Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Save Game

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Save Game

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Name of the file: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Save Game - Author: TKV - [PC]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Save Game

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all side tasks are done [1.2]

Save before the start of the story. For those who do not want to suffer with the passage of additional missions, but want to have additional bonuses from their completion (or want to complete the game 100% without additional stress). Only unavailable side missions at the start of the game (Sparrow flights, races) have not been completed

What has been completed:

All services (pizza delivery, medic, police, taxi driver, firefighter)
Completed off-road races (PCJ Playground, Trial by Dirt, Test Track, Cone Crazy)
Completed missions with radio-controlled models (RC Bandit Race, RC Baron Race, RC Raider Pickup)
Collected all hidden packages (100 pieces)
Completed all unique jumps (36 pieces)
Completed all stadium events (Hotring, Bloodring, Dirtring - 1 time each)
Collected a decent amount of money ($238,867)
Purchased an impressive arsenal (pistol, mp5, Molotov cocktails, SPAS shotgun, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, hammer)


Download archive
Save path: Documents\Rockstar Games\VC 1_2\savegames

Name of the zip file:

File size: 14 091 octets

Downloads: 1137 times
Updated: 2025.03.05
View: 1137 times
Updated: 2025.03.05

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