Godsworn Cheat Codes

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Godsworn Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Godsworn Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Godsworn Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

In this quick tutorial, you can find the most common and
useful cheat codes for the Godsworn game. This information
is for those who just wanna cheat, but remember to do backup
of your saves.

-=How to Enable Console=-
It’s very simple! There is a cheats tickbox, on the Skirmish menu.

Code Effect
cc_parrythis.[num] - Knight with MG42
cc_greed - Gives resources
cc_pride.[num] - Gain XP
cc_envy.[num] - Gain Worshippers
cc_plebs.[num] - Spawn Tribesman
cc_torch - Puts down a torch that reveals area
cc_wrath - Gives access to skillpowers including ones
that will crash the game atm so use at your
own peril
cc_light - Shows the whole map (has slight flicker)
cc_possessed - Makes the AI play for you
cc_exorcisme - Removes the AI
cc_farmerprotest.[num] - Angry peasants
cc_changeling - Make a unit yours
cc_stun - Stuns the selected unit
cc_givefaith.[num] - Gives faith
cc_givewealth.[num] - Gives wealth
cc_givefood.[num] - Gives food
cc_givewood.[num] - Gives wood
cc_wingame - You win
cc_losegame - Fun!
cc_silence - Silences the selected unit
cc_sloth - Instant Build
cc_focustrue - Have the camera lock to the hero
cc_focusfalse - Have the camera unlock from the hero
cc_darkness - Hide the map

-=XP Gain=-
Level XP to Next Level
1 - 50
2 - 130
3 - 210
4 - 290
5 - 370
6 - 450
7 - 530
8 - 610
9 - 690
10 –

View: 2708 times
Updated: 2024.03.25

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