TaliVan Cheat Codes

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TaliVan Cheat Codes
Name of the file: TaliVan Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

TaliVan Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips for New Players:
If you’re struggling, practice on “Boring Training” a few times, get
some cash from completing the level and the challenges; then upgrade!
Remember, upgrades make it easier! (EXCEPT the first two population
upgrades, as a low level car will slide due to the back weight of the
1st trailer).

The challenge targets are purposely low (except perfect win) so new
players earn cash quicker. The stats only update if you complete the

The AI are dumb! Trick them into explosives, walls or each other. They
travel in a straight line towards you, disregarding anything in their

* R – Restart level.
* Q – Quit to main menu.
* Space – Break! (Use them!).
* Left Shift – Boost (once unlocked).

View: 654 times
Updated: 2023.10.05

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