait 50;ent_fire achivka2 fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

-=Achievement: Thin Link=-
map sde_afterword;wait 50;ent_fire achivka fireevent;wait 50;disconnect

View: 1198 times
Updated: 2023.07.10

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