Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge Cheat Codes

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Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge Cheat Codes

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Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

List of Mechanic Terms:
* Vanguard: Must be attacked first.
* Flank: Can attack troops the turn it’s deployed.
* Rally: When deployed.
* Comouflage: Can’t be targeted with stratagems until it attacks.
* Blind: Sets Ranged attack value to 0 for one turn.
* Codex: Does X when you spend all your Energy.
* Invulnerable: Can’t take damage or be destroyed.
* Shield: Absorbs the next instance of damage.
* Blast X: Deals X amount of damage to adjacent enemies when attacking.
* Sniper: If it kills a unit with Ranged while attacking, they don’t retaliate.
* Stealth: Can’t be attack or targeted for a round.
* Flying: Can only be attacked in Melee by another Flying unit.
* Stun: Can’t attack (still retaliates).
* Concussive: Units damaged are Stunned.
* Shuriken X: Deals X damage to the target BEFORE attacking.
* Armour X: Takes 1 less damage from all sources per Armour, to a minimum of 1.
* Synapse: Single target stratagems are copied on adjacent Units.
* Mob: Does something when another friendly unit does a Melee attack.
* Backlash: Triggers when this unit dies.
* Unstable: Deals 0-3 damage to adjacent units when it dies.
* Fast: Can attack on the same turn it’s deployed.
* Strike: Triggers after attacking, if it survives.
* Talent: Start of your turn gain a card in hand until end of turn.
* Ephemeral: Disappears from your hand at the end of your turn.

Explanation of the Factions:
* Space Marines reward “perfect” play with value engines that trigger upon
you hitting 0 energy (mana).
* Orks play many weak units supported by bigger AoE-touting fellows. Their
units tend to be cheap, but have downsides (e.g. their infantry are really
weak and take up board space, and their vehicles tend to hurt allies on death).
* Eldar have weak units very potent on the offensive, and an extra resource
fueled by their weak units’ deaths which strengthens their deck.
* Necrons have expensive units which can come back from death, are generally
tanky, and regenerate a lot of health.
* Chaos builds Doomguy on their board by stacking five hundred buffs over time
until you have to break through a unit which regenerates 20 health/turn and
instakills anybody that attacks him.
* Tyranids have units which can rapidly snowball out of control (i.e. unlike
Orks, their swarm units don’t worry about board space as they can merge to
combine statblocks, so they can play a weak unit and then turn it into a raid
boss on the next turn to suddenly end the game), and ‘lynchpin’ units which
copy all buffs targeting them onto adjacent cards for good value.
* There’s a bunch of ‘smaller’ differences (e.g. Eldar have more Flank, which
lets them play a unit that attacks another unit immediately), but this is my
experience with the faction playstyles so far.

Given how tanky the commanders are, the game as a whole leans towards a control-
oriented playstyle where your board beats up their board until your big guns come
out and you achieve critical mass, then you bully them out of existence.

View: 975 times
Updated: 2024.10.19

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