News Tower Cheat Codes

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News Tower Cheat Codes
Name of the file: News Tower Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

News Tower Cheat Codes

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News Tower

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Useful Tips:
Written by Fishman

-=Setting Up Shop=-
At the start of the game you will be given an empty building to start
your grand paper (unless you started with the tutorial which gives you
a pre-furnished building to use). The layout of your tower is key to
success in this game.

Starting off you will want 3-4 floors, with typesetting on the bottom
floor, assembly on the next floor up, then printing/maintenance, and at
the top floor anything else, such as reporter desks and telegraphing
desks. The reason for this is to minimise employee travel times inside
your tower, since reporters only have to go up one flight of stairs to
get the report to the typesetters who only have to do the same to get to

For the floor(s) that have printing equipment on, try to position them
as far from other workplaces as possible and use walls, doors and
wallpapers to minimise the noise.

-=Getting the News=-
Now that you have a well laid out tower and the repair workers have
stopped complaining about the printer noise, you can start to report
on the news.

The first step is to find news using a telegraphing station. I recommend
2-3 when starting, but it’s a good idea to increase that number later,
as they can be a bottleneck later on. When you have quests from districts
or factions for certain stories, try and prioritise those types of news,
like sports or politics. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to close
communications that either aren’t needed or won’t provide much of a story,
as this clears the station for more useful stories.

After that it’s time for the reporters to get out and report on the news.
As this is one of the most important jobs in your tower, it’s best to
keep the reporters as happy as possible, to prevent the news being
sloppily reported. Items are also very useful as they can drastically
improve your reporters’ skills and reduce the time needed to report.

Pro Tip about Mafia:
Written by Pinstar

The ideal week is one where you complete both your mafia mission and your
district mission. This is often times not too hard to accomplish with one
main exception.

Sometimes the mafia will give you a mission where they don’t want you to
print certain tags.

The very first mission they give is an example of this, where they don’t
want you to print Politics that week.

Make sure you’re mindful that your district mission, which consists of
several tags that you NEED to print that week, doesn’t conflict with the
mafia mission.

This is simple to avoid in the early game, but later on it becomes trickier.
Later districts will require secondary bronze, silver and gold tags and each
of those tags can come from different base story types. If the mafia is
embargoing one of those types, you might be forced to complete either your
district mission OR the mafia embargo but not both.

Not all district quests are hard. Some are very low risk, low reward but
still open up parts of the map. My suggestion is to do these super-simple
district quests whenever you have a mafia embargo looming to minimize the
chance of betting locked out of finishing one or the other and thus
maximizing your rewards.

Advertisement (Ads) Explained:
Written by Smiffee

* Ads are “reported” by your sales staff, after they have been offered to
you by advertisers based on the mix of stories in your previous paper.
* Just like a news story they need to be brought into the office and
processed by your Typesetter and Assembler, then dropped into your page
layout on printing day.
* It doesn’t matter where you place it for the money the ad brings, but each
ad will have a type assigned to it (crime, society, etc) so they do trigger
the bonus for matching types on a page.
* Not all ads pay cash, some offer particular tags like Mafia or Alarming etc.
* They don’t seem to expire much either, so a stack of prepared ads can be
handy for padding out a thin issue!

View: 1460 times
Updated: 2024.04.01

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