Monster Never Cry Cheat Codes

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Monster Never Cry Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Monster Never Cry Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Monster Never Cry Cheat Codes

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Monster Never Cry

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Quick Guide to Devil Core and Unit Probability:
Written by Stergeron152

To make things easier I’ll calculate at 100 devil cores.

-=For 100 Cores You Get=-
* 76.5 shards which convert to 1912.5 Evo gems equaling about
0.31875 of an a/d unit
* 1.5 a/d units on average
* 20 packs of 5 a/d shards which convert to 2 a/d units
* And 2 dolls that can be used in place of a/d units.
* For 100 spins your given 100 primeval crystals which convert
to 1.6666 a/d units.

This gives us a total of 5.485416 a/d units per 100 cores which
translates to 1 a/d per 18.23 cores not including the 2 dolls which
makes it every 13.36 cores if you consider them a/d units.

This makes devil cores the absolute best way to get a/d units. In
comparison to get enough Evo gems to buy an a/d unit you need about
200 standard gacha pulls.

Note: The interesting part is that I didn’t include the guaranteed
epic+/doll at 100 spins and since you can’t get hellfire units from
cores it means a/d units are more common than hellfires by a crazy
amount. Shows why most teams run 4 a/d and 1 hellfire.

View: 2292 times
Updated: 2024.10.28

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