NHL 2002 - Cards Save File

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NHL 2002 - Cards Save File

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Name of the file: NHL 2002 - Cards Save File - Author: DAV - [PC]

NHL 2002 NHL cards save file

Updated: May 14, 2003


Copy "nhlcards000.ncp" into the following directory:

C:\Program Files\EA SPORTS\NHL 2002\user\nhlcards\

This is the default installation directory.  If you changed it then you can 
do a search for ".ncp" [no quotes] and find the "nhlcards" folder.

Note: You may want to backup your already existing copy of nhlcards000.ncp
before copying this file to that directory.


This file has at least two types (bronze/silver/gold) of each and every 
single possible card.  It contains all 189 cards so as far as I'm
concerned it's 99% complete.

Here are the card types that have not been obtained.

Gold                     Silver              Bronze
9   Todd Bertuzzi        166 Man Advantage   52  Phil Housley
23  Vincent Damphousse                       163 Momentum Masher
30  Patick Elias
36  Ron Francis
38  Simon Gagne
43  Roman Hamrlik
69  Antii Laaksonen
101 Chris Pronger
123 Brendan Shanahan
127 Scott Stevens 
142 Roman Turek
157 Crusher to Usher
159 Fired Up
161 Flubug
164 Penalty Free

This zip file can be found at http://www.cheathappens.com



...You will find the rest of this information in: readme.txt,

if you download this file: davnhl2002csf.zip
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...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

if you download this file: davnhl2002csf.zip
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Name of the zip file: davnhl2002csf.zip

File size: 1 610 octets

Downloads: 5644 times
Updated: 2003.05.26

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