Grand Theft Auto : Vice City - Audio Decoder

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Grand Theft Auto : Vice City - Audio Decoder

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Name of the file: Grand Theft Auto : Vice City - Audio Decoder - Author: PAR - [PC]


  ____                         _  _                 _   _    ______  ______
 |  _  \                      | ||_|              _| |_| |_ |___   ||___   |
 | |_| | ____  ____  ____   __| | _  ____   ___  |_| |_| |_|   /  /    /  /
 |  __ // _  ||  __|/ _  | / _  || |/ ___| / _ \  _| |_| |_   /  /    /  /
 | |   | |_| || |  | |_| || |_| || |\__ \ |  __/ |_| |_| |_| /  /    /  /
 |_|    \____||_|   \____| \____||_||____| \___|   |_| |_|  /__/    /__/

                             Created by RAPTOR

  Nazev programu       : GTA Vice City Radio Station Music Decoder
  Verze programu       : 1.1

  Diky, ze jste si stahli tento program. 

  Tento program slouzi na prevod radiovych stanic ze hry GTA Vice City 
  do formatu mp3 a od verze 1.1 i z mp3 zase zpet do puvodniho tvaru. 
  Pokud se vam hudba ve hre libi, tak si ji poslechnete kdykoliv, nebo si 
  misto puvodnich radii namixijte svou vlastni stanici.


  Tento program pouzivate na vlastni riziko a ja jako autor neprebiram zadnou 
  zodpovednost za pripadne problemy, ktere se u vas pouzivanim t......

...You will find the rest of this information in: readme_cz.txt,

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  ____                         _  _                 _   _    ______  ______
 |  _  \                      | ||_|              _| |_| |_ |___   ||___   |
 | |_| | ____  ____  ____   __| | _  ____   ___  |_| |_| |_|   /  /    /  /
 |  __ // _  ||  __|/ _  | / _  || |/ ___| / _ \  _| |_| |_   /  /    /  /
 | |   | |_| || |  | |_| || |_| || |\__ \ |  __/ |_| |_| |_| /  /    /  /
 |_|    \____||_|   \____| \____||_||____| \___|   |_| |_|  /__/    /__/

                             Created by RAPTOR

  Program Name       : GTA Vice City Radio Station Music Decoder
  Program Version    : 1.1

  Thanx, you downloaded this program. 

  This is utility for converting Radio station files (*.adf) from GTA Vice 
  City game to music format (*.mp3) and back.

  So you can listen your most favorite Radio station in players like WinAmp 
  or import to game your own music.


  This program is provided "as is", without any guarantee made me to its 
  suitability or fitness for any particular use. It may contain bugs, so use 
  of this tool is at your own r......

...You will find the rest of this information in: readme_en.txt,

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███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █ ███ █     █ ███ █     ████    █ ███ █████ ███

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Name of the zip file:

File size: 253 441 octets

Downloads: 5969 times
Updated: 2003.05.29

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