My Hero Ultra Rumble Cheat Codes

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My Hero Ultra Rumble Cheat Codes
Name of the file: My Hero Ultra Rumble Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

My Hero Ultra Rumble Cheat Codes

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My Hero Ultra Rumble

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

Beginners Tips and Tricks:
You’re gonna have to get good and that just happens by trial and error.
Recognize what mistakes you made when you die and what you did right when
you win a fight (or even a match). If you die without learning anything new,
then it’s a pointless death.

Even learning that something infuriates you and is bs is better then not
learning anything at all.

Now, before I go on, know that what I’m about to say is completely subjective:
I might say something you disagree with.

Change your characters

* I’m gonna be honest with you, Kendo and Shiozaki are heavily reliant on
you communicating with your teammates because of their utility in their
* Kendo has her barrier and Shiozaki has a nasty grab. Those skills alone
are fine, but with teamwork is when they really shine, like getting your
team closer to the enemy safely with Kendo or confirming a kill as you
shred whoever you grab as Shiozaki.
* It doesn’t sound like you’re running games with a friend or two and just
going with randoms.
* Uraraka is trash. She’s squishy (250 health, the lowest in the game tied
with Tsuyu), her special is nothing to write home about except the
occasional long jump, 2 of her 3 abilities can be interrupted and her M1,
despite being nice on paper, has a shortish range and is kinda inconsistent
from my experience.
* If you want to play a character like Uraraka, but isn’t completely trash,
just play Tsuyu. She’s infinitely safer, more mobile, and her special is
a fantastic revive. You might not have her atm, but she is free if you
play enough.

-=Play the Meta=-
Currently, the Meta is Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Tsuyu.

Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki have M1 abilities that have significant range
and damage that cannot be underestimated. The rest of their kits are really
good too. Midoriya and Bakugo are hyper mobile and Todoroki has CC built into
his kit.

Tsuyu not only is hyper mobile, but she has some strong damage. While her
damage numbers don’t exactly match a consistent MBT (see the above sentence)
choice pick, she’s exceptionally safe and an excellent scouter. She provides
all the safety these hyper aggressive characters need while still being
notorious to deal with due to how fast and mobile she can be.

I’m not saying other characters CAN’T be good. Mr. Compress and All Might are
fantastic in their own rights and can certainly hold their ground with similar
tricks, but other characters either lack the range or the damage to deal with

-=Focus on a single skill to lv9=-
When you’re leveling up skills with the rainbow cards that allow you to choose
whatever you want to upgrade, it’s best to focus on the main damage ability for
the character.

For MBT and many others in the cast, it’s their M1

Why rush a single skill to level 9? To simply put, it’s a massive damage buff.
Midoriya goes from 70 all the way to 100 per shot at max level. That’s not even
detailing the other things that change too!

To put it more in depth:
* Skills typically have 2 major boosts in power: Lv 4 and Lv 9. Sometimes Lv 7,
but not always.
* You need 8 levels to get to level 9, which is a fair investment to make, but
one that will reward you substantially with more cards as your damage will be
far higher then your opponents, who, in this scenario, decided to spread out
their levels.
* 9, 1, 1 hits much harder then 4, 4, 3. It’s the same logic MOBA players use
when they level up their skills: It’s much better to max out one as soon as
possible rather then trying to level them all up evenly.

-=Finish the Fight=-
This game doesn’t have a bleedout timer, like other BR games. Instead, after 20
straight seconds of no violence, any enemy that was downed, will get back up.

So if you fight a Bakugo and down him, then his team gets caught up fighting you
and you leave that Bakugo alone, he’s gonna crawl away and wait. When he does
get up, you’ll have to deal with him all over again.

Even if it’s not a Finishing Blow to restore your Shield, it’s still best to kill
downed enemies immediately because you don’t want to fight them again:
They won’t do the same mistake you do.

Down enemies don’t have I-frames from being combo’d and they always have 400

Melt them as fast as you can UNLESS you have to address the elephant in the room.

-=Card Colors=-
You’ve probably seen colored cards with characters on them.

If you have the same color, they usually upgrade your skill relating to what
letter they have (a, b, and y).

Now, if you don’t have the matching color (or are maxed out on one of your
skills) the card will become one of your two new abilities.

* Yellow gives you Defense.
* Red gives you Attack.
* Purple increases your Reload Speed.
* Green periodically heals you.
* Blue gives you a movement speed buff.

Obviously, if you have a certain color that matches an ally: give it to them.

Green is fantastic, but your support should get the levels that they could be
missing out on.

Breaking it down based on what I’ve seen:

* Assaults (Yellow) really love Green and Red. Green gives them healing to handle
the damage they’ll be taking and Red allows them to dish out even more.
* Rapids (Blue) usually go for Purple and Red. Rapids reload often, so having
that reduced wait between skills is always great. Red for more damage cause
damage is great.
* Strike (Red) usually go for Yellow and Green. Yellow and Green both help Strikes
battle other Strikes who usually are outputting A LOT of damage. Strikes are the
ones typically focused in a fight, so having extra survivability helps.
* Techniques (Purple) usually want… I don’t honestly know. A safe bet would be
to say Red and Blue? Red for damage and Blue to supplement their relatively
low Movement.
* Supports (Green) want Yellow and Blue. To survive and get out if they need to
as they typically have high amount of health, but little to no movement options.

* You need 3 Grey Revive Cards to make a full one. You can see how many each of
your teammates have. If you have less, try to give them the pieces to make a full
* Also, give the revive to your safest and most mobile teammate; typically a Rapid.
* Finishing Blows restore all your shield, so if you know your allies are tangoing
with the other two enemies, get your shield back up and jump back into the fight.
* Map spawning matters. You can zoom in to make your spawn more precise so you can
spawn in better parts of the area, like on top of the water slide or on top of a
dome (instead of inside it)
* Rubble, when destroyed, can spawn civilians. Civilians, depending on the color,
will usually drop 1 Grey Revive Card and either a Team Heal for Health or Shield.
Never turn them down.
* A special child civilian can spawn in trees and bushes, be on the look out for the
rare spawn as they’ll provide multiple team skill level ups when saved.
* Pick your fights. If you see two teams fighting, don’t just rush in midfight. Wait
for them to get low and clean up.
* Don’t be afraid to go into the death zone if it means you get a better position.
Usually you can heal up the damage done.
* Stick with your team. Even in dumb decisions. If you truly have no faith, try to
stay nearby, but with an escape plan ready. Winning solo is hard enough.
* High Ground is best ground. Height advantage is always a must have.

View: 1833 times
Updated: 2023.10.30

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