30XX Cheat Codes

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30XX Cheat Codes
Name of the file: 30XX Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

30XX Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Useful Tip for Scripture Level:
It’s some of the hardest platforming in the game, but it isn’t

-=Most Important Tip=-
Don’t miss the Zookeeper’s Burden in the bottom right of the level.
After you get the Armatort leg piece jump off to the right to find it.

The level (especially the boss) is much easier with it.

Lethal Tempo Fighting Tips:
Crushing Void is a key! If you’ve beaten Absolution, the power you get
from him is a direct counter to Lethal Tempo. Whenever Lethal Tempo
does that one attack where it shoots out a wide spread of slow moving
gears in a crescent shape, fire off one shot of Crushing Void.

It’ll eat all the gears, become massive enough to fill the whole screen
and deal huge damage to all four faces of Lethal Tempo. If you have any
augs that boost power strength it’ll end the fight really quickly.

If you don’t like using Crushing Void as-is, you can combine it with
Rending Whirl to create a giant tornado that can also hit all four
faces at once and deal significant damage.

That’s if you’re playing as Nina of course. If you’re playing as Ace,
then I find it’s easiest to start with the face on the bottom, and hop
up onto, and down from, the platform in-front of it. From there, stick
as close to the right-side wall as possible and you can avoid a lot of
the boss’s attacks as you work your way up from bottom to top.

Void Double (Again, from Absolution) is a great Power to have to deal
damage quickly since Lethal Tempo can’t avoid it. As an alternative to
dealing huge damage, Echo Shell (From Echo Beast) is a great way to
protect you from the gears flying at you from above.

Gameplay Tips:
Go for attack damage, especially the aug that gives you +1 attack damage
at the start of every stage. If you can get a few of those you’re golden.
Enemies dropping health is your second priority. Movement speed is also
key, since you can.

Put on the modifier that makes each stage longer to +2. This gets you a
lot more opportunities to get augs before the difficulty ramps up.

Turn on some visibility options. I turned on a black border around the
player, enemies, and projectiles, and faded the background to white by 10%.
This would make a really good default, to be honest.

View: 678 times
Updated: 2023.09.30

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