Sailwind Cheat Codes

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Sailwind Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Sailwind Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Sailwind Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips for Sleeping While Sailing:
Written by tyrswrath

It is quite possible to figure a ‘daily routine’ as well in the
game in terms of sleeping. Waking up early morning, do stuff like
fishing and navigation during the day and head back to bed around
when the darkness has set in.

-=Sleeping Tips=-
* Don’t lock the wheel, just leave it as the game has a mechanic
that’ll attempt to keep your boat going in a straight line.
* Careful about having too much sail out that might capsizing during
your sleep.
* Do anchor within archipelagos if you don’t want your boat to ‘wash
up’ anywhere, even with no sails!
* Hunger and thirst break up the sleep, use it to your advantage to
keep checking on course, wind, etc. while you get through the night.
Easy to get a full bar sleep for next day with little interruptions
to check on things.
* Sleeping saves the game. Sleep little bits often if you want to
avoid loosing a significant amount of play time.

View: 1366 times
Updated: 2023.12.28

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