Sugar Service Cheat Codes

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Sugar Service Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Sugar Service Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Sugar Service Cheat Codes

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Sugar Service

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

-=Where to Enter the Cheat Code=-
Activating these codes is straightforward. Follow these steps:

* Launch Sugar Service.
* Access the "Phone" icon at the top-right corner, then navigate
to the "Settings" (Gear) icon.
* Enable the "Cheats" option.
* Input the relevant cheat code for your game version and press Enter.
* Once activated, the "Cheat Options" will be unlocked. Use the
on-screen -/+ signs to adjust your attributes as desired.

These cheat codes will allow you to modify many variables and parameters
of the game: time skip, character chapter skips, money boost, stat boost,
and leveling boost.

* Ver. 0.10A - mamawal5225

-=How to Activate Cheat Options without Cheat Codes=-
For those eager to bypass the wait for the latest cheat codes, an a
lternative method exists. By modifying a game file, you can unlock
the in-built cheats:

* Locate the "00console.rpy2 file in your game directory.
* Open it in Notepad and search for the line "config.console=False".
* Alter it to "config.console=True", save your changes, and launch the game.
* Press SHIFT + O to open the console, type cheat = 1 or cheats = 1,
and hit Enter.
* Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the cheat options without using a code.

View: 16101 times
Updated: 2024.09.28

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