PULSAR: Lost Colony Cheat Codes

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PULSAR: Lost Colony Cheat Codes
Name of the file: PULSAR: Lost Colony Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

PULSAR: Lost Colony Cheat Codes

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Pulsar: Lost Colony

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Cheese the Final Boss:
Written by crm99336

There is a mechanic in the game that allows you to fire two different
weapons without dropping a cloak while using an A.O.G. ship. These
two weapons are the Bio-Hazard Turret, and the Flamelance Turret, both
have a range of 2.2 km. So against any of the crewed ships you might
run the risk of them direct impacting your ship with a probe, but that
is a very low chance. Thankfully, that risk becomes 0% when fighting
the Warp Guardian, which can’t detect you when you enter the Grand
Warp Gate cloaked, and also doesn’t launch probes at you.

So, for those who are either playing singleplayer or don’t want to
deal with the most mind numbing boss of your entire play through,
here’s the strategy you should follow, along with some personal

* Start with an A.O.G. Ship,(Stargazer, Carrier, or Sylvassi Swordship),
or find one and capture it.
* Collect the 4 Data Fragments you need. None of the special effect
ones are required for this, you could even have the Cursed Fragment
and still beat this guy with the same amount of effort, (that being
barely any).
* Order your AI to do literally nothing if you have them. Have them
stand in the cockpit uselessly. You can even remove Pi-Bot and Sci-
Bot, as their skills have no bearing on this fight
* Make sure you have the Turret Cooling and Damage Talents with your
Engineer and Weapons Specialist maxed! If you don’t have one or both
of them, spawn in their bots and repeat step 3!
* Warp up to the Grand Warp Gate when you’re done with everything else,
then enter it With Your Cloak Active. Once the fight starts, the Warp
Guardian will literally just float around, turning every once in a
while. Stay right at 2.1 km, * sometimes back off if it turns weird
and looks like its gonna hit you, and fire away. When the second
phase comes around, it’s no different, just do the same thing.

You’ve reached the Lost Colony. Congratulations!

My Recommendations: I would, and have, personally fight the Warp
Guardian with a Carrier, so you can use two, or both, of the Flamelance
or Bio-hazard Turrets, and the distance between the nearest turret
station and the Ship Controls is way closer than on the Stargazer or
Swordship, which can be beneficial for solo players.

A good ship that you can grab is one of the Caustic Corsair, one of
the Sector Commanders. Not only is it a heavily upgraded Carrier, but
it comes with an upgraded Bio-Hazard Turret! It is the perfect ship
for cheesing the final boss… If you don’t lose your sanity trying to
capture it, they call them Sector Commanders for a reason!

View: 1025 times
Updated: 2023.10.05

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