Station to Station Cheat Codes

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Station to Station Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Station to Station Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Station to Station Cheat Codes

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Station to Station

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Useful Tips:
Written by SirNerdAlotSki

* Make sure you are using your cards as much as you can.

* “Free Parallel Tracks” card can help a lot, you can use it to cross
water for free if there is a rail next to it, this can be very beneficial
if you don’t have any “Free water bridges” or “Cheap Bridges” cards

* Use your “Heavy Freight Train” card as much as you can but make sure
you always have one left for that big stack bonus you have been setting
up for.

* Some Star Challenges do not have to be finished when your done with
the level, you can go back after and get the star, once it is full you
can just save/quit and you will have the star, no need to replay the
whole level

* The levels that have cards you will always get a certain set, But
some cards are RNG (random) so if your using one of the videos to
complete the challenges you might not get the exact set of cards in
the video but there are only a few real close fund challenge levels
that this will make a difference on

* The way the levels are completed in the videos are just the way I
did them, The design of the levels are pretty awesome so there are
so many ways to complete each level

* Remember if you place a rail not to your liking just use the “reload
checkpoint” it will go back to your prior connection

* Take the time to plan out where you are going to use the “Mixed Train”
cards (Freight and Passengers) as some levels you might just get one.

View: 951 times
Updated: 2023.10.22

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