Sifu Cheat Codes

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Sifu Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Sifu Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Sifu Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Museum Boss Tips:
-=First Phase=-
For the first phase, try to bring the staff from previous area.
That way, you can block without taking chip damage. If you’re
going barehanded, try to parry or dodge away her first couple
moves and avoid the last 1-2 attacks, it will create an opening.
You can also interrupt her attack by using charged backfist while
she’s still telegraphing, no need to fully charge.

-=Second Phase=-
For the second phase, try to use flowing claw to face her backward.
When she run towards you, use crotch punch while facing her backward.
You can stun her that way, always work. For the “zoom” attack, parry
every time she shows a “white dash”, it’s her sign of attack.
Sometimes she flaunt though, just be aware. Good luck my friend!

View: 888 times
Updated: 2023.10.14

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