Mighty Party Cheat Codes

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Mighty Party Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Mighty Party Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Mighty Party Cheat Codes

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Mighty Party

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Outlands Tips:
* Fusing heroes wastes silver so train them naturally in combat.
* Never upgrade any hero that isn’t elite. A grade VIII hero can
get up to 1800%+ boosts. Elite heroes should only be upgraded
using other elite heroes as using non-elite heroes nerfs elite
* Gaining a tier refills food gauge to max. So try to go up a tier
as you empty your food
* A hero found at a higher grade has a better elite boost than low
level elites upgraded with other elites
* Warlord should absolutely only be upgraded with full elite units.
* Best ranged units have range 3. They’re very rare at start of the
game. Evolution rank is a good initial guide to how good a hero is.
* Good early units are Zombie Wolf and Dead Swine. They have good
attack, def and HP.

On Map part 2 first map “On The Other Side 1” is a good map to grind
for heroes. Witch Disciple is a range 3 unit with attack steal that
imo is best unit in game. Dead Gorilla has good attack, def and HP.
Both units can be used up until endgame by evolving them.

For Evolution Sector Mine is useful, Training Yard is junk, Shadow’s
Castle isn’t great as fusing isn’t good. Rare Evo is tough and needs
very strong stats to beat. Oozies, Eggs and Toads get evolution
heroes that are necessary for some evolutions but it’s only use is
getting heroes unavailable elsewhere.

Camera is best item and should be used only if there’s a hero you
want to add to your team. Juicy Meat is a lot better at endgame
since at tier 71 it refills 138 Meat so using it at low levels where
it refills 40 Meat is a bit of a waste.

If willing to whale a little Ruby Crypt might get decent starting
heroes for 1k gems or so. Otherwise you can F2P from Stone Crypt and
still clear first worlds without issue.

Elite rate drops each time you do a map and slowly increases over
time. This means that if wanting elites you should do things like
evolution sector or maps that don’t drop heroes last as completing
them lowers elite drop rate.

View: 1352 times
Updated: 2024.09.15

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