Lunacid Save Game

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Lunacid Save Game
Name of the file: Lunacid Save Game - Author: DAV - [PC]

Lunacid Save Game

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Basic Tips for Level 1 Forsaken Gaming:
Written by Admiral Kosmov

One thing you’ll notice is that your walking speed and jump height sucks. Get
used to it. You can sorta-dash if you have any weapon with forward thrust –
simply charge it up and release the moment you start your jump to keep some
of the momentum. Safer alternative to Axe of harming, at least until you get
strong enough to get it.

* You’d think that avoiding fights is going to be the main srategy, but the
opposite is actually true – you die to one hit from most of the enemies so
you can’t really afford to be caught by surprise. Also, enemies drop loot
which you will need more than anyone else.
* Get to the Yosei forest as soon as you can and pick up the bow. It’s better
than crossbow, and you don’t need money to get it in the first place.
* Summons are your friends – kodama and fairy are the easiest ones to get.
* Getting blessed wind is important. As soon as you get enough mana to cast
barrier, go get the best melee weapon in the game. It’s okay to spend a
couple of mana potions to get there, you’ll make up for it with the sheer
power of SLASH.
* Surprisingly, throwing knives are actually useful to you. Get all the ocean
bone shards you can see!

* Prioritize getting ocean elixirs and earth elixirs over anything else. They
literally hard-carry you as the only way you can get more health and mana.
* As soon as you get barrier and enough mana to cast it, go back to the Hollow
Basin and get to the Forbidden Archives. From there, you can use the barrier
spell to create ‘steps’ going down directly outside of the area with save
crystal. That’s where you’ll find Axe of harming, your main movement option
that will carry you through the rest of the game. (you can also sorta cheese
it even earlier if you get the summon snail ring, but I recommend not relying
on random drops for the sake of your sanity).
* Bombs and urns are great if you need some damage, but it takes some skill
to use them well. Save before you use them up and test the ranges before
engaging with any stronger enemies.
* Moon vials also restore mana. Very important for you, since you have so
little mana to spend in the first place.
* The entrance to Yosei forest is a good farming spot to get more potions and
silver, but don’t spend too much time farming.

View: 634 times
Updated: 2024.02.10

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