Species: Artificial Life, Real Evolution Cheat Codes

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Species: Artificial Life, Real Evolution Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Species: Artificial Life, Real Evolution Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Species: Artificial Life, Real Evolution Cheat Codes

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Species: Artificial Life, Real Evolution

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Questions and Answers:
* Is there a way to change camera angle without having to zoom all the way in?
Right-click-and-drag will rotate and pan the camera up and down, so you can
always zoom in and then pan up. Beyond that you don’t have much control over
pitch with the default RTS camera, but if you press “V” you can switch to a
first-person camera.

* Is there an easy way to see if a creature is carnivore/herbivore/omnivore?
If you hover your mouse over a creature you can see it’s diet in the mouse

* Is there a way to import creatures into a sandbox scenario that I have made/
altered in the editor and drop him into a scenario?
The gene editor creates synthetic genomes, which cannot be imported as living
specimens. However, you can use the “Gene splice” tool to inject those genomes
into living creatures, creating hybrid offspring. Do this for a few generations
and you should have something pretty close!

Or you can edit the exported creature’s text file in notepad. Just change the
line that says NumberOfSpecimens=”0" to NumberOfSpecimens=”1". It’s found here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Species ALRE\Creatures

Is there a way to turn off all this yellow text that seems to be the AI’s
“thoughts”, it appears when I select a creature. Maybe I accidentally turned
this on, but how do I turn it off?

You’ve probably accidentally hit “T”. You can press it again to turn it off.

View: 929 times
Updated: 2023.10.08

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