Starborne: Frontiers Cheat Codes

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Starborne: Frontiers Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Starborne: Frontiers Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Starborne: Frontiers Cheat Codes

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Starborne: Frontiers

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Defeat General Colosso Boss:
Written by R v Belisarius

-=Colosso - Update for consistent farming=-
Team: Salvation, Shepherd, Butcher, Apex, Meiying.

Apex was key to this: If the "Major Grand" minions have 2 or more
debuffs, their active skill cleanses and buffs themself – if less,
they attack and "Mark" their target. The Boss then attacks all "marked"
targets (and hits hard enough to usually 1 shot all but your Tank).
Note that they ignore their usual target if it is already "marked" and
"Mark" another instead.

This is really the key to understanding this encounter. Apex' role here
is to put two debuffs on the middle and bottom minions every round until
they die – to keep your healer alive. Apex only needs lvl 50, R0, Hacking
sufficient to never get resisted, and Speed to go before the Boss.

Use your strongest tank, most any healer.

Any 2 DPS that have either Skip or Back targetting to take out middle and
bottom minions. Never killed the top add at all. Note well: Your attackers
MUST kill their targets on the same round. Otherwise, when they die, their
Passive Skill cleanses all of their friends – with the result that there
now remain 2 minions to "Mark" targets, the Top one will mark your tank,
the middle/bottom remaining will Mark your Healer and then the Boss will
kill your Healer and you lose.

Best if both your attackers can 1-shot their initial targets, otherwise
adjust their gear so they both consistently kill their minion in the same
number of rounds (this may require making one of them weaker if they are
occasionally getting lucky and killing a round sooner than your other

Tips for Selling:
Helpful tip as someone who’s farmed a lot of bounties. When selling your
equipment – don’t sell your legendary speed thrusters or weapons that
are lower star rankings if you think they could be useful for your ships.

Sometimes You don’t need that extra atk power (for support ships and tanks)
on your weapon, or speed for any of your units- but it could have perfect
substat rolls.

On Occasion I do mass selling of junk equipment like this:

I never sell any cloaking set items so they’re always filtered to be kept.

* Filter to show only sensor, thruster, and software that has flat main
stats HP, ATK, Defense – Sell.
* Filter to show all common-rare equipment for ranks 1-5 – sell.
* Filter to show all equipment with combination of 3 bad substats (flat
atk, flat defense, flat hp, sometimes security if it’s a non-tank set).
* I pretty much keep everything that’s left, on the off chance there’s a
future need. Every day I choose a random piece from whats left and level
it to 4 for the daily challenge and will on occasion level things up to
12 for the rolls – taking 16 only the good rolls.

How to Defeat Mamma Maglienza:
Written by R v Belisarius

Mamma 15 first clear, finally, using Corrosion.

Wisteria T2, Valerian T3, Salvation M3, Shepherd M4, Purifier B3.

Purifier needs to be slower than the boss (<120) but faster than Salvation
- to cleanse the Reverse Repair debuff after it lands but before Salvation
heals. Also needs to be tanky, since the Capo’s are all targetting him.
5k Def, 15k HP was more than enough.

Wisteria & Valerian both R2 with 100% crit / crit damage so their passives
always give +1 turn DoTs, and enough Hacking to never be resisted
(310 was more than necessary).

Any healer / tank will do if they can keep up.

Its consistently farmable, but ugly – 2-4 of my ships die just before Mamma
kicks off. Seeing Purifier as last man standing is pretty funny.

How to Beat Fenri Khaliriz:
* Fenri 15 with more obtainable units.
* Valerian T1, Purifier T4, Shepherd M4, Apex B1, Salvation B4.
* Tank and maybe healer need 6*, the rest can be lvl 50.
* Purifier – needs to be faster than Shepherd, clears the inferno before
it takes effect.

Apex really helps keep Shepherd alive. Speed must be faster than Fenri (or
the speed debuff lapses when he uses active skill, and boss goes twice – last
one round, first the next). Hacking needs to be high enough to consistently
land debuffs. Mine’s at 300 hacking, seeing zero resists.

Valerian does all the damage. This should work with Wisteria if you have her
at R2 and 100% crit/crit damage to get the extra round of damage.

Shepherd just needs a ton of def. If you have a better tank, use it.
Level 60 really helps.

Spaced out formation matters – so Fenri can only kill one ship per turn. Gives
Valerian a few extra turns to finish the boss if your tank dies early.

Farmable, works every time, but slow: takes about a minute twenty.

How to Beat Eelune Nephula:
1 round 5second kill on Eeluun. This is an interesting one, because I believe
the entry to achieving this is quite low. That is.. If you have all 5 units,
you can likely do this.

This is due to low gear/stat requirements.

* Sentinel/Grif need only enough speed to go faster than mei.
* Asphyx only needs hacking to apply debuff
* Pang could have zero gear, in my 5s clear they dont even have a turn.
They are purely here for their r2 passive.

Mei is the only unit needing gear. mine is definitely achievable with 17k attack
and 140% CD. This overkills the boss by 40k dmg, so you could reduce the stats
even further no problem. see pic for stats

I get it that units are the hardest/rng orientated thing to acquire, but anyone
out there with pang r2 and the other 4 units here, I’d be really interested in
seeing you try this. even if not a round 1 clear, it will comfortably be round
2 for you im sure.

View: 1130 times
Updated: 2024.10.28

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